Blacks just want to get into their cars and drive to stores and stuff safely

I found nothing objectionable in what Pete said, but nothing of substance either. "We should all care" is nothing more than a bumper sticker slogan.
Are we out here trying to justify Tax payer employees killing US Citizens...

US Police kill it's citizens at 70 times the UK cop does...

You will come up with a raft of excuses but US cops kill more of there citizens per captia than any other country in the world..

By the way that number has increased since trump has been in office...

Trump may want to talk about 'Law and Order ', both things he doesn't have a good grasp on... The Police should return to 'Protect and Serve'...
Are we out here trying to justify Tax payer employees killing US
US Police kill it's citizens at 70 times the UK cop does...

You will come up with a raft of excuses but US cops kill more of there citizens per captia than any other country in the world..

By the way that number has increased since trump has been in office...

Trump may want to talk about 'Law and Order ', both things he doesn't have a good grasp on... The Police should return to 'Protect and Serve'...
British police unarmed
Another failed liberal apples to oranges but OH it Feels So Good to fakely state it.
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blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year
white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
cops murder --MAYBE--1 black per year
blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa
of course IM2, Billy, etc do not accept facts
blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year
white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
cops murder --MAYBE--1 black per year
blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa
What's your point?
That 3000 black people out of nearly 48 million are murderers?
Are we out here trying to justify Tax payer employees killing US Citizens...

US Police kill it's citizens at 70 times the UK cop does...

You will come up with a raft of excuses but US cops kill more of there citizens per captia than any other country in the world..

By the way that number has increased since trump has been in office...

Trump may want to talk about 'Law and Order ', both things he doesn't have a good grasp on... The Police should return to 'Protect and Serve'...

ILMAO...........First you ignore WHAT HAPPENED to go on some rant. Second you tried to compare crime in the USA to others. Meanwhile PROGS support criminals, so rich.

And you lied saying USA cops kill more per capita, when YOUR OWN LINK says you're full of shit.

Your attitude contributes to more deaths, because you don't hold thugs accountable. I know your parents failed to teach you this, but when you entertain bad behavior you get more of it. Meanwhile you complain about the results, so PROG

Weird how the rates are so high south of the border. Good thing we don't invite this high rate of crime across our border huh PROG?
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If 3rd degree sexual assault allegations are a reason to execute someone without a trial, then the Secret Service REALLY has their hands full this year.

You're lying. Not one word addresses what actually occurred, am I wrong? Why?

Shooting someone in the back is dishonorable. It is cowardice. If it results in death, it is murder 100% of the time. If it is done by the government, that is an extrajudicial execution by any definition. Sorry to break it to you.

Again, resist arrest or attack cops or be a threat to someone else like your own kids------cops gotta shoot. If you want your rights to a court hearing, don't give the cops a reason to shoot you so you can receive your rights. EASY---most people understand this--even most blacks . Why are there so many idiots who have trouble with this concept? You'd have to be really really stupid to not get this.

Resist a cop, get shot.
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If 3rd degree sexual assault allegations are a reason to execute someone without a trial, then the Secret Service REALLY has their hands full this year.

You're lying. Not one word addresses what actually occurred, am I wrong? Why?

Shooting someone in the back is dishonorable. It is cowardice. If it results in death, it is murder 100% of the time. If it is done by the government, that is an extrajudicial execution by any definition. Sorry to break it to you.

Again, resist arrest or attack cops or be a threat to someone else like your own kids------cops gotta shoot. If you want your rights to a court hearing, don't give the cops a reason to shoot you so you can receive your rights. EASY---most people understand this--even most blacks . Why are so many idiots who have trouble with this concept.

Resist a cop, get shot.

It didn't work out that way for George Floyd, now did it?
If 3rd degree sexual assault allegations are a reason to execute someone without a trial, then the Secret Service REALLY has their hands full this year.

You're lying. Not one word addresses what actually occurred, am I wrong? Why?

Shooting someone in the back is dishonorable. It is cowardice. If it results in death, it is murder 100% of the time. If it is done by the government, that is an extrajudicial execution by any definition. Sorry to break it to you.

Again, resist arrest or attack cops or be a threat to someone else like your own kids------cops gotta shoot. If you want your rights to a court hearing, don't give the cops a reason to shoot you so you can receive your rights. EASY---most people understand this--even most blacks . Why are so many idiots who have trouble with this concept.

Resist a cop, get shot.

It didn't work out that way for George Floyd, now did it?

No asshole, your "liberal" media purposely incited riots by editing what actually occurred to Floyd. Same as they did the asshole in Atlanta. And now they're suggesting the cops fucked up because a THUG resisted arrest and went for a weapon to kill cops.
If 3rd degree sexual assault allegations are a reason to execute someone without a trial, then the Secret Service REALLY has their hands full this year.

You're lying. Not one word addresses what actually occurred, am I wrong? Why?

Shooting someone in the back is dishonorable. It is cowardice. If it results in death, it is murder 100% of the time. If it is done by the government, that is an extrajudicial execution by any definition. Sorry to break it to you.
Are we now more in a "war" type situation? It seems like it. In defense of that cop, I believe that he is not looking to do what he did. He knows what is going on. And on the other hand, the man who was going to be arrested also knew what was going on. From the time of the apparent arrest to the tine he went to the car is what has to be studied. Why?
If 3rd degree sexual assault allegations are a reason to execute someone without a trial, then the Secret Service REALLY has their hands full this year.

You're lying. Not one word addresses what actually occurred, am I wrong? Why?

Shooting someone in the back is dishonorable. It is cowardice. If it results in death, it is murder 100% of the time. If it is done by the government, that is an extrajudicial execution by any definition. Sorry to break it to you.
Are we now more in a "war" type situation? It seems like it. In defense of that cop, I believe that he is not looking to do what he did. He knows what is going on. And on the other hand, the man who was going to be arrested also knew what was going on. From the time of the apparent arrest to the tine he went to the car is what has to be studied. Why?

Fact is the left is contributing to escalating all situations into the danger zone. Why?

1. Make martyr of thugs you get more of them and incidences of resisting arrest.
2. Excuse bad behavior expect more of it. Cops aren't the problem, somehow we forget.
3. Alienate cops expect worse cops, that's a clear certainty.
4. Hog-tie cops you get more dead cops.
5. Fight law enforcement expect more crime across the board, and so on. It's just basic logic, and that's where PROGS get confused.

The party of slavery only changed tactics. Today they apply victim roles, low expectations and don't hold the GUILTY accountable. Then they throw them a bone in the form of welfare, only to sit back and watch them self-destruct.

My question is who's worse, a fair slave owner who doesn't know any better or today's spectacle of PROG?
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blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year
white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
cops murder --MAYBE--1 black per year
blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa
of course IM2, Billy, etc do not accept facts
blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year
white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
cops murder --MAYBE--1 black per year
blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa
What's your point?
That 3000 black people out of nearly 48 million are murderers?
we have another non-graduate!!!!
3000 is 3000 times 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
???????????!!!!!!!!! you don't get it??????!!!!!!!!!

.....ok, I'll explain it to you--blacks should be putting all this massive protest/riot/etc effort into fixing why blacks are murdering blacks----police killing blacks is not a problem...blacks murdering blacks IS a problem concentrating on a non-problem, the real problem continues
Whites just want to freely move about the country, in any part of any city, without the threat of Blacks and Browns committing violent crimes against them. That has never been the case in the history of the USA or world for that matter. It has only got worse since democrats have taken complete control of most states and cities which means Blacks and Browns feel more entitled than ever to commit violent crime against Whites.
blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year
white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
cops murder --MAYBE--1 black per year
blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa
of course IM2, Billy, etc do not accept facts
blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year
white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
cops murder --MAYBE--1 black per year
blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa
What's your point?
That 3000 black people out of nearly 48 million are murderers?
we have another non-graduate!!!!
3000 is 3000 times 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
???????????!!!!!!!!! you don't get it??????!!!!!!!!!

.....ok, I'll explain it to you--blacks should be putting all this massive protest/riot/etc effort into fixing why blacks are murdering blacks----police killing blacks is not a problem...blacks murdering blacks IS a problem concentrating on a non-problem, the real problem continues
we have another non-graduate!!!!
3000 is 3000 times 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
???????????!!!!!!!!! you don't get it??????!!!!!!!
Not at all. I don't speak retard.
blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year
white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
cops murder --MAYBE--1 black per year
blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa
of course IM2, Billy, etc do not accept facts
blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year
white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
cops murder --MAYBE--1 black per year
blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa
What's your point?
That 3000 black people out of nearly 48 million are murderers?
we have another non-graduate!!!!
3000 is 3000 times 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
???????????!!!!!!!!! you don't get it??????!!!!!!!!!

.....ok, I'll explain it to you--blacks should be putting all this massive protest/riot/etc effort into fixing why blacks are murdering blacks----police killing blacks is not a problem...blacks murdering blacks IS a problem concentrating on a non-problem, the real problem continues
we have another non-graduate!!!!
3000 is 3000 times 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
???????????!!!!!!!!! you don't get it??????!!!!!!!
Not at all. I don't speak retard.
like I said, you must not have graduated 4th grade

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