Black people advocate for segregation

Blacks and whites and all other good Americans do want TheOwl and Rota and that gang segregated on their own island in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

What a bunch of racist nimrods.
Which blacks?
Which whites?
Name them.
Who are the good americans?
Name them.
Define "good".
Where do they live and what is their date of birth?
Who are all the members of "that gang"?
Which island?
How big is it?
What is the average annual temperature there?
What is the latitude and longitude of the middle of the indian ocean?
The term "Indian ocean" is racist.
Define "nimrod"

LMMFAO..It's funny when I play the same word games they play...but I'm not here to be amusing..and it just goes against my natural instincts to be honest...but it is funny.
In other words: None of your so called arguments stand up to scrutiny.

If they don't it wasn't YOU that pointed anything out, liar.

It takes very little effort to derail the so called arguments of racist morons.

lol, yeah, in your little nutshell from which you rule the universe, roflmao

You have as of yet not give a single cogent argument or relevant fact about this whole subject.

You wouldn't know how.
Inner city blacks need to get a real life and quit playing the "poor picked on black man" card and contribute to society. Quit being part of the problem and start being part of the solution.

I'm sure you meant to say "inner city black people", right?

What percentage of inner city black people are, in fact, making an attempt to be part of the solution? Got a guess?

Whatever it is it doesn't include you.
man, this preacher is the black equivalent of a white bigot...but is he wrong on the facts?

So then you've found your equivalent.

Did you miss where I said I disagree with the guy?

lol, you have everyone split up into a dichotomy of those who agree with you who you assume are tight and just as rain, and those who oppose you who are evil racist stupid morons.

And so you don't even bother to read a single thing your opponents post, so when you lie for your good cause, you cant even get your lies straight, because you are ignorant about what people are saying in response to you.

You are an imbecile, a blithering fool and anyone that reads this thread can see you for what you are.

It's a wonder you can't persuade more people to your point of view.
This woman I know keeps complaining about her husband smacking her around. Been going on for years.

If only she'd stop making him upset! Hell, she could leave and the beatings would stop. But she doesn't. Instead, she expects her husband to stop hitting her. Crazy bitch.

She should prepare for him the finest steak he's ever had in his life, and then set up a candle lit dinner and enjoy a romantic meal.

Except she should poison the steak and then dissolve his body in acid while singing Ave Maria.
Yeah, just like a Nazi brownshirt would have done it.
man, this preacher is the black equivalent of a white bigot...but is he wrong on the facts?

So then you've found your equivalent.

Did you miss where I said I disagree with the guy?

lol, you have everyone split up into a dichotomy of those who agree with you who you assume are tight and just as rain, and those who oppose you who are evil racist stupid morons.

And so you don't even bother to read a single thing your opponents post, so when you lie for your good cause, you cant even get your lies straight, because you are ignorant about what people are saying in response to you.

You are an imbecile, a blithering fool and anyone that reads this thread can see you for what you are.

It's a wonder you can't persuade more people to your point of view.

Lol, and how do you know I have not nudged a few folks in the direction I go?

No one does a 180 in real life that isn't a shallow rooted weed anyway.

AllI want to do is learn where I need to, fertilize the ground with exposed libtard bullshit like yours and plant a few truthful seeds.
Inner city blacks need to get a real life and quit playing the "poor picked on black man" card and contribute to society. Quit being part of the problem and start being part of the solution.

I'm sure you meant to say "inner city black people", right?

What percentage of inner city black people are, in fact, making an attempt to be part of the solution? Got a guess?

Whatever it is it doesn't include you.

Say what?
Inner city blacks need to get a real life and quit playing the "poor picked on black man" card and contribute to society. Quit being part of the problem and start being part of the solution.

I'm sure you meant to say "inner city black people", right?

What percentage of inner city black people are, in fact, making an attempt to be part of the solution? Got a guess?

Whatever it is it doesn't include you.

Say what?

Seh whahhh?

I said what I said....inner city blacks...okay inner city black people. PUT YOUR HANDS DOWN, PULL UP YOUR PANTS AND GET A JOB!

where is all the gratitude for all the freebies they have gotten so they can survive. :boohoo:
man, this preacher is the black equivalent of a white bigot...but is he wrong on the facts?

So then you've found your equivalent.

Did you miss where I said I disagree with the guy?

lol, you have everyone split up into a dichotomy of those who agree with you who you assume are tight and just as rain, and those who oppose you who are evil racist stupid morons.

And so you don't even bother to read a single thing your opponents post, so when you lie for your good cause, you cant even get your lies straight, because you are ignorant about what people are saying in response to you.

You are an imbecile, a blithering fool and anyone that reads this thread can see you for what you are.

It's a wonder you can't persuade more people to your point of view.

Lol, and how do you know I have not nudged a few folks in the direction I go?

No one does a 180 in real life that isn't a shallow rooted weed anyway.

AllI want to do is learn where I need to, fertilize the ground with exposed libtard bullshit like yours and plant a few truthful seeds.

Hush little child, I'm taking a break for some quiet reflection. It's Sunday, so I'm praying to God for your salvation right now. I'm praying God will help you see the err of your ways and inspire you to repent your sins. Gods love can help you overcome your hateful nature. Don't resist it, let the Lord be your shepherd.
This woman I know keeps complaining about her husband smacking her around. Been going on for years.

If only she'd stop making him upset! Hell, she could leave and the beatings would stop. But she doesn't. Instead, she expects her husband to stop hitting her. Crazy bitch.

Your stupid analogy does not equate here, idiot.

The cop has been wronged by being framed for racism and an unjustified shooting that was justified.

Your lies are exposed and the public is shocked to see how the popular media is in on it.

Fuck you till you bathe in your tears, bitch.
Blacks and whites and all other good Americans do want TheOwl and Rota and that gang segregated on their own island in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

What a bunch of racist nimrods.
Which blacks?
Which whites?
Name them.
Who are the good americans?
Name them.
Where do they live and what is their date of birth?
Who are all the members of "that gang"?
Which island?
How big is it?
What is the average annual temperature there?
What is the latitude and longitude of the middle of the indian ocean?
The term "Indian ocean" is racist.

LMMFAO..It's funny when I play the same word games they play...but I'm not here to be amusing..and it just goes against my natural instincts to be honest...but it is funny.

Yep, send you on wild goose chases to document a well known fact, then they don't bother to read it. They just want to waste your time with Tar Baby tactics.

This woman I know keeps complaining about her husband smacking her around. Been going on for years.

If only she'd stop making him upset! Hell, she could leave and the beatings would stop. But she doesn't. Instead, she expects her husband to stop hitting her. Crazy bitch.

Your stupid analogy does not equate here, idiot.

The cop has been wronged by being framed for racism and an unjustified shooting that was justified.

Your lies are exposed and the public is shocked to see how the popular media is in on it.

Fuck you till you bathe in your tears, bitch.
Blacks and whites and all other good Americans do want TheOwl and Rota and that gang segregated on their own island in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

What a bunch of racist nimrods.
Which blacks?
Which whites?
Name them.
Who are the good americans?
Name them.
Where do they live and what is their date of birth?
Who are all the members of "that gang"?
Which island?
How big is it?
What is the average annual temperature there?
What is the latitude and longitude of the middle of the indian ocean?
The term "Indian ocean" is racist.

LMMFAO..It's funny when I play the same word games they play...but I'm not here to be amusing..and it just goes against my natural instincts to be honest...but it is funny.

Yep, send you on wild goose chases to document a well known fact, then they don't bother to read it. They just want to waste your time with Tar Baby tactics.

Precision is not one of your strong points.
man, this preacher is the black equivalent of a white bigot...but is he wrong on the facts?

So then you've found your equivalent.

Did you miss where I said I disagree with the guy?

lol, you have everyone split up into a dichotomy of those who agree with you who you assume are tight and just as rain, and those who oppose you who are evil racist stupid morons.

And so you don't even bother to read a single thing your opponents post, so when you lie for your good cause, you cant even get your lies straight, because you are ignorant about what people are saying in response to you.

You are an imbecile, a blithering fool and anyone that reads this thread can see you for what you are.

It's a wonder you can't persuade more people to your point of view.

Lol, and how do you know I have not nudged a few folks in the direction I go?

No one does a 180 in real life that isn't a shallow rooted weed anyway.

AllI want to do is learn where I need to, fertilize the ground with exposed libtard bullshit like yours and plant a few truthful seeds.

Hush little child, I'm taking a break for some quiet reflection. It's Sunday, so I'm praying to God for your salvation right now. I'm praying God will help you see the err of your ways and inspire you to repent your sins. Gods love can help you overcome your hateful nature. Don't resist it, let the Lord be your shepherd.

Man, you shouldn't lie about God like that, cretin. Believe it or not you will stand in front of Him one day, the Final Judge. And you will piss your loincloth knowing what that judgment will likely be.
I said what I said....inner city blacks...okay inner city black people. PUT YOUR HANDS DOWN, PULL UP YOUR PANTS AND GET A JOB!

where is all the gratitude for all the freebies they have gotten so they can survive. :boohoo:

I asked a question. Considering all adult inner city blacks.......what percentage of them are well meaning, conscientious, hard working people? Have you any thoughts about that?
man, this preacher is the black equivalent of a white bigot...but is he wrong on the facts?

So then you've found your equivalent.

Did you miss where I said I disagree with the guy?

lol, you have everyone split up into a dichotomy of those who agree with you who you assume are tight and just as rain, and those who oppose you who are evil racist stupid morons.

And so you don't even bother to read a single thing your opponents post, so when you lie for your good cause, you cant even get your lies straight, because you are ignorant about what people are saying in response to you.

You are an imbecile, a blithering fool and anyone that reads this thread can see you for what you are.

It's a wonder you can't persuade more people to your point of view.

Lol, and how do you know I have not nudged a few folks in the direction I go?

No one does a 180 in real life that isn't a shallow rooted weed anyway.

AllI want to do is learn where I need to, fertilize the ground with exposed libtard bullshit like yours and plant a few truthful seeds.

Hush little child, I'm taking a break for some quiet reflection. It's Sunday, so I'm praying to God for your salvation right now. I'm praying God will help you see the err of your ways and inspire you to repent your sins. Gods love can help you overcome your hateful nature. Don't resist it, let the Lord be your shepherd.

Man, you shouldn't lie about God like that, cretin. Believe it or not you will stand in front of Him one day, the Final Judge. And you will piss your loincloth knowing what that judgment will likely be.

Repent your sins, God is love and forgiveness. You can still be saved.
This woman I know keeps complaining about her husband smacking her around. Been going on for years.

If only she'd stop making him upset! Hell, she could leave and the beatings would stop. But she doesn't. Instead, she expects her husband to stop hitting her. Crazy bitch.

She should prepare for him the finest steak he's ever had in his life, and then set up a candle lit dinner and enjoy a romantic meal.

Except she should poison the steak and then dissolve his body in acid while singing Ave Maria.
Yeah, just like a Nazi brownshirt would have done it.
blacks could not survive in this country without whites ! whites on the other hand would be much better off without blacks around . blacks would be the first to start whining if they were left to themselves .
blacks could not survive in this country without whites ! whites on the other hand would be much better off without blacks around .
Thank for sharing those deep thoughtful insights. Based on what I've seen so far I'd be very surprised if some foundation hadn't already offered funding for you to start your own think tank.
Negroes WANT segregation. They've been openly saying they did for 2 weeks in Ferguson.

Actually they've been advocating for segregation for many years. Why not accommodate them?

What? You don't believe me?

They don't want white cops to patrol in their "neighborhoods. White cops are too "racist".

They want white prosecutors replaced by "blacks" to handle cases that include them. White prosecutors are too "racist".

They don't want white judges to hear cases that have "black" defendants. White judges are too "racist"

They don't want white legislators representing their districts. White legislators are too "racist".
They've rejected white leadership, laws and values en masse ...they want everyone in any official capacity to be "black".

They don't want to work for white people because they are held back in promotions and salaries....White employers are too "racist".

They don't want their children taught by white teachers. White teachers are too "racist".

They already have the black only (no whites allowed) Congressional "Black" caucus.
(Which is really a country drunk on "diversity" where negroes demand(!) whites be "inclusive" we have a political bloc of negroes in gvt who are paid with TAXPAYER DOLLARS (translation; white people ) but they have this group that forbids white people to participate

They WANT to be segregated from let's "help" them reach their goal.

Set aside a state or 2 and make it EXCLUSIVELY black. All black politicians, all black cops, all black judges, all black prosecutors. They can set up their own businesses and have 100% black ownership and employees.

...but...they will be forced to pay their own way entirely. No welfare, no EBT, and all of their "social" "programs" and "entitlements" will be funded exclusively by blacks.

They can tax each other or hand out entitlements to each other however they interference from us white devils.

I'd even be ok with reducing tax rates for them so they can get a foothold and get a solid foundation to build their black utopia.

They've complained for generations about "racism"in EVERYTHING and being held down.
Here's their chance to soar.

It would be a win-win for both races.
We don't have to finance their dysfunction and they don't have to live under the rule of us evil white racists.

They do have a place like that's called Africa. They don't want that, they need people to leech off of so they can get their entitlements.
Negroes WANT segregation. They've been openly saying they did for 2 weeks in Ferguson.

Actually they've been advocating for segregation for many years. Why not accommodate them?

What? You don't believe me?

They don't want white cops to patrol in their "neighborhoods. White cops are too "racist".

They want white prosecutors replaced by "blacks" to handle cases that include them. White prosecutors are too "racist".

They don't want white judges to hear cases that have "black" defendants. White judges are too "racist"

They don't want white legislators representing their districts. White legislators are too "racist".
They've rejected white leadership, laws and values en masse ...they want everyone in any official capacity to be "black".

They don't want to work for white people because they are held back in promotions and salaries....White employers are too "racist".

They don't want their children taught by white teachers. White teachers are too "racist".

They already have the black only (no whites allowed) Congressional "Black" caucus.
(Which is really a country drunk on "diversity" where negroes demand(!) whites be "inclusive" we have a political bloc of negroes in gvt who are paid with TAXPAYER DOLLARS (translation; white people ) but they have this group that forbids white people to participate

They WANT to be segregated from let's "help" them reach their goal.

Set aside a state or 2 and make it EXCLUSIVELY black. All black politicians, all black cops, all black judges, all black prosecutors. They can set up their own businesses and have 100% black ownership and employees.

...but...they will be forced to pay their own way entirely. No welfare, no EBT, and all of their "social" "programs" and "entitlements" will be funded exclusively by blacks.

They can tax each other or hand out entitlements to each other however they interference from us white devils.

I'd even be ok with reducing tax rates for them so they can get a foothold and get a solid foundation to build their black utopia.

They've complained for generations about "racism"in EVERYTHING and being held down.
Here's their chance to soar.

It would be a win-win for both races.
We don't have to finance their dysfunction and they don't have to live under the rule of us evil white racists.

They do have a place like that's called Africa. They don't want that, they need people to leech off of so they can get their entitlements.

but the level of dysfunction and the drain on our resources required to keep them pacified has crippled this nation.
If we don't separate voluntarily and peacefully soon, we will by force in the future.
Think "Balkans".
Negroes WANT segregation. They've been openly saying they did for 2 weeks in Ferguson.

Actually they've been advocating for segregation for many years. Why not accommodate them?

What? You don't believe me?

They don't want white cops to patrol in their "neighborhoods. White cops are too "racist".

They want white prosecutors replaced by "blacks" to handle cases that include them. White prosecutors are too "racist".

They don't want white judges to hear cases that have "black" defendants. White judges are too "racist"

They don't want white legislators representing their districts. White legislators are too "racist".
They've rejected white leadership, laws and values en masse ...they want everyone in any official capacity to be "black".

They don't want to work for white people because they are held back in promotions and salaries....White employers are too "racist".

They don't want their children taught by white teachers. White teachers are too "racist".

They already have the black only (no whites allowed) Congressional "Black" caucus.
(Which is really a country drunk on "diversity" where negroes demand(!) whites be "inclusive" we have a political bloc of negroes in gvt who are paid with TAXPAYER DOLLARS (translation; white people ) but they have this group that forbids white people to participate

They WANT to be segregated from let's "help" them reach their goal.

Set aside a state or 2 and make it EXCLUSIVELY black. All black politicians, all black cops, all black judges, all black prosecutors. They can set up their own businesses and have 100% black ownership and employees.

...but...they will be forced to pay their own way entirely. No welfare, no EBT, and all of their "social" "programs" and "entitlements" will be funded exclusively by blacks.

They can tax each other or hand out entitlements to each other however they interference from us white devils.

I'd even be ok with reducing tax rates for them so they can get a foothold and get a solid foundation to build their black utopia.

They've complained for generations about "racism"in EVERYTHING and being held down.
Here's their chance to soar.

It would be a win-win for both races.
We don't have to finance their dysfunction and they don't have to live under the rule of us evil white racists.

And thank you for playing "I am a racist".


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