Blinker testifying before Congress.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Chairman Meeks has already concluded Biden did no wrong, blames Trump in opening remarks.

This will be a clown show.

Chairman Meeks has already concluded Biden did no wrong, blames Trump in opening remarks.

This will be a clown show.

Did you hear the audio tape of him throwing the Faux Xiden Regime under the bus?

It's NOT my fault! It is Trump's Fault!
He made the deal to leave Afghanistan.

So President Trump was the president who coordinated a plan to leave Afghanistan, not you?
- Yes...ummm, NO, wait. I was the one who came up with the idea. We also had a great plan for a photo op.

Did President Trump remove all troops out of Afghanistan before evacuating Americans and allies?
- Umm, NO, but....

Did President Trump tell you to do so?
- Well, NO, but...

Did President Trump ignore warnings that the Taliban were quickly sweeping across Afghanistan?
- NO, but...

Did Trump tell you to ignore the military and Intel that the Talban would take over quickly?
- NO, but....

Did President Trump give the order to surrender Bagram Air Base before the evacuation was complete?
- Not exactly...

Not exactly or NO?
- No, but...

Did President Trump tell you to abandon the prison on Bagram Air Base before the evacuation was complete?
- Umm, NO, but you see...

Did President Trump refuse to secure Kabul until the evacuation was over?
- No...

Did President Trump ever tell you to hand Kabul over to the Talban during the evacuation?
- No, but wait, I...

Did President Trump tell you to endanger the evacuation by trusting the Talban to defend and protect Americans and allies evacuating?
- No, but....

Did President Trump tell the military NOT to leave the airport?
- Now wait a minute...

Yes or no, sir?
- No, but....

Did President Trump tell the military to protect an airport no one could get to?
- No, that was...

Did President Trump decided to tell the military NOT to help Americans and allies trying to make it to the airport?
- No, but Blinken said...

Were you told that Americans were being blocked from reaching the airport and beaten by the Taliban?
- How I was supposed to know my CIA and military weren't making that up?

Did you investigate any of the Afghanis before letting them on flights to America?
- YES, yes I did do that!

- I asked them if they were Taliban, Al Qaeda, or ISIS 1st?

Did you promise not to leave Afghanistan until all Americans were evacuated? Did you then strand Americans in Afghanistan?
- We did not 'strand' anyone in Afghanistan - Ask WH person Psaki. She'll tell you. Everyone who stayed wanted to stay.

What about the Americans on the internet pleading to be rescued?
- They are dog faced pony soldiers. They're not really in Afghanistan. They're being filmed from Trump's basement.

- Is it hot in here?

- I'm hot...and I feel like a popsicle
A popsicle?

- Yeah, like a popsicle. You know how they get when they are left out in the heat and start to melt....

- They go all blaaaaaaaaah......
(--Quick! Cut off his mike!)

Ok, I think we are done here...
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Haven't watched. It is a clown show.....BY BOTH PARTIES. Pubs will ask tough questions and then do NOTHING. Standard operating procedure inside the beltway. Its why I voted Trump. And its why I will vote for ANYONE who runs for POTUS that is not a career, insider, scum bag, corrupt, criminal politician.
Haven't watched. It is a clown show.....BY BOTH PARTIES. Pubs will ask tough questions and then do NOTHING. Standard operating procedure inside the beltway. Its why I voted Trump. And its why I will vote for ANYONE who runs for POTUS that is not a career, insider, scum bag, corrupt, criminal politician.
Smearing is all they do as they puff their chest out proving to the world what corrupt idiots they all are.
Haven't watched. It is a clown show.....BY BOTH PARTIES. Pubs will ask tough questions and then do NOTHING. Standard operating procedure inside the beltway. Its why I voted Trump. And its why I will vote for ANYONE who runs for POTUS that is not a career, insider, scum bag, corrupt, criminal politician.

What is being shown is how neither Biden or anyone on their team knew wtf they were they made horrific mistake after mistake that doomed the mission and resulted in Americans and allies left behind, our allies rebuking and abandoning us, humiliation, loss of credibility, etc... The Brits have sworn now no to take part in any military operation / endeavor we lead as long as Biden in President.

You're right, though. NOTHING will happen to this mentally handicapped traitor or his criminally inept stooges.
Blinken should be fired on the spot.
Defense Secretary Austin should be given the chance to resign before he is fired.
Chairman of the Jt Chiefs of Staff Milley should not be given that option and should be fired immediately.
USCENTCOM Commander McKenzie should be relieved of command immediately and told to retire.
Biden should be given the opportunity to step down voluntarily of removed from office via the 25th Amendment.
Blinken should be fired on the spot.
Defense Secretary Austin should be given the chance to resign before he is fired.
Chairman of the Jt Chiefs of Staff Milley should not be given that option and should be fired immediately.
USCENTCOM Commander McKenzie should be relieved of command immediately and told to retire.
Biden should be given the opportunity to step down voluntarily of removed from office via the 25th Amendment.
All absolutely true. But nothing will happen.

If Hillary can get away with the shit she did, there is absolutely NO JUSTICE for corrupt politicians.
Blinker still trying to claim Biden was bound by Trump’s deal.

What about the other hundreds of deals and such Biden just magically wrote away with an executive order?

Yeah Trump set it up, but he wasn't the one that approved and set up it's execution.

Trump I remember talking about a power vacuum in Afghanistan if they just suddenly pulled up stakes and ran away. He predicted everything that did happen if it wasn't handled properly.

But yeah he will still try and blame him despite it all.
Chairman Meeks has already concluded Biden did no wrong, blames Trump in opening remarks.

This will be a clown show.

Probably because Donald and his trumpkins are clowns
What about the other hundreds of deals and such Biden just magically wrote away with an executive order?
Once removed via the 25th Amendment for mental incompetence, everyone of his edicts, rules, and BS would / could be wiped immediately from existence.
Dimm Committee Chair Meeks has already run cover for Blinken by declaring today's hearing a 'hybrid commission' because Congress is not in session.
WTF is a hybrid commission except an Orwellian title to dodge accountability?

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