Black Voices for Trump board member: Ginsburg was confirmed in fewer days than Trump has until election


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
That was a quick process. Back when the West was civilized and not worried about a fight against China.

Black Voices for Trump board member: Ginsburg was confirmed in fewer days than Trump has until election

Black Voices For Trump board member Paris Dennard said Sunday that President Trump is well within his right to name a successor to Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and that the New York City native was confirmed by the Senate in a shorter time than there is from now until the 2020 elections.

Dennard, a former George W. Bush White House staffer, told "America's News HQ" that there have been 29 instances of a Supreme Court vacancy occurring during an election year, and that Ginsburg was confirmed in fewer than the 44 days until November 3.

Ginsburg was confirmed 96-3 by a Democratic-majority Senate on August 3, 1993 -- 42 days after President Clinton nominated her to the seat previously held by Justice Byron White, a Kennedy appointee.

Obama nominated Merrick Garland in an election year, in 2016.

Garland didn't make it and I am sure that whoever TRUMP nominates will not be successful in this term either.
In his 2nd term, it will be a different story.
The more the left lose their minds, the more you know that Trump has to do it.

You always take more fire when you are close to the target.

Fuck the left and their bullshit Russia scandal and fake impeachment. Its not like we are dealing with ethical people.
If it was Obama and Schumer instead of Trump and McConnell, the left would have no problem with a nomination, we all know it.......

Another example of Democrats being hypocritical.

In 2016, when the shoe was on the other foot, and McConnell was delaying the Garland nomination, Democrats were screaming for speed.

“Elections have consequences,” Hillary Clinton, at the time said, according to Politico. “The president has a responsibility to nominate a new justice and the Senate has a responsibility to vote.” She called McConnell’s 2016 decision “outrageous.”

Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer tweeted: “Garland has integrity, a brilliant legal mind & is a perfect fit for the Supreme Court. GOP inaction does our country a great disservice.” So now what does he call for ? >> Inaction.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi tweeted: “Judge Merrick Garland, is a respected jurist who must be given a fair hearing & timely vote.” Currently wants a NOT TIMELY hearing/vote for Amy Coney Barrett.

Then-Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said > “Failing to fill this vacancy would be a shameful abdication of one of the Senate’s most essential Constitutional

Senator Elizabeth Warren tweeted that Republicans must “ditch their extremism” and schedule a vote for Garland.

The times they are a-changin' :biggrin:

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