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More than enough to go around. Yet, GW and the adminstration hasn't 'turned the tables.'
The Irish Trojan's Blog
"It's the busses, stupid"
# 9/02/2005 05:46:00 PM EST
Posted by Brendan
Mayor Ray Nagin is getting a lot of positive press for berating federal officials yesterday, saying they need to "get their asses moving," stop calling "goddamn press conferences," and help his drowned city.
Well, bully for you, Mayor Nagin, way to talk tough. Unfortunately, you are the one who had the power to save the people of your city -- before Katrina struck -- and you failed miserably, as I noted at the time. And now, here is yet more evidence of your inexcusable negligence.
Because your plan (ha! like you had a plan) didn't involve actually evacuating the people you "ordered" to evacuate -- even though you could have evacuated them, or at least a whole hell of a lot of them, if you'd, well, had a plan -- you're out 205 buses, and perhaps 10,000 people.
"Too many cooks in the kitchen"? How about, "one too many idiots in the mayor's office"?
Did I say it's too early to play the blame game? I take that back. I blame you, Ray Nagin. Maybe not just you... but definitely, definitely you.
P.S. Take that "10,000" figure with a grain of salt. As I noted before, "wild early estimates of death tolls, formulated when everything seems utterly bleak and based on guesswork rather than facts, are sometimes wrong."