Black Support For Trump Skyrocketing

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Black support for Trump is climbing so fast even the selected demographics of registered voter polling can't hide it anymore. With overweighting for Democrats in registered voter polling then selecting targeted areas likely to vote Democrats they have been able to keep a narrative of overwhelming support for Biden.

Well not anymore, as we can see the betting odds are now basically tied as smart money has realized the momentum is on Trump's side.

Trump is gaining in the aggregate and Biden is falling. Getting more pronounced since the conventions.

"The president carries 86% of the Republican vote and leads among voters not affiliated with either major party by 11 points. Biden takes 81% of the Democrat vote.

Trump leads among men and middle-aged voters. Biden carries women, those under 40 and seniors.

Worrisome for the former vice president is his 67% black support, low for a Democrat, with the incumbent earning 27% of the black vote in Pennsylvania. Trump leads among whites and other minority voters."

I was skeptical at first of his black support, but it's getting hard to dismiss at this point. There have been at least half a dozen of these surveys now from different pollsters showing this result. It will be interesting to see how it pans out on Election Day.
Trumps peaceful protester OVERFLOW!

Black support for Trump is climbing so fast even the selected demographics of registered voter polling can't hide it anymore. With overweighting for Democrats in registered voter polling then selecting targeted areas likely to vote Democrats they have been able to keep a narrative of overwhelming support for Biden.

Well not anymore, as we can see the betting odds are now basically tied as smart money has realized the momentum is on Trump's side.

Trump is gaining in the aggregate and Biden is falling. Getting more pronounced since the conventions.

"The president carries 86% of the Republican vote and leads among voters not affiliated with either major party by 11 points. Biden takes 81% of the Democrat vote.

Trump leads among men and middle-aged voters. Biden carries women, those under 40 and seniors.

Worrisome for the former vice president is his 67% black support, low for a Democrat, with the incumbent earning 27% of the black vote in Pennsylvania. Trump leads among whites and other minority voters."

As an aside, I don't have a link for this, I saw it on TV, and it doesn't pertain solely to black votes, but CBS said this morning that in 2016, Trump got 64% of the vote in Westmorland County, PA, and at that time, there were 10,000 more registered democrats there than republicans. They just reported that today the same county has 11,000 more republicans there than democrats.

Westmorland Country is attached to one of the two main voting regions that usually carry the state.

Take from this what you will.
I smell a disaster of epic proportions for Democrats.
Yeah, Left is gonna have to kill a black man, and have the evidence lead straight to Trump's fingerprints.

Coming to us from CNN later this month. Grab yo popcorn.
Black support for Trump is climbing so fast even the selected demographics of registered voter polling can't hide it anymore. With overweighting for Democrats in registered voter polling then selecting targeted areas likely to vote Democrats they have been able to keep a narrative of overwhelming support for Biden.

Well not anymore, as we can see the betting odds are now basically tied as smart money has realized the momentum is on Trump's side.

Trump is gaining in the aggregate and Biden is falling. Getting more pronounced since the conventions.

"The president carries 86% of the Republican vote and leads among voters not affiliated with either major party by 11 points. Biden takes 81% of the Democrat vote.

Trump leads among men and middle-aged voters. Biden carries women, those under 40 and seniors.

Worrisome for the former vice president is his 67% black support, low for a Democrat, with the incumbent earning 27% of the black vote in Pennsylvania. Trump leads among whites and other minority voters."

It has gone much higher since this posting.

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