Blacks believe they are owed reparations !!

80% of the black population believe white Americans have profited from the slave labor their ancestors were forced to do !! and in return they should receive compensation !! 80 freaking % !!
Tell'em LOOK> Be happy or we'll send you here.You can spend the days dancing and picking bugs out of each others hair, just like the good old daze.


  • $uganda_3215_600x450.jpg
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My ancestors come from Austria/Poland.

May I have a refund from the Germans for gassing our race during WW2 ??

It'll make me feel better.

(see how stupid this is?)
80% of american blacks did not come from slavery.....
I'm finding that stat difficult to believe without anything else to demonstrate its veracity.

well as calif girl would say...why dont you research it...
I didn't bring it up.

So, you have nothing to support it.

As I said, I am having difficulty believing that stat without anything to demonstrate its veracity.

Translation: It's nothing but cheap talk until I see something of substance.

Just the way I roll.
so you really think 80% of american blacks descended from slavery....none came of their own free will from other countries?
You said, and that's ALL that happened - your saying something - that 80% of Blacks did not come from slavery.

And, without anything of substance to back it up, you want to be believed. Are you some sort of expert on African American ancestry?


Sorry, Bones; you don't get any default credibility on some random issue that is not your metier any more than any other poster.

It's nothing personal, but you seem to be taking it that way. I find that amusing.
Overall, the number of foreign-born blacks rose from 125,000 in 1980 to 2,815,000 in 2005, with a majority arriving just since 1990 (see figure). About two-thirds of black foreign-born are from the Caribbean and Latin America, and one-third from Africa. Only a small fraction were born in Europe, Canada, or elsewhere. But the African share is growing. More African-born blacks arrived between 2000 and 2005 than in the previous decade.

Immigration and America's Black Population - Population Reference Bureau

seems blacks are still coming to this country freely.....

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