Black journalist: Race riots are based on a lie that white cops kill black men all the time


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
You won't see this on CNN.

Wall Street Journal columnist Jason Riley says the race riots in Democrat-run cities following George Floyd’s death are based on a lie — gleefully fomented by the left-wing media — that there has been a surge in white cops killing black men. In reality, Riley said these incidents have dropped dramatically over the past 50 years.

However, because of the sloppy “blanket media coverage” of these racially-charged incidents — and the over-the-top amplification they get on social media — Americans are being brainwashed into believing they’re more prevalent than they really are.

Riley is shocked by the riots around the country because there is “universal disdain” for what dirty cop Derek Chauvin did to George Floyd. No one condones what he did.

Statistically insignificant, but that means nothing to scum.

A lot of things are statistically signifigant.

For instance, your chances of being killed by a Muslim Terrorist after 2002 is negligible. You are more likely to be killed by a dog than a Muslim Terrorist. but we STILL spend Billions out of fear for Muslims and dogs, not so much.


So why do black folks get so upset about the 900 or so cases of cops shooting civilians?

Well, first, the notion of someone who is there to protect you being a danger to you should bother anyone.

The second problem is that how much trouble it takes to hold people to account, even in the most egregious cases of police misconduct.
You won't see this on CNN.

Wall Street Journal columnist Jason Riley says the race riots in Democrat-run cities following George Floyd’s death are based on a lie — gleefully fomented by the left-wing media — that there has been a surge in white cops killing black men. In reality, Riley said these incidents have dropped dramatically over the past 50 years.

However, because of the sloppy “blanket media coverage” of these racially-charged incidents — and the over-the-top amplification they get on social media — Americans are being brainwashed into believing they’re more prevalent than they really are.

Riley is shocked by the riots around the country because there is “universal disdain” for what dirty cop Derek Chauvin did to George Floyd. No one condones what he did.

Actually, what frustrates people is that a dirty cop like Derek Chauvin was still a cop.

He had 18 prior complaints of misconduct before he killed George Floyd.

He was involved in a previous fatal shooting. He was also involved in a chase where two people were killed. He also busted into a suspect's house and shot him.

Despite this, they gave him a MEDAL OF VALOR.

Jason van Dyke, who shot LaQuan McDonald, had 20 previous incidents of civilian complaint,s including a case where he dislocated a suspect's shoulder. Timothy Loehmann, who shot 12 year old Tamir Rice, had been fired from another police department for mental and emotional instability before Cleveland hired him. Darren Wilson, who shot Michael Brown, had been fired from another police department for corruption.

So, yeah, these cases are rare, but when they happen, they are pretty fucking egregious and often involve people who never should have been cops to start with.
All these race riots are 100% caused and controlled by Democrats. You can't help but wonder if this is just a continuation of the Democrat efforts to tank our economy to make Trump look bad. Democrats are definitely capable of burning our cities if they thought it would help them gain political control. Dems. are evil.
You won't see this on CNN.

Wall Street Journal columnist Jason Riley says the race riots in Democrat-run cities following George Floyd’s death are based on a lie — gleefully fomented by the left-wing media — that there has been a surge in white cops killing black men. In reality, Riley said these incidents have dropped dramatically over the past 50 years.

However, because of the sloppy “blanket media coverage” of these racially-charged incidents — and the over-the-top amplification they get on social media — Americans are being brainwashed into believing they’re more prevalent than they really are.

Riley is shocked by the riots around the country because there is “universal disdain” for what dirty cop Derek Chauvin did to George Floyd. No one condones what he did.

Actually, what frustrates people is that a dirty cop like Derek Chauvin was still a cop.

He had 18 prior complaints of misconduct before he killed George Floyd.

He was involved in a previous fatal shooting. He was also involved in a chase where two people were killed. He also busted into a suspect's house and shot him.

Despite this, they gave him a MEDAL OF VALOR.

Jason van Dyke, who shot LaQuan McDonald, had 20 previous incidents of civilian complaint,s including a case where he dislocated a suspect's shoulder. Timothy Loehmann, who shot 12 year old Tamir Rice, had been fired from another police department for mental and emotional instability before Cleveland hired him. Darren Wilson, who shot Michael Brown, had been fired from another police department for corruption.

So, yeah, these cases are rare, but when they happen, they are pretty fucking egregious and often involve people who never should have been cops to start with.
You can blame government unions for that. There is no reason for government unions except to inflate taxpayer costs and prevent incompetence from being punished. If there is no competition there should be no union. This dangerous cop is just like dangerous and incompetent teachers, bureaucrats and service workers. They're protected by evil government unions.
You can blame government unions for that. There is no reason for government unions except to inflate taxpayer costs and prevent incompetence from being punished. If there is no competition there should be no union. This dangerous cop is just like dangerous and incompetent teachers, bureaucrats and service workers. They're protected by evil government unions.

I'll agree. Police Unions are part of the problem. But so is the culture in police department of the "Blue Wall of Silence" where bad cops are tolerated and supported.

you talk to Chicago cops, every last one of them will tell you that Jason van Dyke got shafted, despite what the rest of the world saw on that video. The unions represent the rank and file, that's the problem here.
Here's another study that doesn't fit today's MSM's narrative:

New Study Says White Police Officers Are Not More Likely To Shoot Minority Suspects

A new peer-reviewed study of fatal police shootings says that white officers are not more likely to shoot and kill minority suspects. Critics contend it doesn't address racial disparities by police.


When you look at the number of police shootings in relation to the population, you find that people of color are shot and killed more often than white people. The reason for that disparity has been intensely debated for years, especially since an unarmed black teenager was shot and killed in Ferguson, Mo. almost five years ago.

There has been one recurring theory, that white cops are more likely to shoot black people because of racial bias. Now a new study is challenging that conclusion. NPR's Martin Kaste has more.

MARTIN KASTE, BYLINE: Since the Ferguson protests of 2014, we've learned a lot more about fatal shootings by the police. News organizations started collecting their own data on shootings to make up for incomplete federal stats, and academics started building on that. Michigan State University psychologist Joseph Cesario is part of a group that looked at fatal shootings in 2015. They added in the race of the police, and then did a statistical analysis.

Statistically insignificant, but that means nothing to scum.

A lot of things are statistically signifigant.

For instance, your chances of being killed by a Muslim Terrorist after 2002 is negligible. You are more likely to be killed by a dog than a Muslim Terrorist. but we STILL spend Billions out of fear for Muslims and dogs, not so much.

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So why do black folks get so upset about the 900 or so cases of cops shooting civilians?

Well, first, the notion of someone who is there to protect you being a danger to you should bother anyone.

The second problem is that how much trouble it takes to hold people to account, even in the most egregious cases of police misconduct.

We spend a lot of money on preventing Muslims from killing us. If we did nothing Muslims would be slaughtering us. A cop is almost 20x more likely to be killed by a black person than the other way around. Are we to ignore pesky facts like that when having our “long overdue national conversation about racism and police brutality “?

Also you want to have it both ways. You’re saying Muslim terrorism should be ignored because statistically it’s rare, but in the same breath you want police killings to be a huge focus even though they’re very rare.
We spend a lot of money on preventing Muslims from killing us. If we did nothing Muslims would be slaughtering us. A cop is almost 20x more likely to be killed by a black person than the other way around. Are we to ignore pesky facts like that when having our “long overdue national conversation about racism and police brutality “?

Also you want to have it both ways. You’re saying Muslim terrorism should be ignored because statistically it’s rare, but in the same breath you want police killings to be a huge focus even though they’re very rare.

wow, so many things wrong... sooo many.

Let's start with the easy one. We spend lots of money pissing Muslims off, from our support of the Zionist Entity to the 14 Islamic nations we've invaded, bombed or occupied in the last 40 years. Maybe if we stopped pissing them off, they'd stop trying to kill us.

A cop is almost 20x more likely to be killed by a black person than the other way around.

Actually, the argument that a black person is more likely to kill a cop... just wrong.

In 2019, 38 cops were shot in the line of duty by suspects of ALL RACES. Again, sad, but we are a gun crazy society, it's not surprising.

Meanwhile, 1009 people were killed by police in 2019.

Blacks are 3 times as likely to be shot by police than whites, even if they are unarmed.

Also you want to have it both ways. You’re saying Muslim terrorism should be ignored because
statistically it’s rare, but in the same breath you want police killings to be a huge focus even though they’re very rare.

But they aren't "Statistically rare" Out of some 16,000 homicides in the US, 1009 are police shooting people.

99% of those do not result in the cop being charged with a crime.

We give cops a LOT of lattitude on use of deadly force.

Now by comparison, cops in the UK only shoot a handful of people a year. It's rare. In Japan, not only do the cops rarely shoot people, but it's considered a scandal if they remove their guns from their holsters.
We spend a lot of money on preventing Muslims from killing us. If we did nothing Muslims would be slaughtering us. A cop is almost 20x more likely to be killed by a black person than the other way around. Are we to ignore pesky facts like that when having our “long overdue national conversation about racism and police brutality “?

Also you want to have it both ways. You’re saying Muslim terrorism should be ignored because statistically it’s rare, but in the same breath you want police killings to be a huge focus even though they’re very rare.

wow, so many things wrong... sooo many.

Let's start with the easy one. We spend lots of money pissing Muslims off, from our support of the Zionist Entity to the 14 Islamic nations we've invaded, bombed or occupied in the last 40 years. Maybe if we stopped pissing them off, they'd stop trying to kill us.

A cop is almost 20x more likely to be killed by a black person than the other way around.

Actually, the argument that a black person is more likely to kill a cop... just wrong.

In 2019, 38 cops were shot in the line of duty by suspects of ALL RACES. Again, sad, but we are a gun crazy society, it's not surprising.

Meanwhile, 1009 people were killed by police in 2019.

Blacks are 3 times as likely to be shot by police than whites, even if they are unarmed.

Also you want to have it both ways. You’re saying Muslim terrorism should be ignored because
statistically it’s rare, but in the same breath you want police killings to be a huge focus even though they’re very rare.

But they aren't "Statistically rare" Out of some 16,000 homicides in the US, 1009 are police shooting people.

99% of those do not result in the cop being charged with a crime.

We give cops a LOT of lattitude on use of deadly force.

Now by comparison, cops in the UK only shoot a handful of people a year. It's rare. In Japan, not only do the cops rarely shoot people, but it's considered a scandal if they remove their guns from their holsters.
“ In 2018 there were 7,407 black homicide victims. Assuming a comparable number of victims last year, those nine unarmed black victims of police shootings represent 0.1% of all African-Americans killed in 2019. By contrast, a police officer is 18½ times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer.”

Out of the alleged '900 cases of police shootings' somebody pulled out of their asses above, the number of them found to be 'unjustified' is ...? I would bet the leftist media liars would be hard pressed to find maybe 12. at 'best'. The bullshit is laughable re 'police brutality n stuff', and that imaginary 'police war on black yoofs' and all the rest of the rubbish.

You want to 'save black lives'? Sweep the streets of the gang bangers and dope slingers and the George Floyds , toss them into empty shipping containers and drop them on the next ship out of the country. If you're still a sniveling little feral animal all upset over violent black people getting arrested from their criminal hobbies, we can set up an expatriation fund and you can go live in some feral animal paradise and not be subjected to all this 'white horror' here you think is so 'unbearable'. The lines of those malcontents at the international airports and docks desperate to escape this white nightmare is zero at the moment, so you can have your obese fat asses out of here in a day or two. Take a couple of whiney white Burb Brats under each arm with you when you go; there are plenty of educated hard working people around the world who would love to take your places, and they won't need 5,000 hits of Prozac a month to make it livable here for them either.
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“ In 2018 there were 7,407 black homicide victims. Assuming a comparable number of victims last year, those nine unarmed black victims of police shootings represent 0.1% of all African-Americans killed in 2019. By contrast, a police officer is 18½ times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer.”

Those numbers are so wrong they are laughable... You have no credibility.

Few cops are killed in line of duty. Too many people of color are murdered by police.

Out of the alleged '900 cases of police shootings' somebody pulled out of their asses above, the number of them found to be 'unjustified' is ...? I would bet the leftist media liars would be hard pressed to find maybe 12. at 'best'. The bullshit is laughable re 'police brutality n stuff', and that imaginary 'police war on black yoofs' and all the rest of the rubbish.

That's EXACTLY the problem. 1000 people are killed by police and 99% of them are ruled "Justified". The cops get to investigate themselves, and they always rule it "justified". They ruled the LaQuan McDonald Shooting justified, until the tape became public, and we saw they kept shooting that kid when he was on the ground.

You want to 'save black lives'? Sweep the streets of the gang bangers and dope slingers and the George Floyds , toss them into empty shipping containers and drop them on the next ship out of the country.

And you wonder why they riot. I could explain to you why that kind of thinking is why they are rioting, but you still wouldn't understand it.
You won't see this on CNN.

Wall Street Journal columnist Jason Riley says the race riots in Democrat-run cities following George Floyd’s death are based on a lie — gleefully fomented by the left-wing media — that there has been a surge in white cops killing black men. In reality, Riley said these incidents have dropped dramatically over the past 50 years.

However, because of the sloppy “blanket media coverage” of these racially-charged incidents — and the over-the-top amplification they get on social media — Americans are being brainwashed into believing they’re more prevalent than they really are.

Riley is shocked by the riots around the country because there is “universal disdain” for what dirty cop Derek Chauvin did to George Floyd. No one condones what he did.

Actually, what frustrates people is that a dirty cop like Derek Chauvin was still a cop.

He had 18 prior complaints of misconduct before he killed George Floyd.

He was involved in a previous fatal shooting. He was also involved in a chase where two people were killed. He also busted into a suspect's house and shot him.

Despite this, they gave him a MEDAL OF VALOR.

Jason van Dyke, who shot LaQuan McDonald, had 20 previous incidents of civilian complaint,s including a case where he dislocated a suspect's shoulder. Timothy Loehmann, who shot 12 year old Tamir Rice, had been fired from another police department for mental and emotional instability before Cleveland hired him. Darren Wilson, who shot Michael Brown, had been fired from another police department for corruption.

So, yeah, these cases are rare, but when they happen, they are pretty fucking egregious and often involve people who never should have been cops to start with.

lots depends on WHERE the cops work. There are places in my city in which cops stroll around happily and other places that they AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE.
Long ago ----I asked a cop who was my client-----
"I walk down S__ __ ___ __ Avenue to the hospital in which I work and never see a cop-----But I am presented with about 'one lead in head body' each
week from the same area" He exploded "YOU
WALK DOWN S___ ___ ___ Avenue? I wouldn't drive
a squad car down that road"

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