Blacks in Chicago destroy Sharpton :::: Scream at how their elections are rigged!


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Oh man, these "uppity blacks' are escaping the Democrat plantation:

[ame=]Al Sharpton Gets Thunderstruck by Chicagoans - YouTube[/ame]

Notable point in video:

2:00 --- Stop blaming white people, and blame the right people. It's the policy of the Administrations, it's all those criminals...

2:20 --- It's the Fifth Floor that sent our jobs away.

2:45 --- It's like the Curse of Pharaoh, every other house if boarded up

3:00 --- Mr. President, the man you sent down here, as our mayor, Hates Us.

3:20 --- Let the Grassroot people, the real Negros of this community solve the problems; let the real Negros rebuild this once great city; not these cronies in Washington.

5:00 --- Last time I checked, the statistics said he (the Mayor) carried every black voter. Who voted for him?

When the question was asked "Who voted for him (the Mayor)" they all yelled in disgust --- no one.
Oh man, these "uppity blacks' are escaping the Democrat plantation:

Al Sharpton Gets Thunderstruck by Chicagoans - YouTube

Notable point in video:

2:00 --- Stop blaming white people, and blame the right people. It's the policy of the Administrations, it's all those criminals...

2:20 --- It's the Fifth Floor that sent our jobs away.

2:45 --- It's like the Curse of Pharaoh, every other house if boarded up

3:00 --- Mr. President, the man you sent down here, as our mayor, Hates Us.

3:20 --- Let the Grassroot people, the real Negros of this community solve the problems; let the real Negros rebuild this once great city; not these cronies in Washington.

5:00 --- Last time I checked, the statistics said he (the Mayor) carried every black voter. Who voted for him?

When the question was asked "Who voted for him (the Mayor)" they all yelled in disgust --- no one.

Why would you insult them by calling them "uppity" (******) and further insult them by basically calling them slaves (referred to as....*******) escaping the "plantation"? Who or what do you think they are escaping the "plantation" to go to? How do you think that the guy @ 5:00 on the video or the guy @2:00 on the video would respond to you if you pat them on the back and said; "Hey great, you're not a slave anymore, you're escaping the plantation, good boy!"? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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what are blue ribbon negroes?

great comments by all the folks. we should all take heart to the comments not just vote blindly.
Why would you insult them by calling them "uppity" (******) and further insult them by basically calling them slaves (referred to as....*******) escaping the "plantation"?

I was only quoting the black speakers destroying Al Sharpton. Did you watch the video?

The Democrats were the party of slavery.

The Democrats are the party of slavery.

The Democrats will remain the party of slavery.
Blacks always talk the talk, but never walk the walk
Gee. According to Truthspatters only the GOP keeps anyone from voting and rigs elections. Guess she better not read this thread it might throw her small brain around the room.

Of course blacks only seem to vote for Dems so I guess they can all kick themselves in the ass for the conditions in Chi town.
Only if Negro's loose there raciest attitude against white republicans will there future be bright. Nice to see some in Chi town understand this.
Only if Negro's loose there raciest attitude against white republicans will there future be bright. Nice to see some in Chi town understand this.

All the misspellings in your post aside, when you go around using the word "negro" like a petulant child, you are no better or different from the black racists you despise. You are what you hate.
Would "people of color" suit you better?
It's hilarious that 'people of color' are forever bitching and making every excuse Sharpton can invent for them to 'splain' why as an entire race can never rise above collective behavior closely resembling the apes who came down from the trees.
I know why! B/c every other race on earth has zero respect for endemic violent behavior and low achievement in every field of human endeavor save impregnating thirteen year old girls and stealing anything from any one that isn't chained down.....oh yeah. And murdering each other for a pair of Nikes....oh and flash mobbing stores.....oh and 'sucker punching' little old ladies. Did I miss anything? Oh yeah. And voting en masse for anyone who promises them 'free stuff'. Real classy bunch.
Only if Negro's loose there raciest attitude against white republicans will there future be bright. Nice to see some in Chi town understand this.

All the misspellings in your post aside, when you go around using the word "negro" like a petulant child, you are no better or different from the black racists you despise. You are what you hate.

What are you some uppity school teacher, typical liberal ass. I could of used the word ******,or Nagga. I do not hate Black only ******* (they come in all colors as you have proven). Or maybe Boy ,or brother are more to your liking. What about African American
Welfare Queen, Spear chucker, porch monkey pick one for me and I will use it to refer to the
Decent folks that are not white.

I will spell this correctly Go Fuck Yourself did I get it right


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