Black people advocate for segregation

Lets face it. They want their 40 acres and a mule. Of course, even if they got that, it would still not be enough.

That was never an actual policy, even during Reconstruction.
Maybe not, but I do know of a recent policy that would give around 50 grand is what was told to me by my neighbor, to the decedents of black farmers who were supposedly to have lost their land back in the day. My neighbor sent his in and told me he did. I don't think he qualified though, because he never said anymore about it.

I'll have to ask him the name of that program, so stay tuned for it or if anyone else knows about it please help me out with the linking to it.. Thanks
Somebody stupidly wrote "You are an anti-white racist."

Jim, Americans of all races know that your desire to go back to the 1950s and 1960s is anti-American for today and the future.

You will die someday, nobody will remember folks like you, and America will move on.
Black folks sure are lucky to have people like this guy to tell them what they want.
I'm not telling them you continue to avoid the topic and try to change the subject.
More snark and evasion.
I listed the grievances they have cited. This has nothing to do with me.
Why do you want to deny black people the things they ask for so they can be free from white racism?

Who's they? Which black people? Have "they" been designated to represent the views of all black people? Or is that your job?

Who knows.

In other words: You are just about as completely full of shit as you can possibly be.

No.It means I'm not running around in circles for you.
You've spent page after page trying to change the subject and name calling and dodging and playing word games.
What? you don't like it when someone plays word games with you?
You've made it clear you aren't here to have an honest discussion. I've tried all day long, so don't expect me to take you seriously now.

I'm sorry the inquisition didn't go as planned. Maybe if you ever asked any honest questions you might get some honest answers.

More deflection.

Why do you have no problem with discrimination against white athletes?
Why do you find white rights groups to be racist when every other ethnic group and race has their own advocacy groups?
Why are you OK with officer Wilsons civil right being violated?
Why cant you answer these questions?

Your powers of clairvoyance continue to amaze. You should think about going into business with this guy.

Again you dodge the questions, why is that?
Why do you have no problem with discrimination against white athletes?
Why do you find white rights groups to be racist when every other ethnic group and race has their own advocacy groups?
Why are you OK with officer Wilsons civil right being violated?
Why cant you answer these questions?

Because all your dumb fucking half wit questions presuppose that you know what I think. Are you beginning to catch on now Kreskin?

Then it shouldn't be any trouble to rip him to shreds...but instead you spend the whole day evading and playing word games.

In other words: I'm not playing your word game by your rules.

If you feel I have worded the questions wrong then just point it out and answer the question in terms you think are fair.

But you just use this as an excuse to not answer questions that basically force you to admit that you don't give a potters damn about white peoples civil rights. In fact the idea that white people are being given unjust treatment in their own political and criminal justice system is hilarious to you.
I already did but you're too fucking stupid to understand. All your questions presuppose that you know what I think. Have you read your own dim wit questions?

More lies out of your stupid pie hole.

Why do you have no problem with discrimination against white athletes?
Why do you find white rights groups to be racist when every other ethnic group and race has their own advocacy groups?
Why are you OK with officer Wilsons civil right being violated?
Why cant you answer these questions?

You seem to believe you have this amazing talent for reading people's minds.

It is easy to see you are dodging the questions. You are apparently OK with whites losing their civil right incrementally and even seem to relish in the thought.

You are an anti-white racist.

Do you think that there are not whites tracking people like you today, and when the tide has finally turned to their favor like it today in yours, that they wont redress their objections to your racism?

I have no idea how it will happen but I do know that history has cycles of attitudes that swing one way then the other, mostly because people over react and with every triumphal movement there are the cynical ass holes like you who exploit it.

But God is Just and His righteous vengeance is slow but thorough.

I think of that and I laugh.

How surprised you will be when God tells you, "Jimbo, the joke is you. You were warned but you knew better."
Negroes WANT segregation. They've been openly saying they did for 2 weeks in Ferguson.

Actually they've been advocating for segregation for many years. Why not accommodate them?

What? You don't believe me?

They don't want white cops to patrol in their "neighborhoods. White cops are too "racist".

They want white prosecutors replaced by "blacks" to handle cases that include them. White prosecutors are too "racist".

They don't want white judges to hear cases that have "black" defendants. White judges are too "racist"

They don't want white legislators representing their districts. White legislators are too "racist".
They've rejected white leadership, laws and values en masse ...they want everyone in any official capacity to be "black".

They don't want to work for white people because they are held back in promotions and salaries....White employers are too "racist".

They don't want their children taught by white teachers. White teachers are too "racist".

They already have the black only (no whites allowed) Congressional "Black" caucus.
(Which is really a country drunk on "diversity" where negroes demand(!) whites be "inclusive" we have a political bloc of negroes in gvt who are paid with TAXPAYER DOLLARS (translation; white people ) but they have this group that forbids white people to participate

They WANT to be segregated from let's "help" them reach their goal.

Set aside a state or 2 and make it EXCLUSIVELY black. All black politicians, all black cops, all black judges, all black prosecutors. They can set up their own businesses and have 100% black ownership and employees.

...but...they will be forced to pay their own way entirely. No welfare, no EBT, and all of their "social" "programs" and "entitlements" will be funded exclusively by blacks.

They can tax each other or hand out entitlements to each other however they interference from us white devils.

I'd even be ok with reducing tax rates for them so they can get a foothold and get a solid foundation to build their black utopia.

They've complained for generations about "racism"in EVERYTHING and being held down.
Here's their chance to soar.

It would be a win-win for both races.
We don't have to finance their dysfunction and they don't have to live under the rule of us evil white racists.

And thank you for playing "I am a racist".


Yes. Negroes.
What's the problem?

Can you address these points now that you're done trying to cause a distraction?

They don't want white cops to patrol in their "neighborhoods. White cops are too "racist".

They want white prosecutors replaced by "blacks" to handle cases that include them. White prosecutors are too "racist".

They don't want white judges to hear cases that have "black" defendants. White judges are too "racist"

They don't want white legislators representing their districts. White legislators are too "racist".
They've rejected white leadership, laws and values en masse ...they want everyone in any official capacity to be "black".

They don't want to work for white people because they are held back in promotions and salaries....White employers are too "racist".

They don't want their children taught by white teachers. White teachers are too "racist".
What a bunch of bull shite, Rota.

Who are "they"? Names, groups, schools, statistics, surveys, sonny: not your hatred.
What a bunch of bull shite, Rota.

Who are "they"? Names, groups, schools, statistics, surveys, sonny: not your hatred.

around and around you your tail. I'm not playing.
You can put a little red x by every one of my posts LMAO..I couldn't care less.
Negroes WANT segregation. They've been openly saying they did for 2 weeks in Ferguson.

Actually they've been advocating for segregation for many years. Why not accommodate them?

What? You don't believe me?

They don't want white cops to patrol in their "neighborhoods. White cops are too "racist".

They want white prosecutors replaced by "blacks" to handle cases that include them. White prosecutors are too "racist".

They don't want white judges to hear cases that have "black" defendants. White judges are too "racist"

They don't want white legislators representing their districts. White legislators are too "racist".
They've rejected white leadership, laws and values en masse ...they want everyone in any official capacity to be "black".

They don't want to work for white people because they are held back in promotions and salaries....White employers are too "racist".

They don't want their children taught by white teachers. White teachers are too "racist".

They already have the black only (no whites allowed) Congressional "Black" caucus.
(Which is really a country drunk on "diversity" where negroes demand(!) whites be "inclusive" we have a political bloc of negroes in gvt who are paid with TAXPAYER DOLLARS (translation; white people ) but they have this group that forbids white people to participate

They WANT to be segregated from let's "help" them reach their goal.

Set aside a state or 2 and make it EXCLUSIVELY black. All black politicians, all black cops, all black judges, all black prosecutors. They can set up their own businesses and have 100% black ownership and employees.

...but...they will be forced to pay their own way entirely. No welfare, no EBT, and all of their "social" "programs" and "entitlements" will be funded exclusively by blacks.

They can tax each other or hand out entitlements to each other however they interference from us white devils.

I'd even be ok with reducing tax rates for them so they can get a foothold and get a solid foundation to build their black utopia.

They've complained for generations about "racism"in EVERYTHING and being held down.
Here's their chance to soar.

It would be a win-win for both races.
We don't have to finance their dysfunction and they don't have to live under the rule of us evil white racists.

They do have a place like that's called Africa. They don't want that, they need people to leech off of so they can get their entitlements.

Another scholar weighs in with profound insights.
This woman I know keeps complaining about her husband smacking her around. Been going on for years.

If only she'd stop making him upset! Hell, she could leave and the beatings would stop. But she doesn't. Instead, she expects her husband to stop hitting her. Crazy bitch.
So in your scenario placed in the context of this thread, couldn't it also be said that Africans could have went back to Africa also, but they decided to stay where as in their minds or opinions they would still be abused for centuries to come, but decided to stay anyway ? What would you call them in the situation ? I guess your scenario had a message in there in which you were trying to parallel with this thread when wrote that. Now she as with them made the choice that things would get better over time, and for them they had gotten better or even great, but for her maybe not so much.
Negroes WANT segregation. They've been openly saying they did for 2 weeks in Ferguson.

Actually they've been advocating for segregation for many years. Why not accommodate them?

What? You don't believe me?

They don't want white cops to patrol in their "neighborhoods. White cops are too "racist".

They want white prosecutors replaced by "blacks" to handle cases that include them. White prosecutors are too "racist".

They don't want white judges to hear cases that have "black" defendants. White judges are too "racist"

They don't want white legislators representing their districts. White legislators are too "racist".
They've rejected white leadership, laws and values en masse ...they want everyone in any official capacity to be "black".

They don't want to work for white people because they are held back in promotions and salaries....White employers are too "racist".

They don't want their children taught by white teachers. White teachers are too "racist".

They already have the black only (no whites allowed) Congressional "Black" caucus.
(Which is really a country drunk on "diversity" where negroes demand(!) whites be "inclusive" we have a political bloc of negroes in gvt who are paid with TAXPAYER DOLLARS (translation; white people ) but they have this group that forbids white people to participate

They WANT to be segregated from let's "help" them reach their goal.

Set aside a state or 2 and make it EXCLUSIVELY black. All black politicians, all black cops, all black judges, all black prosecutors. They can set up their own businesses and have 100% black ownership and employees.

...but...they will be forced to pay their own way entirely. No welfare, no EBT, and all of their "social" "programs" and "entitlements" will be funded exclusively by blacks.

They can tax each other or hand out entitlements to each other however they interference from us white devils.

I'd even be ok with reducing tax rates for them so they can get a foothold and get a solid foundation to build their black utopia.

They've complained for generations about "racism"in EVERYTHING and being held down.
Here's their chance to soar.

It would be a win-win for both races.
We don't have to finance their dysfunction and they don't have to live under the rule of us evil white racists.

They do have a place like that's called Africa. They don't want that, they need people to leech off of so they can get their entitlements.

but the level of dysfunction and the drain on our resources required to keep them pacified has crippled this nation.
If we don't separate voluntarily and peacefully soon, we will by force in the future.
Think "Balkans".

This kind of thinking is the unfortunate result of rereading the Turner Diaries too many times.
Negroes WANT segregation. They've been openly saying they did for 2 weeks in Ferguson.

Actually they've been advocating for segregation for many years. Why not accommodate them?

What? You don't believe me?

They don't want white cops to patrol in their "neighborhoods. White cops are too "racist".

They want white prosecutors replaced by "blacks" to handle cases that include them. White prosecutors are too "racist".

They don't want white judges to hear cases that have "black" defendants. White judges are too "racist"

They don't want white legislators representing their districts. White legislators are too "racist".
They've rejected white leadership, laws and values en masse ...they want everyone in any official capacity to be "black".

They don't want to work for white people because they are held back in promotions and salaries....White employers are too "racist".

They don't want their children taught by white teachers. White teachers are too "racist".

They already have the black only (no whites allowed) Congressional "Black" caucus.
(Which is really a country drunk on "diversity" where negroes demand(!) whites be "inclusive" we have a political bloc of negroes in gvt who are paid with TAXPAYER DOLLARS (translation; white people ) but they have this group that forbids white people to participate

They WANT to be segregated from let's "help" them reach their goal.

Set aside a state or 2 and make it EXCLUSIVELY black. All black politicians, all black cops, all black judges, all black prosecutors. They can set up their own businesses and have 100% black ownership and employees.

...but...they will be forced to pay their own way entirely. No welfare, no EBT, and all of their "social" "programs" and "entitlements" will be funded exclusively by blacks.

They can tax each other or hand out entitlements to each other however they interference from us white devils.

I'd even be ok with reducing tax rates for them so they can get a foothold and get a solid foundation to build their black utopia.

They've complained for generations about "racism"in EVERYTHING and being held down.
Here's their chance to soar.

It would be a win-win for both races.
We don't have to finance their dysfunction and they don't have to live under the rule of us evil white racists.

And thank you for playing "I am a racist".


And when he says "they want.....blah, blah, blah" , his conclusions about what the majority of black folks want are obviously based on his extensive research backed up by his own thorough polling of a representative cross section . All very scientific I assure you.
Inner city blacks need to get a real life and quit playing the "poor picked on black man" card and contribute to society. Quit being part of the problem and start being part of the solution.
I do think it takes all teams playing fairly for things to work the way they should work. We address such things all the time here, and some just have to catch up.
man, this preacher is the black equivalent of a white bigot...but is he wrong on the facts?

So then you've found your equivalent.

Did you miss where I said I disagree with the guy?

lol, you have everyone split up into a dichotomy of those who agree with you who you assume are tight and just as rain, and those who oppose you who are evil racist stupid morons.

And so you don't even bother to read a single thing your opponents post, so when you lie for your good cause, you cant even get your lies straight, because you are ignorant about what people are saying in response to you.

You are an imbecile, a blithering fool and anyone that reads this thread can see you for what you are.

It's a wonder you can't persuade more people to your point of view.

What are you talking about? Look at Portland, Seattle, North Dakota, Vermont, Maine, etc. Look at President Clinton's town, 0.94% black. How people live shows their support.

I'll bet that you're a supporter too. All you're doing is buying a seat at the liberal Reputational Poker Game where all the chips are free and you're betting big with free money by shooting off your mouth. What you're not doing is searching out a school which is 90% minority and then sending your own kids there. You don't value diverstiy because you don't try to give your kids the benefit of diversity. You're a coward because you don't live true to what you preach.
man, this preacher is the black equivalent of a white bigot...but is he wrong on the facts?

So then you've found your equivalent.

Did you miss where I said I disagree with the guy?

lol, you have everyone split up into a dichotomy of those who agree with you who you assume are tight and just as rain, and those who oppose you who are evil racist stupid morons.

And so you don't even bother to read a single thing your opponents post, so when you lie for your good cause, you cant even get your lies straight, because you are ignorant about what people are saying in response to you.

You are an imbecile, a blithering fool and anyone that reads this thread can see you for what you are.

It's a wonder you can't persuade more people to your point of view.

What are you talking about? Look at Portland, Seattle, North Dakota, Vermont, Maine, etc. Look at President Clinton's town, 0.94% black. How people live shows their support.

I'll bet that you're a supporter too. All you're doing is buying a seat at the liberal Reputational Poker Game where all the chips are free and you're betting big with free money by shooting off your mouth. What you're not doing is searching out a school which is 90% minority and then sending your own kids there. You don't value diverstiy because you don't try to give your kids the benefit of diversity. You're a coward because you don't live true to what you preach.

I have no idea what this mindless scree of nonsense means.
This woman I know keeps complaining about her husband smacking her around. Been going on for years.

If only she'd stop making him upset! Hell, she could leave and the beatings would stop. But she doesn't. Instead, she expects her husband to stop hitting her. Crazy bitch.
So in your scenario placed in the context of this thread, couldn't it also be said that Africans could have went back to Africa also, but they decided to stay where as in their minds or opinions they would still be abused for centuries to come, but decided to stay anyway ? What would you call them in the situation ? I guess your scenario had a message in there in which you were trying to parallel with this thread when wrote that. Now she as with them made the choice that things would get better over time, and for them they had gotten better or even great, but for her maybe no so much.

I apologize in advance as I don't really know you. But, I think you might be a dumbass. I'm pretty sure a 9 year old could get what I was saying in that post.

Now....this doesn't mean that I dislike you. Although....your views on race give me a pretty good idea that I won't. I just think that you should know that you'll have to make some improvements if you are going to get me to give what you say very much consideration.

I just need to get you to give me some consideration eh ? Wow aren't you the great one that is stuck on yourself.. LOL.

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