Black republicans...who are they really?

Things were getting better for blacks in Detroit and flint then Republicans invented NAFTA and sent those jobs overseas.

All for corporate profits and cheap consumer goods.

Was that the biil, Bill Clinton sign and Hillary loved? It was a bill that if not signed, would have been dead. Funny how Bill and Hillary are now exempt from it.
You know NAFTA was a done deal.

Oh imagine what Republicans would have said if Clinton killed free trade.

Do you know how much Republicans changed NAFTA since bush got into office? I could show you so many examples of Tom delay bush Chaney and Dennis hastert fucking the American worker. But you defended it. You said it meant cheaper goods remember? Now you care about blue collar Americans?

So Clinton wimped out because of what Republicans might say? You are saying Clinton promoted and wanted NAFTA because of what Republicans might say? That sounds like either you are clueless of Clinton had no backbone and just decided to sign it and claim it was good for the country because he was afraid of people talking?

What the hell did I defend? When did I say goods would be cheaper? You partisan leftist regressives are to funny. You lie, like your candidate. I was against NAFTA and all these new free trade agreements. I am against factories going overseas. Did Democrats do anything to make it tougher for businesses, hell no, why because they are paid off just like Republicans. You are a fool if you think the rich Democrats give a damn about you or anyone else.They could have made free trade tough on companies when they held power but have done nothing. I don't give Republicans a pass either but for you to play Clinton a victim is pure BS propaganda.
When unions represented 35% of the workforce Democrats represented labor. Labor still endorses the Democrats.

That is what is so funny. Clinton proudly signs NAFTA, in effect bitch slapping the unions and yet the union leaders get paid off and urge the poor working class union worker to take it and still vote for a party that sells them out. Pretty sad, it used to be union leadership was for the worker, now they are for the rich.
Are you really against free trade? Do you think we should have not done NAFTA because the unions didn't want to do NAFTA? Are you going to tell me we shouldn't have signed NAFTA? Be honest. I didn't know you in 1992 but I'm calling bullshit.
And they stopped after we inserted more government and unions?

Yeah. Pretty much. Want to watch a business shit their silk trousers? Tell them there's a nice man from OSHA in the lobby.

According to, taxes, labor and transportation costs play into where a manufacture produces their goods. Manufacturers like to produce close to their consumers as they can to reduce transportation costs. But in the US, they are burdened with thousands of regulations and taxes to deal with which makes production less profitable in the US.

Then you make it more expensive to oursource. Simple enough.

I still like my PSA idea letting everyone know who the outsourcers are and where they live.

Right, because we have no idea where our products are made nor how the CEO or President of a company live.

I guess that falls right in line with idiot's idea that we need to put calorie count on all food items in a menu because Americans can't figure out a big mac combo and large chocolate shake will make you put on weight.

Liberals think all Americans are stupid and need to be guided around through life.

Then you make it more expensive to oursource. Simple enough.

I still like my PSA idea letting everyone know who the outsourcers are and where they live.

Yeah. Pretty much. Want to watch a business shit their silk trousers? Tell them there's a nice man from OSHA in the lobby.

Ah yes, OSHA, the people that think a wheel chock is necessary because that little piece of rubber will stop a truck from moving if the driver didn't set the brakes and a tow motor comes charging into the vehicle. Or their idiotic rule that you have to have "something" in front of a dock door. Like that two dollar plastic chain would stop a tow motor from going through an open dock door.

As the saying goes, the scariest words any American can hear, is "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."
That was true until liberal democracy kicked in. In the last 50 years the rich have slowly broken the social contract with American workers.

We know you're OK with that. We are not. It's why you lose elections. Your ideas are unpopular

It's not my ideas, it's just the way things are.

Companies never had a social contract with American workers. Companies don't have a social obligation either. Companies open up to produce products or services for a profit. That's it.

In the last couple of decades, we've had nearly 16 years of Democrat leadership in the White House. So what changed compared to a Republican led White House? Nothing. So it's more than "our" idea.

So what's driving down these pay scales? Three things: One is foreigners entering the country which Democrats welcome. Two is consumer demand. Three is automation.

Consumer demands the lowest price no matter what. It doesn't matter where their products are made, if the company uses slave labor, if they produce the product here or in China, if their products are made by a robot. Just make it as cheap as possible and forget about the quality. That's why Walmart is the number one store in America today.

It is the price, every liberal wants the cheapest good, so they buy imported crap from low wage paying countries. Then bitch because companies are going overseas so they can compete with consumers that don't want to pay higher prices. The government is the same, it is all dollars, not quality or safety. The cheapest, that is what we buy. If people want higher wages they need to buy US products and support the American worker and his wages.
Things were getting better for blacks in Detroit and flint then Republicans invented NAFTA and sent those jobs overseas.

All for corporate profits and cheap consumer goods.

Was that the biil, Bill Clinton sign and Hillary loved? It was a bill that if not signed, would have been dead. Funny how Bill and Hillary are now exempt from it.
You know NAFTA was a done deal.

Oh imagine what Republicans would have said if Clinton killed free trade.

Do you know how much Republicans changed NAFTA since bush got into office? I could show you so many examples of Tom delay bush Chaney and Dennis hastert fucking the American worker. But you defended it. You said it meant cheaper goods remember? Now you care about blue collar Americans?

So Clinton wimped out because of what Republicans might say? You are saying Clinton promoted and wanted NAFTA because of what Republicans might say? That sounds like either you are clueless of Clinton had no backbone and just decided to sign it and claim it was good for the country because he was afraid of people talking?

What the hell did I defend? When did I say goods would be cheaper? You partisan leftist regressives are to funny. You lie, like your candidate. I was against NAFTA and all these new free trade agreements. I am against factories going overseas. Did Democrats do anything to make it tougher for businesses, hell no, why because they are paid off just like Republicans. You are a fool if you think the rich Democrats give a damn about you or anyone else.They could have made free trade tough on companies when they held power but have done nothing. I don't give Republicans a pass either but for you to play Clinton a victim is pure BS propaganda.
When unions represented 35% of the workforce Democrats represented labor. Labor still endorses the Democrats.

That is what is so funny. Clinton proudly signs NAFTA, in effect bitch slapping the unions and yet the union leaders get paid off and urge the poor working class union worker to take it and still vote for a party that sells them out. Pretty sad, it used to be union leadership was for the worker, now they are for the rich.
Are you a liberal or pro union? Because they are the only ones who complained in 1992 that Clinton sold us out. You cons weren't complaining. To me this is proof the Clinton's aren't the liberal socialists the GOP makes them out to be.

I like the Clinton's because at least they aren't the gop
That was true until liberal democracy kicked in. In the last 50 years the rich have slowly broken the social contract with American workers.

We know you're OK with that. We are not. It's why you lose elections. Your ideas are unpopular

It's not my ideas, it's just the way things are.

Companies never had a social contract with American workers. Companies don't have a social obligation either. Companies open up to produce products or services for a profit. That's it.

In the last couple of decades, we've had nearly 16 years of Democrat leadership in the White House. So what changed compared to a Republican led White House? Nothing. So it's more than "our" idea.

So what's driving down these pay scales? Three things: One is foreigners entering the country which Democrats welcome. Two is consumer demand. Three is automation.

Consumer demands the lowest price no matter what. It doesn't matter where their products are made, if the company uses slave labor, if they produce the product here or in China, if their products are made by a robot. Just make it as cheap as possible and forget about the quality. That's why Walmart is the number one store in America today.

It is the price, every liberal wants the cheapest good, so they buy imported crap from low wage paying countries. Then bitch because companies are going overseas so they can compete with consumers that don't want to pay higher prices. The government is the same, it is all dollars, not quality or safety. The cheapest, that is what we buy. If people want higher wages they need to buy US products and support the American worker and his wages.
Flip flop. Welcome to my side papa
That was true until liberal democracy kicked in. In the last 50 years the rich have slowly broken the social contract with American workers.

We know you're OK with that. We are not. It's why you lose elections. Your ideas are unpopular

It's not my ideas, it's just the way things are.

Companies never had a social contract with American workers. Companies don't have a social obligation either. Companies open up to produce products or services for a profit. That's it.

In the last couple of decades, we've had nearly 16 years of Democrat leadership in the White House. So what changed compared to a Republican led White House? Nothing. So it's more than "our" idea.

So what's driving down these pay scales? Three things: One is foreigners entering the country which Democrats welcome. Two is consumer demand. Three is automation.

Consumer demands the lowest price no matter what. It doesn't matter where their products are made, if the company uses slave labor, if they produce the product here or in China, if their products are made by a robot. Just make it as cheap as possible and forget about the quality. That's why Walmart is the number one store in America today.

It is the price, every liberal wants the cheapest good, so they buy imported crap from low wage paying countries. Then bitch because companies are going overseas so they can compete with consumers that don't want to pay higher prices. The government is the same, it is all dollars, not quality or safety. The cheapest, that is what we buy. If people want higher wages they need to buy US products and support the American worker and his wages.
Every liberal wants cheap goods? Which party is the Walmart party?
Honestly, I would never buy an Auto from the big three. The unions drove the quality down so far that those companies being in a shit hole like Mexico. I'll never buy GM, Ford or Chevrolet again and I would be fine if they never came back as their day has come an gone. Same with the UAW. Nothing but spoiled little bitches. As for the illegal aliens, got to agree. It makes me laugh how they go on and on, yet never do anything about it. Trump won't either.
My fusion has 90,000 I'll get another 110,000 then sell it. Will you get much more from your Honda/Toyota? Those cars get recalled to. So much for the myth Toyota/Hondas are better made.

We already see the future does not look good for Toyota and Honda factory workers. More and more of them are being replaced by temp workers and subcontractors. No benefits in the future for non union workers. No healthcare, days off, sick days, etc.

As unions disappear so will your good non union jobs.

But you'll blame liberals.

The Tundras in our fleet are extremely high milage. My Tacoma is pushing 200,000 as I drive all over South Texas. Toyota is looking pretty good considering Bammy has been trying to kill them for so long. As for those union jobs disappearing, when it comes to the loading docks at food stores and such the failure of unions is a good thing. Ask a truck driver who won't have to get robbed by paying a lumpers fee. In the auto industry, quality of the product will go way up much like Toyotas has. By the way, the big 3, specifically GM has been having a tough time with recalls to. I still get them from my 2012 Impala and my 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Glad I bought the tundra. Another funny union fact, they don't want Obama's illegals. Funny that.
If Republicans had their way those truck drivers would be speaking Mexican. I remember in Bush's last year's he tried to sneak them in on memorial day or labor day.

And Mark my words. In the past 35% of Americans were union and it brought everyone's wages up. Soon 35% of American workers will be temps and wages will go down. That includes the line workers at Toyota and Honda. They won't actually be Toyota and Honda workers. They'll be temps and subcontractors. It's already happening.

Went to Delphi in Saginaw Michigan a few times. There were 11 union workers packing parts made in China to be shipped to Mexico for assembly. The rest were Temps from corestaff. What you mentioned has already happened. Unions are doing nothing but looking after unions. And I will never forget Boosh's attempt to make the US another state of Mexico. Matter of fact, he succeeded in doing just that and Obama is carrying the torch in that department quite nicely. This is where I hope and pray trump is not lying.
Trump/hillary can't do it by themselves. Don't vote for a senator or a house member who would let mexican trucker in. Just because trump is into closing our borders doesn't mean Mitch McConnell or John McCain is.

And show up for the midterms. We can't take this country back when only rich people and die hard Republicans show up every 2 and moderates/independents every 4

Ding, winner. This is why we are stuck choosing between Trump and Hillery.
Was that the biil, Bill Clinton sign and Hillary loved? It was a bill that if not signed, would have been dead. Funny how Bill and Hillary are now exempt from it.
You know NAFTA was a done deal.

Oh imagine what Republicans would have said if Clinton killed free trade.

Do you know how much Republicans changed NAFTA since bush got into office? I could show you so many examples of Tom delay bush Chaney and Dennis hastert fucking the American worker. But you defended it. You said it meant cheaper goods remember? Now you care about blue collar Americans?

So Clinton wimped out because of what Republicans might say? You are saying Clinton promoted and wanted NAFTA because of what Republicans might say? That sounds like either you are clueless of Clinton had no backbone and just decided to sign it and claim it was good for the country because he was afraid of people talking?

What the hell did I defend? When did I say goods would be cheaper? You partisan leftist regressives are to funny. You lie, like your candidate. I was against NAFTA and all these new free trade agreements. I am against factories going overseas. Did Democrats do anything to make it tougher for businesses, hell no, why because they are paid off just like Republicans. You are a fool if you think the rich Democrats give a damn about you or anyone else.They could have made free trade tough on companies when they held power but have done nothing. I don't give Republicans a pass either but for you to play Clinton a victim is pure BS propaganda.
When unions represented 35% of the workforce Democrats represented labor. Labor still endorses the Democrats.

That is what is so funny. Clinton proudly signs NAFTA, in effect bitch slapping the unions and yet the union leaders get paid off and urge the poor working class union worker to take it and still vote for a party that sells them out. Pretty sad, it used to be union leadership was for the worker, now they are for the rich.
Are you really against free trade? Do you think we should have not done NAFTA because the unions didn't want to do NAFTA? Are you going to tell me we shouldn't have signed NAFTA? Be honest. I didn't know you in 1992 but I'm calling bullshit.

You don't know me now. I am against the idea of sending jobs to countries that don't have the same labor, quality, safety and environmental standards that we force companies in the United States to maintain. It makes the playing field un level for American manufacturing. We pass a law and allow cheap crap into our country then cry when United States companies move to those countries so they can compete. If you are an owner of a company, you have two choice, either move to compete or go out of business. We should never have signed NAFTA, it was a bad deal for the American middle class.

The unions have no effect on my feelings on NAFTA, but they were bitch slapped by Clinton. You think NAFTA helped unions?
My fusion has 90,000 I'll get another 110,000 then sell it. Will you get much more from your Honda/Toyota? Those cars get recalled to. So much for the myth Toyota/Hondas are better made.

We already see the future does not look good for Toyota and Honda factory workers. More and more of them are being replaced by temp workers and subcontractors. No benefits in the future for non union workers. No healthcare, days off, sick days, etc.

As unions disappear so will your good non union jobs.

But you'll blame liberals.

The Tundras in our fleet are extremely high milage. My Tacoma is pushing 200,000 as I drive all over South Texas. Toyota is looking pretty good considering Bammy has been trying to kill them for so long. As for those union jobs disappearing, when it comes to the loading docks at food stores and such the failure of unions is a good thing. Ask a truck driver who won't have to get robbed by paying a lumpers fee. In the auto industry, quality of the product will go way up much like Toyotas has. By the way, the big 3, specifically GM has been having a tough time with recalls to. I still get them from my 2012 Impala and my 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Glad I bought the tundra. Another funny union fact, they don't want Obama's illegals. Funny that.
If Republicans had their way those truck drivers would be speaking Mexican. I remember in Bush's last year's he tried to sneak them in on memorial day or labor day.

And Mark my words. In the past 35% of Americans were union and it brought everyone's wages up. Soon 35% of American workers will be temps and wages will go down. That includes the line workers at Toyota and Honda. They won't actually be Toyota and Honda workers. They'll be temps and subcontractors. It's already happening.

Went to Delphi in Saginaw Michigan a few times. There were 11 union workers packing parts made in China to be shipped to Mexico for assembly. The rest were Temps from corestaff. What you mentioned has already happened. Unions are doing nothing but looking after unions. And I will never forget Boosh's attempt to make the US another state of Mexico. Matter of fact, he succeeded in doing just that and Obama is carrying the torch in that department quite nicely. This is where I hope and pray trump is not lying.
Trump/hillary can't do it by themselves. Don't vote for a senator or a house member who would let mexican trucker in. Just because trump is into closing our borders doesn't mean Mitch McConnell or John McCain is.

And show up for the midterms. We can't take this country back when only rich people and die hard Republicans show up every 2 and moderates/independents every 4

Ding, winner. This is why we are stuck choosing between Trump and Hillery.
And heads up. The rich have figured out they can do more at a state and local level so whoever is the best funded candidate, do not vote for that person. That small time politician is funded by the kochs and can really impact your life even more so at a local level.
Was that the biil, Bill Clinton sign and Hillary loved? It was a bill that if not signed, would have been dead. Funny how Bill and Hillary are now exempt from it.
You know NAFTA was a done deal.

Oh imagine what Republicans would have said if Clinton killed free trade.

Do you know how much Republicans changed NAFTA since bush got into office? I could show you so many examples of Tom delay bush Chaney and Dennis hastert fucking the American worker. But you defended it. You said it meant cheaper goods remember? Now you care about blue collar Americans?

So Clinton wimped out because of what Republicans might say? You are saying Clinton promoted and wanted NAFTA because of what Republicans might say? That sounds like either you are clueless of Clinton had no backbone and just decided to sign it and claim it was good for the country because he was afraid of people talking?

What the hell did I defend? When did I say goods would be cheaper? You partisan leftist regressives are to funny. You lie, like your candidate. I was against NAFTA and all these new free trade agreements. I am against factories going overseas. Did Democrats do anything to make it tougher for businesses, hell no, why because they are paid off just like Republicans. You are a fool if you think the rich Democrats give a damn about you or anyone else.They could have made free trade tough on companies when they held power but have done nothing. I don't give Republicans a pass either but for you to play Clinton a victim is pure BS propaganda.
When unions represented 35% of the workforce Democrats represented labor. Labor still endorses the Democrats.

That is what is so funny. Clinton proudly signs NAFTA, in effect bitch slapping the unions and yet the union leaders get paid off and urge the poor working class union worker to take it and still vote for a party that sells them out. Pretty sad, it used to be union leadership was for the worker, now they are for the rich.
Are you a liberal or pro union? Because they are the only ones who complained in 1992 that Clinton sold us out. You cons weren't complaining. To me this is proof the Clinton's aren't the liberal socialists the GOP makes them out to be.

I like the Clinton's because at least they aren't the gop

So you like the idea that Clinton bitch slapped the unions and told them to go to hell. Interesting.

Rush Limbaugh was against NAFTA. I don't know his reasons for it.

Mine is it encouraged jobs to leave this country. I don't blame the businesses from going, I blame the government for letting them.
You know NAFTA was a done deal.

Oh imagine what Republicans would have said if Clinton killed free trade.

Do you know how much Republicans changed NAFTA since bush got into office? I could show you so many examples of Tom delay bush Chaney and Dennis hastert fucking the American worker. But you defended it. You said it meant cheaper goods remember? Now you care about blue collar Americans?

So Clinton wimped out because of what Republicans might say? You are saying Clinton promoted and wanted NAFTA because of what Republicans might say? That sounds like either you are clueless of Clinton had no backbone and just decided to sign it and claim it was good for the country because he was afraid of people talking?

What the hell did I defend? When did I say goods would be cheaper? You partisan leftist regressives are to funny. You lie, like your candidate. I was against NAFTA and all these new free trade agreements. I am against factories going overseas. Did Democrats do anything to make it tougher for businesses, hell no, why because they are paid off just like Republicans. You are a fool if you think the rich Democrats give a damn about you or anyone else.They could have made free trade tough on companies when they held power but have done nothing. I don't give Republicans a pass either but for you to play Clinton a victim is pure BS propaganda.
When unions represented 35% of the workforce Democrats represented labor. Labor still endorses the Democrats.

That is what is so funny. Clinton proudly signs NAFTA, in effect bitch slapping the unions and yet the union leaders get paid off and urge the poor working class union worker to take it and still vote for a party that sells them out. Pretty sad, it used to be union leadership was for the worker, now they are for the rich.
Are you really against free trade? Do you think we should have not done NAFTA because the unions didn't want to do NAFTA? Are you going to tell me we shouldn't have signed NAFTA? Be honest. I didn't know you in 1992 but I'm calling bullshit.

You don't know me now. I am against the idea of sending jobs to countries that don't have the same labor, quality, safety and environmental standards that we force companies in the United States to maintain. It makes the playing field un level for American manufacturing. We pass a law and allow cheap crap into our country then cry when United States companies move to those countries so they can compete. If you are an owner of a company, you have two choice, either move to compete or go out of business. We should never have signed NAFTA, it was a bad deal for the American middle class.

The unions have no effect on my feelings on NAFTA, but they were bitch slapped by Clinton. You think NAFTA helped unions?
I pretty much agree with you. We're you once a liberal? I never thought of you as a right winger so it shouldn't surprise me I agree with you.

There are a few times the Clinton's sold us out. Doesn't mean im going to vote Republican when I'm mad at the Clinton's for going along with Republicans.

Yes let's make potus hillary and Paul Ryan and the new Senate majority leader fix NAFTA.

NAFTA and free trade doesn't have to be bad. Make it fair. Bush Chaney tweeked NAFTA and made trade less safe
That was true until liberal democracy kicked in. In the last 50 years the rich have slowly broken the social contract with American workers.

We know you're OK with that. We are not. It's why you lose elections. Your ideas are unpopular

It's not my ideas, it's just the way things are.

Companies never had a social contract with American workers. Companies don't have a social obligation either. Companies open up to produce products or services for a profit. That's it.

In the last couple of decades, we've had nearly 16 years of Democrat leadership in the White House. So what changed compared to a Republican led White House? Nothing. So it's more than "our" idea.

So what's driving down these pay scales? Three things: One is foreigners entering the country which Democrats welcome. Two is consumer demand. Three is automation.

Consumer demands the lowest price no matter what. It doesn't matter where their products are made, if the company uses slave labor, if they produce the product here or in China, if their products are made by a robot. Just make it as cheap as possible and forget about the quality. That's why Walmart is the number one store in America today.

It is the price, every liberal wants the cheapest good, so they buy imported crap from low wage paying countries. Then bitch because companies are going overseas so they can compete with consumers that don't want to pay higher prices. The government is the same, it is all dollars, not quality or safety. The cheapest, that is what we buy. If people want higher wages they need to buy US products and support the American worker and his wages.
Every liberal wants cheap goods? Which party is the Walmart party?

The one Michelle Obama aligned herself with in her battle of eating healthy? The stores that are every liberal metropolitan area? You tell me.
The Tundras in our fleet are extremely high milage. My Tacoma is pushing 200,000 as I drive all over South Texas. Toyota is looking pretty good considering Bammy has been trying to kill them for so long. As for those union jobs disappearing, when it comes to the loading docks at food stores and such the failure of unions is a good thing. Ask a truck driver who won't have to get robbed by paying a lumpers fee. In the auto industry, quality of the product will go way up much like Toyotas has. By the way, the big 3, specifically GM has been having a tough time with recalls to. I still get them from my 2012 Impala and my 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Glad I bought the tundra. Another funny union fact, they don't want Obama's illegals. Funny that.
If Republicans had their way those truck drivers would be speaking Mexican. I remember in Bush's last year's he tried to sneak them in on memorial day or labor day.

And Mark my words. In the past 35% of Americans were union and it brought everyone's wages up. Soon 35% of American workers will be temps and wages will go down. That includes the line workers at Toyota and Honda. They won't actually be Toyota and Honda workers. They'll be temps and subcontractors. It's already happening.

Went to Delphi in Saginaw Michigan a few times. There were 11 union workers packing parts made in China to be shipped to Mexico for assembly. The rest were Temps from corestaff. What you mentioned has already happened. Unions are doing nothing but looking after unions. And I will never forget Boosh's attempt to make the US another state of Mexico. Matter of fact, he succeeded in doing just that and Obama is carrying the torch in that department quite nicely. This is where I hope and pray trump is not lying.
Trump/hillary can't do it by themselves. Don't vote for a senator or a house member who would let mexican trucker in. Just because trump is into closing our borders doesn't mean Mitch McConnell or John McCain is.

And show up for the midterms. We can't take this country back when only rich people and die hard Republicans show up every 2 and moderates/independents every 4

Ding, winner. This is why we are stuck choosing between Trump and Hillery.
And heads up. The rich have figured out they can do more at a state and local level so whoever is the best funded candidate, do not vote for that person. That small time politician is funded by the kochs and can really impact your life even more so at a local level.

I will get shit for saying this, but this is why Ted Cruz beat David Douchehurst in the run for K. Bailey Hutchesuns senate seat. See, in Texas to get anywhere politically one is supposed to kiss the Bush signet ring and aske the blessing of the yankee transplants elder fucktard. Dick Perry tried to run without doing so and we saw how that went the first time. Cruz told the Bush clan to ram it. Because of that all the media outlets had him losing right up until they had to say he won the seat. Both parties suffer from shit like this. both parties need to be purged of all the money grubbing elites and fixed. They are both crooked as hell. A good start would be for the Clinton and Bush dynasties to fuck off some place and die quietly.
That was true until liberal democracy kicked in. In the last 50 years the rich have slowly broken the social contract with American workers.

We know you're OK with that. We are not. It's why you lose elections. Your ideas are unpopular

It's not my ideas, it's just the way things are.

Companies never had a social contract with American workers. Companies don't have a social obligation either. Companies open up to produce products or services for a profit. That's it.

In the last couple of decades, we've had nearly 16 years of Democrat leadership in the White House. So what changed compared to a Republican led White House? Nothing. So it's more than "our" idea.

So what's driving down these pay scales? Three things: One is foreigners entering the country which Democrats welcome. Two is consumer demand. Three is automation.

Consumer demands the lowest price no matter what. It doesn't matter where their products are made, if the company uses slave labor, if they produce the product here or in China, if their products are made by a robot. Just make it as cheap as possible and forget about the quality. That's why Walmart is the number one store in America today.

It is the price, every liberal wants the cheapest good, so they buy imported crap from low wage paying countries. Then bitch because companies are going overseas so they can compete with consumers that don't want to pay higher prices. The government is the same, it is all dollars, not quality or safety. The cheapest, that is what we buy. If people want higher wages they need to buy US products and support the American worker and his wages.
Flip flop. Welcome to my side papa

I didn't flip flop, I have been this way since the 80's. I don't blame the corporations or the rich for taking advantage tax cut, every tax break, every opportunity to make more profit or get richer. I blame the government for selling the American people out. It hasn't been the Republicans, it is both the Democrats and Republicans. I'm not on your side, you side with the Democrats, they promote the rich better than the Republicans. They just pretend they don't and dumb Americans fall for. If you don't believe it, see what happened when Sanders tried to get the nomination, the Democrats overwhelmingly choose the friend of the 1%.
So Clinton wimped out because of what Republicans might say? You are saying Clinton promoted and wanted NAFTA because of what Republicans might say? That sounds like either you are clueless of Clinton had no backbone and just decided to sign it and claim it was good for the country because he was afraid of people talking?

What the hell did I defend? When did I say goods would be cheaper? You partisan leftist regressives are to funny. You lie, like your candidate. I was against NAFTA and all these new free trade agreements. I am against factories going overseas. Did Democrats do anything to make it tougher for businesses, hell no, why because they are paid off just like Republicans. You are a fool if you think the rich Democrats give a damn about you or anyone else.They could have made free trade tough on companies when they held power but have done nothing. I don't give Republicans a pass either but for you to play Clinton a victim is pure BS propaganda.
When unions represented 35% of the workforce Democrats represented labor. Labor still endorses the Democrats.

That is what is so funny. Clinton proudly signs NAFTA, in effect bitch slapping the unions and yet the union leaders get paid off and urge the poor working class union worker to take it and still vote for a party that sells them out. Pretty sad, it used to be union leadership was for the worker, now they are for the rich.
Are you really against free trade? Do you think we should have not done NAFTA because the unions didn't want to do NAFTA? Are you going to tell me we shouldn't have signed NAFTA? Be honest. I didn't know you in 1992 but I'm calling bullshit.

You don't know me now. I am against the idea of sending jobs to countries that don't have the same labor, quality, safety and environmental standards that we force companies in the United States to maintain. It makes the playing field un level for American manufacturing. We pass a law and allow cheap crap into our country then cry when United States companies move to those countries so they can compete. If you are an owner of a company, you have two choice, either move to compete or go out of business. We should never have signed NAFTA, it was a bad deal for the American middle class.

The unions have no effect on my feelings on NAFTA, but they were bitch slapped by Clinton. You think NAFTA helped unions?
I pretty much agree with you. We're you once a liberal? I never thought of you as a right winger so it shouldn't surprise me I agree with you.

There are a few times the Clinton's sold us out. Doesn't mean im going to vote Republican when I'm mad at the Clinton's for going along with Republicans.

Yes let's make potus hillary and Paul Ryan and the new Senate majority leader fix NAFTA.

NAFTA and free trade doesn't have to be bad. Make it fair. Bush Chaney tweeked NAFTA and made trade less safe

What did Bush and Cheney do to tweek NAFTA?
My fusion has 90,000 I'll get another 110,000 then sell it. Will you get much more from your Honda/Toyota? Those cars get recalled to. So much for the myth Toyota/Hondas are better made.

Our Expedition is a little over 300,000 miles, our Lexus is a little over 200,000 miles, both have been durable. The Big 3 had major design / quality issues in the late '70's / early '80's and the Japanese taught them they couldn't get away with it any longer. They developed better QA standards and basically kicked Detroit's ass for less cost. The UAW ruined Detroit with their demands and I have dozens of friends who were smart enough to leave the mess decades ago who will attest to these facts.

We already see the future does not look good for Toyota and Honda factory workers. More and more of them are being replaced by temp workers and subcontractors. No benefits in the future for non union workers. No healthcare, days off, sick days, etc.

Toyota / Honda / Nissan have built cars in America for decades now with out bowing down to the UAW and remain profitable. Ford has made the best recovery of the Big 3...

As unions disappear so will your good non union jobs.

Unions are done, have been. We have become a Service based economy, our design and technology lead the world...

But you'll blame liberals.

Yes we will, they have acquired this stupidity all on their own...
You will never see red states give up their federal welfare dollars because they know that those dollars and food stamps gives their economies a shot in the arm. They know if they cut people off from welfare, they will leave. That exodus would take a huge bite out of their economy and probably inflict serious injury to their pocketbooks.

Poor people leaving a state would do that? Seriously????

In most cases, welfare money is not the federals alone. The state kicks into these programs as well and saving the state that money would be much more advantageous than keeping welfare people in the state.

One of our largest expenditures here (and I'm sure for most states) is Medicaid. Medicaid is a government program for the poor. It's only partly funded by the federal government, and the state has to kick in a lions share of the money for it's operation. If we could somehow rid our state of all the poor, that money could be use to lower taxes which would attract more working people and businesses.

You still haven't clarified why red states don't opt out of the welfare programs. Nothing, as far as I can tell is preventing them from doing as you suggest and ridding themselves of poor people by dropping all welfare programs.
If Republicans had their way those truck drivers would be speaking Mexican. I remember in Bush's last year's he tried to sneak them in on memorial day or labor day.

And Mark my words. In the past 35% of Americans were union and it brought everyone's wages up. Soon 35% of American workers will be temps and wages will go down. That includes the line workers at Toyota and Honda. They won't actually be Toyota and Honda workers. They'll be temps and subcontractors. It's already happening.

Went to Delphi in Saginaw Michigan a few times. There were 11 union workers packing parts made in China to be shipped to Mexico for assembly. The rest were Temps from corestaff. What you mentioned has already happened. Unions are doing nothing but looking after unions. And I will never forget Boosh's attempt to make the US another state of Mexico. Matter of fact, he succeeded in doing just that and Obama is carrying the torch in that department quite nicely. This is where I hope and pray trump is not lying.
Trump/hillary can't do it by themselves. Don't vote for a senator or a house member who would let mexican trucker in. Just because trump is into closing our borders doesn't mean Mitch McConnell or John McCain is.

And show up for the midterms. We can't take this country back when only rich people and die hard Republicans show up every 2 and moderates/independents every 4

Ding, winner. This is why we are stuck choosing between Trump and Hillery.
And heads up. The rich have figured out they can do more at a state and local level so whoever is the best funded candidate, do not vote for that person. That small time politician is funded by the kochs and can really impact your life even more so at a local level.

I will get shit for saying this, but this is why Ted Cruz beat David Douchehurst in the run for K. Bailey Hutchesuns senate seat. See, in Texas to get anywhere politically one is supposed to kiss the Bush signet ring and aske the blessing of the yankee transplants elder fucktard. Dick Perry tried to run without doing so and we saw how that went the first time. Cruz told the Bush clan to ram it. Because of that all the media outlets had him losing right up until they had to say he won the seat. Both parties suffer from shit like this. both parties need to be purged of all the money grubbing elites and fixed. They are both crooked as hell. A good start would be for the Clinton and Bush dynasties to fuck off some place and die quietly.

The establishment of both parties are funded by big business. And the more they are entrenched into Congress, the tougher it will be to root out. America is the land of the rich, for the rich and by the rich. The idea that the Democrats claim to be the party of the poor by touting minimum wage? Pretty silly but effective advertising. The are appeasing the peasants by giving them crumbs and taking away more jobs, more money, more power. Lopsided trade off.
The right way to answer the question of African-American loyalty is to treat blacks as rational citizens voting in their self-interest. And while the sluggish economy of the Obama years may seem like a bad case for Democratic loyalty, that’s not true of Democratic administrations overall. According to a recent paper from Zoltan L. Hajnal and Jeremy D. Horowitz—both political scientists at the University of California–San Diego—there’s clear evidence that when the nation is governed by Democrats, black well-being “improves dramatically” across multiple dimensions.

Specifically, looking at data from 1948 to 2010, Hajnal and Horowitz found that “African Americans tend to experience substantial gains under Democratic presidents whereas they tend to incur significant losses or remain stagnant under Republicans.” On average, under Democratic presidents, blacks gained $895 in annual income, saw a 2.41 point drop in their poverty rate, and a 0.36 point drop in their unemployment rate. By contrast, under Republicans, blacks gained $142 a year, along with a 0.15 point increase in poverty and a 0.39 point increase in unemployment.

What’s more, this was true in relative terms as well. As they write, “[W]hether we look at the gap between blacks and whites or at the ratio of black to white outcomes, the patterns are essentially identical: Republican administrations were, on average, bad for African Americans and Democratic administrations were, on average, good for them, both in absolute and relative terms.”

The cumulative (i.e. year-after-year) differences are huge. Across 16 years of Democratic governance, the black poverty rate, for example, declined by nearly 40 points. Across 35 years of Republican governance, by contrast, it increased by 3 points. Indeed, during most years of Republican presidential leadership, black poverty grew and black unemployment increased.

Do Minorities Do Better Under Democrats?
You still haven't clarified why red states don't opt out of the welfare programs. Nothing, as far as I can tell is preventing them from doing as you suggest and ridding themselves of poor people by dropping all welfare programs.

well, my friend, that welfare money FUELS the economy faster than any other form of income....welfare money is not "saved" or invested in business is used quickly on food and other dire necessities.

Red states' governments well know this....and all their bullshit about the "evil of welfare" is simply that.....bullshit.

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