Blacks are attacking Asians in SanFrancisco

When you have asians like those in this forum who will recite anti black propaganda from National Vanguard, trying to blame blacks for attacking Asians is disingenuous. And when you understand internalized racism, then you understand that our system built on white advantage causes Asians to hold anti black attitudes and blacks who attack asians because both have internalized a belief in white supremacy.

Of course simple minded dumb white racist trash won't undestand this.

210312-Stop-AAPI-Hate-National-Report-.pdf (
If America is so bad, why are you here?

Because he's a coward and and realizes he;s only alive now because of white people, and he's hoping to get 'reparations n stuff' along with all the quota hiring going his way; he can dumber than a rock and still hope to get a high paying do nothing job with an American govt. contractor. In Africa he's just another useless fuck, and there aren't any rich white women who feel sorry for him and think he needs lots of free stuff.
I've been saying this for weeks.
Most of the attacks are crimes of opportunity, perpetrated by violent black males. Nothing new here, other than it doesn't fit the MSM's narrative, so they'll hide the facts when possible.
When you have asians like those in this forum who will recite anti black propaganda from National Vanguard, trying to blame blacks for attacking Asians is disingenuous. And when you understand internalized racism, then you understand that our system built on white advantage causes Asians to hold anti black attitudes and blacks who attack asians because both have internalized a belief in white supremacy.

Of course simple minded dumb white racist trash won't undestand this.

210312-Stop-AAPI-Hate-National-Report-.pdf (

So even when a person of color attacks an Asian-American, white men are actually to blame.
Got it.

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