Black Women must resist temptations for Interracial marriage.

Better me than you, she used to tell me that she would never sleep with a
British Royal Commando named "Bootyneck" haha ha.
She told me you guys could never get it up long enough for her to get climax!!
hahaha Mr. Bootyonhisneck?!?

Actually, it's Royal Marine Commando. And the fact is that in 350 years no woman has ever complained about the performance of a Royal Marine. Press ups and standing to attention...all part of our ethos mate.

Now what was it that white woman said about you?..............................

Oh sure ,everybody wants to blame black men, when White people who run the American society are at the root of Black peoples problems.Been that way ever
since slavery days!.

always blaming the white man or someone else,for YOUR problems that YOU brought on YOURSELF....there is a black talk show host out here named Larry Elder....he calls black people like you, VICTOCRATS....always the on black crime....the white mans men leaving their families....the white mans fault.....if a black person rises above the obstacles in front of them and gets a good education, becomes fairly successful,they are an Uncle Tom,because NOW they are trying to be like the white people like you 35th St. and Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton,that is what is the root of black peoples problems,grow up you stupid fuck before its to late,and quit listening to those who are a cancer in your community.....
1st post
A sock puppet?
They aren't allowed here. Apparently they have some sort of sock puppet sniffing dogs that patrol. Could just be some random troll. Or someone noticeably missing posting from the public library.

Hey Shogun!! Show your face!!!
They aren't allowed here. Apparently they have some sort of sock puppet sniffing dogs that patrol. Could just be some random troll. Or someone noticeably missing posting from the public library.

Hey Shogun!! Show your face!!!

Hey, your rep went to 101.
That's like 2 full points in 24 hours. I think yer cheatin'.

Edited to 24 hours
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5th post
This thread gave me the idea to google search 'black women'. I found this:

Black Women Need Love Too

Did You Know. . .
~Married People Own More Property,
~Married People Raise More Productive Children,
~Black Married Couples Earn Nearly The Same As White Married Couples!
~Married Couples are Healthier,
~Married People Live Longer!
~Blacks who have never married were more likely than all other Blacks to be victims of violence

I also found this:

BLACK WOMEN WHITE MEN - Specialists in Interracial Dating

:eek: "Interracial Dating Only!" :eek:
And what is the results of your "mixed race agenda", well I'll tell you what you get, You get a smorgasboard, mixed up, mongrel race of people who don't know if they are black or white!, that what you get.

You mean they'll stop seeing themselves as black or white and we'll rid ourselves of race distinction? Oh the horror, the absolute freaking horror, now what are racists going to get worked up about.. the Jews?
10th post
You mean they'll stop seeing themselves as black or white and we'll rid ourselves of race distinction? Oh the horror, the absolute freaking horror, now what are racists going to get worked up about.. the Jews?

Probably. They control everything, you know. The only way to avoid their control is to make yourself a turban out of tinfoil and wear it constantly.

Actually, the Jews are behind black women rejecting black men to marry white men. True story. Just ask Bill.
Probably. They control everything, you know. The only way to avoid their control is to make yourself a turban out of tinfoil and wear it constantly.

Actually, the Jews are behind black women rejecting black men to marry white men. True story. Just ask Bill.

:eusa_whistle: is Boooosssh a Jew?
I ask all black women in America, not to be seduced into interracial unions with
men from outside their race. You are the mothers for the Black race.Don't be brainwahsed into thinking that you can love someone from outside the Black race, who is responsible for you not being able to find suitable Black male to marry. You Black women must realize, that the American society,since the days of slavery, is designed to separate the Black man from the Black woman. Don't
listen to statements like,"oh we are all the same" or "Love is colorblind", these are all lies to seduce you into assisting our oppressors,in the destruction of the
Black race.Don't sellout the Black race by marrying a man who is not BLACK!
Think of children of mixed race parents, and the torment they will endure for the rest of their lives.Marry black, no matter what.The Black race is counting on you Black Women, stop the Sellout of your race and your people.!

Wow, that was one of the worst attempts at trolling I've ever seen.

If you, as a white dude, want to troll as an angry black man you've got to step your game way up! This just sucked!
15th post
Wow, that was one of the worst attempts at trolling I've ever seen.

If you, as a white dude, want to troll as an angry black man you've got to step your game way up! This just sucked!

Or maybe he lost his woman to a cracker like me. :eusa_whistle:

For some reason, black women love me. Now when I say that, of course I mean black women who are interested in white guys, because i would say 70% of black women would NEVER date a white guy.

But that still leaves me with 30%. :lol:
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o great ...i am the only admitted bigot here? i would never date out of my race...i do not find blacks attractive....i do not know if that is due to my upbringing....interracial dating was not considered (my age? 55) i live in the mountains of nc...its still noticed if the child is bi racial...things are still said..bubba still yells ****** lover at white women with black babies...or worse if they are mexican it aint all love and roses out there..stop pretending it is...

this is a long on going women were more tolerated by the whites and not seen as a threat....many whites are raised by black women pairs are rare here...we still have nannies etc....deny it all you want but its out there...

so black women have been able to move more easily from the black world or whatever you want to call the white world and back men were left to be humble and submissive to both whites then the black woman...

you can say what you will about the black family ... but no one will say the truth... black men walked out on thier duties...just as white men have been doing for the last couple of decades....and the media certainly enforces the image with all these dna ...who is your daddy shows...makes it look like the black trying to just knock up as many white ho's as he can...why do i say ho' know a man has 3 kids with 3 differrent women and you lay down with him without birth control??? o excuse...dumb fucking ho's is better...

i have no clue how we deal with the inner cities and that rat's nest...gangs and thugs...that is what black men have become...

now get me started on the american system where...young black males are getting police records due to things that happen in elementary read that right....schools will call the police on a kid misbehaving and boom the kid suddenly has a police think they do that with white kids....hell yea...poor ass white kids....face it...its as much class as race...but that is another thread

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