Blacks believe they are owed reparations !!

Are the native americans owed reparations?

They get a check every month just for being native, so in a way they are getting reparations.

I have a lot of native american in me. My great grandfather was full blood and my great grand mother was 3/4 on my dads side and my grandmother on my moms side was also half cherekee indian .. They never got a check
Reparations?!?!?!? I think I deserve reparations as well. I know for a fact that one of my relatives was denied a job based upon the fact that he was too short. Back in the 60's, you couldn't get a job as a cop unless you were over 5'10". Now that is discriminatory and I can assure you that although I am 6'6", it has affected all of us in some manner. So I think Uncle Sam should write all of us a check. And what about all of those ancestors that had to ride in wagons clear out from the east coast to Oklahoma? Damn man, can you imagine how uncomfortable that was? I mean surely there should be a check in that somewhere?

Surely, one of these days, we can move past all of this crap?

My uncle was a cop on the SFPD in 1960 and he was 5' even. If your relative really wanted it he would have had it. The thing about those guys who rode the wagons west was that they did not do it in chains, and they had a choice in the matter. They could turn back or get off when ever and where ever they wanted. Not so in African slaves cases.
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i have never had that problem.....

documentation is gonna be a major problem.....most records do not carry any names...simply 'black female 42' on bills of sale....slavery was outlawed in must account for the numbers of free blacks that enter from other countries other than africa but then one encounters the problem that most slaves were imported thru the you may have descendants of slaves coming as freed blacks from those areas....

i dont think it will ever happen reparations due to many factors...documentation being one of them

Reparations should have happened after the slaves were liberated, now its too late. Like you said very few people can prove slavery, plus there are Blacks that live in the US whose ancestors came from Jamaica and the other Carribean Islands, and they don't have slavery roots here in the US. Plus I don't think you can put a dollar amount on the suffering and anguish those slaves went through, I think its too late and its unrealistic. I know of only 1 Black person who knows his history all the way back to what original family name he had from Africa, the country his ancestors came from and the language, which is impressive but I don't know if he has any documentation.

It was supposed to happen, “40 acres and a mule” but then Lincoln was assassinated and the Democrats took over and today most blacks side with their oppressors. The Democrats go figure.

ahhh......40 acres and a mule refers to the short-lived policy, during the last stages of the American Civil War in 1865, of providing arable land to black former slaves who had become free as a result of the advance of the Union armies into the territory previously controlled by the Confederacy, particularly after Major General's William Tecumseh Sherman's "March to the Sea." General Sherman's Special Field Orders, No. 15[1], issued on January 16, 1865, provided for the land, while some of its beneficiaries also received mules from the Army, for use in plowing.[2] Forty acres (16 hectares) is a standard size for a rural family plot, being a sixteenth of a section (square mile), or a quarter quarter-section, under the Public Land Survey System used on land settled after 1785. The combination of a 40 acre plot and a mule was widely recognized as providing a sound start for a family farm.

The Special Field Orders issued by Sherman were never intended to reflect an official policy of the United States government with regards to all former slaves and were issued "throughout the campaign to assure the harmony of action in the area of operations."[3] Sherman's orders specifically allocated "the islands from Charleston, south, the abandoned rice fields along the rivers for thirty miles back from the sea, and the country bordering the St. Johns River, Florida." Brigadier General Rufus Saxton, an abolitionist from Massachusetts, was appointed by Sherman to oversee the settling of the freed slaves.[4] By June 1865, around 10,000[citation needed] freed slaves were settled on 400,000 acres (160,000 ha) in Georgia and South Carolina.

After the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, his successor, Andrew Johnson, revoked Sherman's Orders and returned the land to its previous white owners. Because of this, the phrase "40 acres and a mule" has come to represent the failure of Reconstruction policies in restoring to African Americans the fruits of their labor.[5]

It is sometimes mistakenly claimed that President Johnson also vetoed the enactment of the policy as a federal statute (introduced as U.S. Senate Bill 60). In fact, the Freedmen's Bureau Bill which he vetoed made no mention of grants of land or mules. Another version of the Freedmen's bill, also without the land grants, was later passed after Johnson's second veto was overridden.

"The Special Field Orders issued by Sherman were never intended to reflect an official policy of the United States government with regards to all former slaves and were issued "throughout the campaign to assure the harmony of action in the area of operations."

you can stow that "the Democrats... go figure ..shit .
i have never had that problem.....

documentation is gonna be a major problem.....most records do not carry any names...simply 'black female 42' on bills of sale....slavery was outlawed in must account for the numbers of free blacks that enter from other countries other than africa but then one encounters the problem that most slaves were imported thru the you may have descendants of slaves coming as freed blacks from those areas....

i dont think it will ever happen reparations due to many factors...documentation being one of them

Reparations should have happened after the slaves were liberated, now its too late. Like you said very few people can prove slavery, plus there are Blacks that live in the US whose ancestors came from Jamaica and the other Carribean Islands, and they don't have slavery roots here in the US. Plus I don't think you can put a dollar amount on the suffering and anguish those slaves went through, I think its too late and its unrealistic. I know of only 1 Black person who knows his history all the way back to what original family name he had from Africa, the country his ancestors came from and the language, which is impressive but I don't know if he has any documentation.
there is a site on the 1st post in the link that verifies my claim that 80 % of blacks think they are owed !!
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It is apparent that the racial divide between blacks and Whites,blacks and Hispanics,blacks and native Americans,blacks and oriental's in America has not much improved over the decades !!
It is apparent that the racial divide between blacks and Whites,blacks and Hispanics,blacks and native Americans,blacks and oriental's in America has not much improved over the decades !!

Not surprising given that lowlife bigots like you do all they can to prevent any healing of the racial divide...and I apply that to racists from ethnic groups as well as the white racists like you.
It is apparent that the racial divide between blacks and Whites,blacks and Hispanics,blacks and native Americans,blacks and oriental's in America has not much improved over the decades !!

Not surprising given that lowlife bigots like you do all they can to prevent any healing of the racial divide...and I apply that to racists from ethnic groups as well as the white racists like you.
What have you done to improve race relations ???
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It is apparent that the racial divide between blacks and Whites,blacks and Hispanics,blacks and native Americans,blacks and oriental's in America has not much improved over the decades !!

Not surprising given that lowlife bigots like you do all they can to prevent any healing of the racial divide...and I apply that to racists from ethnic groups as well as the white racists like you.
What have you done to improve race relations ???
They get a check every month just for being native, so in a way they are getting reparations.

I have a lot of native american in me. My great grandfather was full blood and my great grand mother was 3/4 on my dads side and my grandmother on my moms side was also half cherekee indian .. They never got a check

Were they registered on the rolls?

Hell, I dont know they are dead to ask LOL
Second option.


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Well, wouldn't you if you were the offspring of slaves? (Blacks WERE slaves). OK. That was like, a zillion billion years ago. Common. I am white like they are black, because of fate, nothing else, and I owe the past ZILCH. I thought we were in this POST black shit, now, anyway.
My ancesors were slaves of the English. I want reparations too! Dammit!
Blacks that want "reparations" are just being assholes, and we all know it. It is an excuse. I know blacks, and they CAN do better than beg for money. This is just a scam.

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