Blacks must consider separation from White America Now!!

... Africa needs 3 things

One country
One language
One currency

That's what Africa should be. .......

How big of you to tell an entire continent what they need, bigot. I know lots of people from various African nations who would put you on your ass for that. You should put your money where your mouth is and go take a trip to Ameri-splain it for the ignorant masses who hunger for your wisdom.
6. The OP seems pessimistic that African Americans & Caucasian Americans can ever really get along. But he seems to forget one point: The Caucasian population is shrinking fast. By the end of this century, they are projected to be a small minority
But what is interesting is that the share of Blacks remains still (or maybe there will be some increase of a couple percent). Today, they comprise 15% (approximately) of the total population. But they are very active and 'demanding' in their push for more rights and privileges, arent they? The Whites can only envy such 'activeness'.
6. The OP seems pessimistic that African Americans & Caucasian Americans can ever really get along. But he seems to forget one point: The Caucasian population is shrinking fast. By the end of this century, they are projected to be a small minority
But what is interesting is that the share of Blacks remains still (or maybe there will be some increase of a couple percent). Today, they comprise 15% (approximately) of the total population. But they are very active and 'demanding' in their push for more rights and privileges, arent they? The Whites can only envy such 'activeness'.

I have heard not a few of their leaders repeat that saying "the squeaky wheel gets the grease." It certainly seems to.
6. The OP seems pessimistic that African Americans & Caucasian Americans can ever really get along. But he seems to forget one point: The Caucasian population is shrinking fast. By the end of this century, they are projected to be a small minority
But what is interesting is that the share of Blacks remains still (or maybe there will be some increase of a couple percent). Today, they comprise 15% (approximately) of the total population. But they are very active and 'demanding' in their push for more rights and privileges, arent they? The Whites can only envy such 'activeness'.

I have heard not a few of their leaders repeat that saying "the squeaky wheel gets the grease." It certainly seems to.
Yes, it is certainly so. And that is a virtually endless motion. You know, I wait a significant political rise of Latino community in the US politics. I have dubious feelings about what consequences it may have.

From the one side, they are well known for their inability to form a prosperous state in their home country, corruption and crime rites.

From the other, they are conservative and dont have that laughable 'white guilt'.

It will be interesting to see where that ends in the US.
6. The OP seems pessimistic that African Americans & Caucasian Americans can ever really get along. But he seems to forget one point: The Caucasian population is shrinking fast. By the end of this century, they are projected to be a small minority
But what is interesting is that the share of Blacks remains still (or maybe there will be some increase of a couple percent). Today, they comprise 15% (approximately) of the total population. But they are very active and 'demanding' in their push for more rights and privileges, arent they? The Whites can only envy such 'activeness'.

I have heard not a few of their leaders repeat that saying "the squeaky wheel gets the grease." It certainly seems to.
Yes, it is certainly so. And that is a virtually endless motion. You know, I wait a significant political rise of Latino community in the US politics. I have dubious feelings about what consequences it may have.

From the one side, they are well known for their inability to form a prosperous state in their home country, corruption and crime rites.

From the other, they are conservative and dont have that laughable 'white guilt'.

It will be interesting to see where that ends in the US.

You have hit the nail on the head.

The future of the United States belongs eventually to Latinxs. That other ethnicity will have to work with them.

I live in the Los Angeles area. It is surrounded by smaller cities that are now predominately Latinx. No one is really astonished when the leaders of those suburbs get into trouble on corruption charges.

Yes, your great-grandchildren's children will be living in a very "interesting" country -- if its current configuration is still the same as today's.
Yes, your great-grandchildren's children will be living in a very "interesting" country -- if its current configuration is still the same as today's
I dont live in the US. And doubt that my possible grandchildren or their children will do. Though, everything is possible.
Yes, your great-grandchildren's children will be living in a very "interesting" country -- if its current configuration is still the same as today's
I dont live in the US. And doubt that my possible grandchildren or their children will do. Though, everything is possible.

I do not know where you live, but I hope that you live in a country where the majority of the people have agreed on what kind of economic system to follow and where the overwhelming majority share common cultural values.

Best wishes!
We black people must really consider separating ourselves from White America. We must consider a repatriation to Africa or creating our own State. Lets separate from white people now,! Things seems to be getting worse as we progress into the future with these white people.!
Sooner the better. Here's a nice cottage you can rent.


It's only a few blocks from the major shopping areas.

... Africa needs 3 things

One country
One language
One currency

That's what Africa should be. .......

How big of you to tell an entire continent what they need, bigot. I know lots of people from various African nations who would put you on your ass for that. You should put your money where your mouth is and go take a trip to Ameri-splain it for the ignorant masses who hunger for your wisdom.
We get that right when they beg and need us to provide for them.........Don't like it, they can support themselves.

From the one side, they are well known for their inability to form a prosperous state in their home country...

That is not so.
You have examples which prove the otherwise?

One hundred years ago, Argentina was one of the richest countries in the world, with a stable government and a prosperous people. From 1958 to the 1980s, Venezuela had a democratic government and was the wealthiest country in South America.
We are already separate. America is one of the most racially segregated places on the planet.

I'm a foundational black American. This is a black man's country. We built it. We were the first here.
I don't disagree with you on this point. This is your country.

We are America. We don't run like b*tches
White Americans ran like b*tches from Europe because they couldn't make it there.

We were already here. We don't run.
This is where we might disagree on the facts.

The white supremacists control all of Africa and they sabotage it. Africa needs 3 things

One country
One language
One currency

That's what Africa should be. All that tribal sh*t is what makes it easier for outsiders to exploit.
I agree 100% on this. Tribalism is partly to blame for the above (the part where we disagree) along with white supremacy.

Africans need to control Africa and if you can make that happen, I support you 100% (not that you need this white dude's support).

If Africans could organize, and stop fighting each other, there would be no stopping them. It would be hands down the most powerful nation ever to have existed.

I think the FedGov is nearly 100% to blame for the plight of some black folks. That's one of the reasons I want Texas to separate.

See, in Texas, we kicked the bullshit to the curb. We love our black brothers and sisters. WE CELEBRATE the TEXAS holiday Junteenth. It don't matter what color or creed. If you are a Texan. YOU ARE A TEXAN FIRST!!!
We black people must really consider separating ourselves from White America. We must consider a repatriation to Africa or creating our own State. Lets separate from white people now,! Things seems to be getting worse as we progress into the future with these white people.!

Don't worry, Joe Biden is putting Harriet Tubman on the twenty dollar bill! All you need to do is stay poor, and keep slaughtering each other in the cities run by Democrats. Oh, and abort your babies, too.

If Africans could organize, and stop fighting each other, there would be no stopping them. It would be hands down the most powerful nation ever to have existed.

Africa is not a nation.
He said he wanted Africa to become one nation. I said that if he could make it happen it would be the most powerful in human history.
This isn’t a prison camp. Everyone is free to leave as they please. Having said that all the America haters know the U.S. is where it’s at, so they’re just blowing off steam.
We black people must really consider separating ourselves from White America. We must consider a repatriation to Africa or creating our own State. Lets separate from white people now,! Things seems to be getting worse as we progress into the future with these white people.!
It was a lot worse in the 1960s. How will you draw the line of who is black and who is not.
I think you should crawl into your family tree / a large percentage of Black Americans have white folks in their family tree. many of you are only here because some white slave trader or owner put wood to your ancestors check it out. Then return to Africa if you please I'm sure you'll be well received then stripped of all your belongings and be resigned to the lowest cast of Society. have a great trip it's exactly why you don't leave they don't want you there or you're scared... run home .. please
We black people must really consider separating ourselves from White America. We must consider a repatriation to Africa or creating our own State. Lets separate from white people now,! Things seems to be getting worse as we progress into the future with these white people.!

What took you so long. We've been waiting 200 years for this day, can I buy you your ticket?

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