Blacks are attacking Asians in SanFrancisco

When you have asians like those in this forum who will recite anti black propaganda from National Vanguard, trying to blame blacks for attacking Asians is disingenuous. And when you understand internalized racism, then you understand that our system built on white advantage causes Asians to hold anti black attitudes and blacks who attack asians because both have internalized a belief in white supremacy.

Of course simple minded dumb white racist trash won't undestand this.

210312-Stop-AAPI-Hate-National-Report-.pdf (
When you have asians like those in this forum who will recite anti black propaganda from National Vanguard, trying to blame blacks for attacking Asians is disingenuous. And when you understand internalized racism, then you understand that our system built on white advantage causes Asians to hold anti black attitudes and blacks who attack asians because both have internalized a belief in white supremacy.

Of course simple minded dumb white racist trash won't undestand this.

210312-Stop-AAPI-Hate-National-Report-.pdf (

Latest image of man who attack elderly Asian in New York Subway
Man, 68, is latest victim of anti-Asian violence during NYC subway assault | Daily Mail Online


Hmm.... why is t that the majority of attacks on people White, Asian or Hispanic are perpetrated by Black people?
Dirty secret of black-on-Asian violence is out
Dirty secret of black-on-Asian violence is out (
May 2, 2010 Updated: March 2, 2021 ~~ By C.W. Nevius

San Francisco's hidden truth is out. That's what community organizer Carol Mo calls the realization that Asian residents are being targeted for robberies, burglaries and intimidation by young black men.
"It is San Francisco's dirty little secret," said Mo, a former Safety Network Community organizer in the Sunset District. "It's not news to us."
Hundreds of people marched into Tuesday's Board of Supervisors meeting to express their fear, frustration and outrage. But so far the response has been disappointing, particularly from the San Francisco Police Department. It seems intent on downplaying the role of race and its impact in the community.
The recent incidents of black violence against Asians is the perfect opportunity to open a dialogue about racism. Instead, they are attempting to close the door.
Understand the underlying conflict: This isn't just about stealing iPods. There's a deep divide between the two communities. Edward Chang, who lectures on civil unrest and race relations at UC Riverside, has studied the contentious history of Korean-African American relations in Los Angeles when Korean store owners moved into black neighborhoods.

Attacks similar as described are not limited to San Francisco alone, they happen across America. If there are " Racial Hate Crimes" perpetrated the majority of the attackers are Black.
The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left should if they are fair point their fingers at the true racists that are perpetrating these crimes.
IMO the PM/DSA Democrat Leftist have indicted themselves as the racists and purveyors of "Hate Crimes" by covering for Black racist criminals.
Dirty secret of black-on-Asian violence is out
Dirty secret of black-on-Asian violence is out (
May 2, 2010 Updated: March 2, 2021 ~~ By C.W. Nevius

San Francisco's hidden truth is out. That's what community organizer Carol Mo calls the realization that Asian residents are being targeted for robberies, burglaries and intimidation by young black men.
"It is San Francisco's dirty little secret," said Mo, a former Safety Network Community organizer in the Sunset District. "It's not news to us."
Hundreds of people marched into Tuesday's Board of Supervisors meeting to express their fear, frustration and outrage. But so far the response has been disappointing, particularly from the San Francisco Police Department. It seems intent on downplaying the role of race and its impact in the community.
The recent incidents of black violence against Asians is the perfect opportunity to open a dialogue about racism. Instead, they are attempting to close the door.
Understand the underlying conflict: This isn't just about stealing iPods. There's a deep divide between the two communities. Edward Chang, who lectures on civil unrest and race relations at UC Riverside, has studied the contentious history of Korean-African American relations in Los Angeles when Korean store owners moved into black neighborhoods.

Attacks similar as described are not limited to San Francisco alone, they happen across America. If there are " Racial Hate Crimes" perpetrated the majority of the attackers are Black.
The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left should if they are fair point their fingers at the true racists that are perpetrating these crimes.
IMO the PM/DSA Democrat Leftist have indicted themselves as the racists and purveyors of "Hate Crimes" by covering for Black racist criminals.

Oh shit that does not fit the agenda and we are going to have to have an honest conversation about race. Grab your popcorn.
It's clearly the Asians' fault; they make black yoofs look really bad, since so many do well in school, and Acting White n stuff; it's only natural that black people need to assault and murder them. They have been targeting them in riots for a long time now; they even started a major one over an Asian woman defending herself from one of the feral animals in LA.
More proof if any is needed.

White Supremacy Responsible for Anti-Asian Violence? Not in the Latest Attack on NYC Subway

You might be waiting for the description of the attacker to be a white supremacist, male racist, or any of the other ridiculous excuses the Left has used over the past week. But the assailant was Marc Mathieu, who was arrested. Marc is a Black male who is from the Bronx. He initially escaped the scene, but was arrested sometime later.

Democrats have really jacked up their promotion of violence and murders; they must know their propaganda is failing badly and now have moved on to Maoist style street violence. They have deliberately encouraged mass illegal immigration far beyond their capabilities to handle and soon that will result in a lot more violence; this is a deliberate scheme as well.
Just wait until everyone in the entire country has a drop of black in them. You won’t be able to go anywhere without hearing ‘nigga’.
Everyone will be everyone’s nigga. All the time, everywhere.
Such a painful word. But everyone will use it incessantly.

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