Blacks' Abundance In Pro Sports: Affirmative Action ?

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I "believe it" because that is what professionals in the sport say. YOU, on the other hand are once again seeking a reason to claim victimization and discrimination.

You are foolish beyond words. And should be embarrassed.
I'm not looking for anything in particular. I just as much welcome those who present PROOF that there IS NOT any AA discrimination, as well as those who might present proof that it does exist.

Your problem is you haven't presented ANY proof of ANYTHING, other than an obviously, strong desire on your part for AA to be ruled out. But rule outs and rule ins only come with evidence, of which you have ZERO. :biggrin:

Once again, how does a person prove what doesn't happen?
The Pittsburgh Steelers have won 6 super bowls. They have a black coach. Their top players have been black throughout their history. Your argument has no merit based on the performances on the field.

HA HA HA HA HA. Boy, are you dumb. Only ONE of the 6 Super Bowl winning coaches of the Steelers was black (Mike Tomlin). 5 of the 6 were white (Chuck Noll and Bill Cowher)

Top Steelers players have been black ? Wrong again. >> All-time Passing Leader: Ben Roethlisberger 4,616/7,168, 56,194 yds, 363 TD Second to him >> Terry Bradshaw.

Winningest Coach: Chuck Noll 193-148-1

All-time Scoring Leader: Gary Anderson 1,343 points

Not to smear Hank Aaron as a great baseball hitter that he was, but his records are a function of his # 1 most AT BATS. Percentagewise he doesn't not compare to really great hitters.

His lifetime batting average was .305

Ty Cobb - .367
Ted Williams - .344
Babe Ruth - .342
Lou Gehrig - .340
Stan Musial - .331
Wade Boggs - .328
Joe DiMaggio - .325

Also the home run averages of these guys was much higher than Aaron's.

And Tom Bradys 6 super bowls are a result of games played.

Hank was better than all those guys,

Whites aren't superior football players.

There is no AA in the NFL.
And how have whites shown themselves to be superior?
You racist fuck.

You are nuts. Read your own thread. I have no time to engage in your insanity.

You need professional help
Here are some players names and coaches names that I know and have spoken to.

Head coaches are involved with the front office in hiring, you moron.

Marcus Allen .....HOF running back Oakland and Kansas City and personal friend

Lance Alworth.....HOF wide receiver San Diego

Terrell Owens .......former running back Denver Broncos

Tony Dungy........Former head coach

Art Shell......Former head coach and personal friend.

John Mackey.....Personal friend and HOF tight end Baltimore

Dave Lewis......former high school and college teamate, who went on to play for Tampa Bay and San Diego in the pros.

Wally Henry......former high high school and college teammate who went on to play for Philadelphia.
All irrelevant. You have no proof of anything. What do you expect ? For us to take this all on faith ?

Even if you had a VIDEO of team owners claiming that they don't employ Affirmative Action, that still wouldn't be proof. They could (and probably would) be lying.

And a lot of people reading this are probably thinking > "he doesn't even know the towel kid"


All relevant. And why would owners lie? Such a coverup would be impossible to pull off in todays environmrnt.

As far as the people that I know, all of those individuals understand the game and how it works. And I have no reason to lie about knowing them.

Some of them are from my home town, and I met them years ago as teamates and most of them I met socially through my own high school and college coaches.

I've done my part.

So now it's your turn.

Provide evidence of AA existing in the NFL or STFU.
What is typically the end result of not "employing good strategy on the field" as you say?


You are the most mentally inept individual to ever post here.
That is what I just TOLD YOU, dum dum.

You were the one who was saying they get fired because of recruiting or scouting or some other looney idea.

OK, I've reached my tolerance of talking to an idiot. Gonna go have dinner now. Think about that needlepoint suggestion. Or knitting mittens. :badgrin:

Try eating something that might improve your capacity for logical thinking.

What I stated was that coaches participate in the recruiting process, by providing feedback on scouting reports and a potential player may fit into the offensive or defensive scheme.

And I also stated repeatedly that winning or losing is what most determines the success of a coach.

Stop lying.
Try eating something that might improve your capacity for logical thinking.

What I stated was that coaches participate in the recruiting process, by providing feedback on scouting reports and a potential player may fit into the offensive or defensive scheme.

And I also stated repeatedly that winning or losing is what most determines the success of a coach.

Stop lying.
Come back when you have something (with proof) definitive about the OP QUESTION: Blacks' Abundance In Pro Sports: Affirmative Action ?

I've gotten very busy last 2 days (new job). No time to monkey around with ceaseless babbling.
Try eating something that might improve your capacity for logical thinking.

What I stated was that coaches participate in the recruiting process, by providing feedback on scouting reports and a potential player may fit into the offensive or defensive scheme.

And I also stated repeatedly that winning or losing is what most determines the success of a coach.

Stop lying.
Come back when you have something (with proof) definitive about the OP QUESTION: Blacks' Abundance In Pro Sports: Affirmative Action ?

I've gotten very busy last 2 days (new job). No time to monkey around with ceaseless babbling.
What is typically the end result of not "employing good strategy on the field" as you say?


You are the most mentally inept individual to ever post here.
That is what I just TOLD YOU, dum dum.

You were the one who was saying they get fired because of recruiting or scouting or some other looney idea.

OK, I've reached my tolerance of talking to an idiot. Gonna go have dinner now. Think about that needlepoint suggestion. Or knitting mittens. :badgrin:

Try eating something that might improve your capacity for logical thinking.

What I stated was that coaches participate in the recruiting process, by providing feedback on scouting reports and a potential player may fit into the offensive or defensive scheme.

And I also stated repeatedly that winning or losing is what most determines the success of a coach.

Stop lying.
Try eating something that might improve your capacity for logical thinking.

What I stated was that coaches participate in the recruiting process, by providing feedback on scouting reports and a potential player may fit into the offensive or defensive scheme.

And I also stated repeatedly that winning or losing is what most determines the success of a coach.

Stop lying.
Come back when you have something (with proof) definitive about the OP QUESTION: Blacks' Abundance In Pro Sports: Affirmative Action ?

I've gotten very busy last 2 days (new job). No time to monkey around with ceaseless babbling.

You have been provided with abundant feedback that illustrates that AA is nonexistent at the player level in the NFL. It is now incumbent upon you to support your allegation of the opposite being possible.

New job? That's great. Although I could not
imagine having to
work at your advanced age, at least you see now, that federal law is not
that bad.
You are protected by the ADEA.
protectionist, you have presented absolutely no evidence of AA being used to select players in the NFL.

There are more blacks? And you automatically jump to the conclusion that some white guy had to help them get there. Perhaps a little education on your part would help you understand why more blacks in the NFL is not an automatic indicator of AA being used.

First of all, as I said before, blacks are only a few generations out of being bred for physical attributes.
Second of all, there are actual physiological differences in the races that go beyond skin color. Some of these help athletes in explosive type sports.

from: Race and Physical Differences - American Renaissance
"Though they may not always be willing to say so, sports physicians have found physical differences that give different races advantages in different sports. Whites and West Africans, for example, differ in proportions of body fat, width of hips, thickness of thighs, bone density, and proportion of fast- and slow-twitch muscle. Even East and West Africans differ in important ways that explain why they excel in different sports."

from: Black-White Differences in Physiology
"Skeletal muscle fibers are the how and why of black domination in explosive sports. This is something I’ve covered in depth. Type II fibers contract faster than type I."
"Nevertheless, fiber typing explains racial differences in sports, with somatype being another important variable in explaining racial disparities in sports. Two main variables that work in concert are the somatype (pretty much body measurements, length) and the fiber type. This explains why blacks dominate baseball and football; this explains why ‘white men can’t jump and black men can’t swim’. Physiological variables—not only ‘motivation’ or whatever else people who deny these innate differences say—largely explain why there are huge disparities in these sports. Physiology is important to our understanding of how and why certain groups dominate certain sports."

Maybe you should do a little research in certain topics. YOu have the greatest research tool in the history of mankind at your fingertips.
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Well, that is kind of moving the goal posts away from what ptbw was saying,

BUT my point has been that such "reasons" for unequal outcomes is never good enough for people like you, when the shoe is on the other foot.

Different rules for different people. Based on skin color. Where have we seen this before?

I am not discussing PTBW. Like you, he is a white victim who has never experienced genuine discrimination.

I am not moving the goal posts, I am relating what I know to be facts.

Relating a sport where millions of dollars are made and lost based on ability to motivate and perform to mainstrean corporate America is lunacy. White owners are not going to risk losing money due to favoring black players who "may not be as good" as white players.

That is not happening in the NFL. In fact a white former professional player in San Diego named Lance Alworth once told me,

"When we suit up, we all look the same, and if you don't do your job, NFL means

In every other instance I can remember of unequal outcomes, citing merit as a defense of the unequal outcome would not be accepted by people like you.

That is my point. YOur refusal to even acknowledge my point, for what it truly is,

is a sign that on some level, you cannot honestly defend your normal behavior on such issues.

The fact is that you don't have a point that makes sense. How many NFL coaches or players have you ever talked to one on one?

And, you don't know "what kind of person I am".

How would a talk with a NFL coach be relevant to my point?

And your dishonest refusal to even acknowledge my point, shows what kind of person you are.

Are you fucking kidding? Why WOULDN'T a discussion with an NFL coach be relevant?

They have input into who is drafted and who gets to play.

Because as I have said many times before,

the standard response in our society to a specific issue of unequal outcome, is to assume discrimination, and to take steps to "fix" it.

And attempt to find legit reasons for the unequal outcome and the person making that attempt is vicious attacked.

That is my point. Again.
I am not discussing PTBW. Like you, he is a white victim who has never experienced genuine discrimination.

I am not moving the goal posts, I am relating what I know to be facts.

Relating a sport where millions of dollars are made and lost based on ability to motivate and perform to mainstrean corporate America is lunacy. White owners are not going to risk losing money due to favoring black players who "may not be as good" as white players.

That is not happening in the NFL. In fact a white former professional player in San Diego named Lance Alworth once told me,

"When we suit up, we all look the same, and if you don't do your job, NFL means

In every other instance I can remember of unequal outcomes, citing merit as a defense of the unequal outcome would not be accepted by people like you.

That is my point. YOur refusal to even acknowledge my point, for what it truly is,

is a sign that on some level, you cannot honestly defend your normal behavior on such issues.

The fact is that you don't have a point that makes sense. How many NFL coaches or players have you ever talked to one on one?

And, you don't know "what kind of person I am".

How would a talk with a NFL coach be relevant to my point?

And your dishonest refusal to even acknowledge my point, shows what kind of person you are.

Are you fucking kidding? Why WOULDN'T a discussion with an NFL coach be relevant?

They have input into who is drafted and who gets to play.

Because as I have said many times before,

the standard response in our society to a specific issue of unequal outcome, is to assume discrimination, and to take steps to "fix" it.

And attempt to find legit reasons for the unequal outcome and the person making that attempt is vicious attacked.

That is my point. Again.

"Saying it" does not make it a fact

The has only been one period in time when discrimination existed in the NFL. That was when the league was segregated Which has since been corrected.

There is currently no discrimination in the NFL at the player level.
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I am not discussing PTBW. Like you, he is a white victim who has never experienced genuine discrimination.

I am not moving the goal posts, I am relating what I know to be facts.

Relating a sport where millions of dollars are made and lost based on ability to motivate and perform to mainstrean corporate America is lunacy. White owners are not going to risk losing money due to favoring black players who "may not be as good" as white players.

That is not happening in the NFL. In fact a white former professional player in San Diego named Lance Alworth once told me,

"When we suit up, we all look the same, and if you don't do your job, NFL means

In every other instance I can remember of unequal outcomes, citing merit as a defense of the unequal outcome would not be accepted by people like you.

That is my point. YOur refusal to even acknowledge my point, for what it truly is,

is a sign that on some level, you cannot honestly defend your normal behavior on such issues.

The fact is that you don't have a point that makes sense. How many NFL coaches or players have you ever talked to one on one?

And, you don't know "what kind of person I am".

How would a talk with a NFL coach be relevant to my point?

And your dishonest refusal to even acknowledge my point, shows what kind of person you are.

Are you fucking kidding? Why WOULDN'T a discussion with an NFL coach be relevant?

They have input into who is drafted and who gets to play.

Because as I have said many times before,

the standard response in our society to a specific issue of unequal outcome, is to assume discrimination, and to take steps to "fix" it.

And attempt to find legit reasons for the unequal outcome and the person making that attempt is vicious attacked.

That is my point. Again.

That depends on whether it is actually trying to find legit reasons or whether it is just a knee-jerk reaction.
It seems to be very common to see NFL football fields and NBA courts with more blacks than all other races combined. There also has been a majority of blacks in professional boxing for many years. How does this come to be ? Since it is common for lesser qualified blacks to be hired to many types of jobs in industry generally, one might wonder if this isn't also the case with pro sports.

Are better talented, faster, stronger whites being denied opportunities, based on race ? How about Hispanics and Asians ? When is the last time you saw a Chinese, Japanese, or Korean guy on an NFL football field ? How about guys from India on a basketball court ? There are so few Asians in the most popular American sports that it's practically impossible to rate their performances.

This is not the case with Whites, however. In the top 4 pro US sports > baseball, football, basketball, and boxing, whites have proven to be as good or often better than blacks, yet still have smaller numbers there. This is despite the fact that blacks are only 13% of the US population, as compared to whites at 76%. Could affirmative action be at work here, putting blacks ahead of better qualified whites, et al races ?



"In the top 4 pro US sports > baseball, football, basketball, and boxing, whites have proven to be as good or often better than blacks, yet still have smaller numbers there."



by whom?

rush limbaugh?

isn't the PROOF the FACT blacks dominate sports?
This thread requires PROOF you have said. And you have shown none.
Why would I be showing proof ? I haven't made any statement about affirmative action (the topic). I have just asked a QUESTION. Presentng proof is required with statements, not questions. Get it ?
You have been provided with abundant feedback that illustrates that AA is nonexistent at the player level in the NFL. It is now incumbent upon you to support your allegation of the opposite being possible.

New job? That's great. Although I could not
imagine having to
work at your advanced age, at least you see now, that federal law is not
that bad.
You are protected by the ADEA.
1. Yes, abundant "feedback". Trouble is your abundant feedback is missing something critical >> PROOF.

2, I don't have to support my allegation of AA being possible in the NFL. It is supported by the fact that there is no evidence to show that it is not possible, and nine has been presented here. This combined with the racial population disproportion is obvious possibility of AA taking place.

3. As for the ADEA, it has at least one shortcoming. A lack of a national ban on Affirmative Action (as well as really no way of enforcing the ADEA)
This thread requires PROOF you have said. And you have shown none.
Why would I be showing proof ? I haven't made any statement about affirmative action (the topic). I have just asked a QUESTION. Presentng proof is required with statements, not questions. Get it ?

I provided scientific evidence to show why black athletes are likely to be better at explosive sports like football. A very real explanation with links to the sources.

Question answered. No AA needed to explained the situation.
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protectionist, you have presented absolutely no evidence of AA being used to select players in the NFL.

There are more blacks? And you automatically jump to the conclusion that some white guy had to help them get there. Perhaps a little education on your part would help you understand why more blacks in the NFL is not an automatic indicator of AA being used.

First of all, as I said before, blacks are only a few generations out of being bred for physical attributes.
Second of all, there are actual physiological differences in the races that go beyond skin color. Some of these help athletes in explosive type sports.

from: Race and Physical Differences - American Renaissance
"Though they may not always be willing to say so, sports physicians have found physical differences that give different races advantages in different sports. Whites and West Africans, for example, differ in proportions of body fat, width of hips, thickness of thighs, bone density, and proportion of fast- and slow-twitch muscle. Even East and West Africans differ in important ways that explain why they excel in different sports."

from: Black-White Differences in Physiology
"Skeletal muscle fibers are the how and why of black domination in explosive sports. This is something I’ve covered in depth. Type II fibers contract faster than type I."
"Nevertheless, fiber typing explains racial differences in sports, with somatype being another important variable in explaining racial disparities in sports. Two main variables that work in concert are the somatype (pretty much body measurements, length) and the fiber type. This explains why blacks dominate baseball and football; this explains why ‘white men can’t jump and black men can’t swim’. Physiological variables—not only ‘motivation’ or whatever else people who deny these innate differences say—largely explain why there are huge disparities in these sports. Physiology is important to our understanding of how and why certain groups dominate certain sports."

Maybe you should do a little research in certain topics. YOu have the greatest research tool in the history of mankind at your fingertips.

1. Again, and again, I never said there was evidence of AA being used to select players in the NFL. Can you read question marks ? Like in the TITLE of this thread ? I ASKED if there was affirmative action being used to select players in the NFL. And as I said in a previous post, I will welcome posts claiming AA in the NFL or claiming it NOT being in the NFL, as long as each poster brings PROOF with his claim (one way or the other). So, no, I haven't jumped to any conclusion about anything, nor have I stated any conclusion about AA.

2. You stated that "blacks dominate baseball and football". I have already repeatedly (and even with color photos) shown that statement to be totally FALSE, and with plenty of evidence. I have DONE the research and it is posted in this thread for you to have the benefit of. Does Bill Belichick, Tom Brady, Julian Edelman, Ted Williams and Stan Musial sound familiar ? .367, .344 .331 ? I have absolutely no need to restate again & again, what has already been posted, showing whites to be dominant in baseball and football.
I provided scientific evidence to show why black athletes are likely to be better at explosive sports like football. A very real explanation with links to the sources.

Question answered. No AA needed to explained the situation.
I showed the RECORD of whites being better at football (by WINNING Super Bowls). A very real explanation that does not require sources (we all know the record)
Because as I have said many times before,

the standard response in our society to a specific issue of unequal outcome, is to assume discrimination, and to take steps to "fix" it.

And attempt to find legit reasons for the unequal outcome and the person making that attempt is vicious attacked.

That is my point. Again.
A reasonably fair point.
I provided scientific evidence to show why black athletes are likely to be better at explosive sports like football. A very real explanation with links to the sources.

Question answered. No AA needed to explained the situation.
I showed the RECORD of whites being better at football (by WINNING Super Bowls). A very real explanation that does not require sources (we all know the record)

You have shown nothing of the sort.
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