Black, Hispanic, young voters abandon Biden as election year begins


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
It's good to know that more and more people are seeing through the Democrats and their narrations. That's what I call progress.

If they could see the Democrats and their "narrations" they'd also be able to see through the Republicans and their "narrations"...
Now, if there were an electoral system that allowed people to vote for their chosen political party and know they weren't handing power to those they hate (ie, Proportional Representation) they might be leaving the Democrats for something better.

As it is this story is probably just the sort of story designed to try and influence people who normally wouldn't vote Republican to do so.
OP is a lie.

Women, youth, and people of color are ditching Trump in growing numbers.
All the women I meet, hate the fact that the Democrats allow men to compete in woman sports

People of color, African Americans especially, do not like homosexuals, gays, trans.

Youth typically vote Democrat, not really a vote Trump is losing, but I see a lot are realizing they can not own homes, they live with their parents, or roommates. So even that vote is slipping away.

Why would you vote for a Democrat
So what that poll is really saying is if they had some dem besides Tater to vote for they would. I doubt if they would come out for the gop hopeful in any staggering numbers.

I could easily see the "youth" regressing and not voting this go-round given the hopelessness of their situation with Tater......Why vote for more Tater hopelessness?
It's good to know that more and more people are seeing through the Democrats and their narrations. That's what I call progress.

Regardless, they’ll do something to mess it up. They can’t help saying things that turn young women off and they can’t hide their racist dog whistles.
Say it ain't so Democrats! :laugh:

A new poll shows President Joe Biden losing to former president Donald Trump in 2024 as Mr Biden’s support among Black, Latino and young voters has dropped.

A USA TODAY/Suffolk University poll showed that the president has failed to consolidate parts of the coalition that propelled him to the White House in 2020. Mr Trump, who has a commanding lead in every state that holds an early nominating contest for the Republican nomination for president, beats Mr Biden in a head-to-head with 39 per cent compared to Mr Biden’s 37 per cent.

Only 63 per cent of Black voters support Mr Biden. In 2020, Black voters propelled him to victory in the South Carolina primary, which led to him winning the Democratic nomination. In his victory speech in November, he thanked Black voters, saying “You’ve always had my back, and I’ll have yours.”

Say it ain't so Democrats! :laugh:

But that still doesnt mean the Marxists/Demofascists will once again, pull ballots out of suitcases and steal another election. I am asking, are you guys ready to go to war, when it does happen again, or will you all be slaves to the Demofascists like in Venezuela?
So MAGA's new narrative is that the polls are no longer fake? You guys can't seem to make up your minds.
Not at all, I see it as fleeting "support". They don't really support Trump....In fact a lot of those people just won't vote at all.

That said if the DNC would toss Tater they would come right back into the dem fold.....Tater just does not give them any hope that the next four years would be any better under the current dem leadership.....Why would they?
Dumb assholes want Trump off the ballot because he said to peacefully and patriotically protest.

I hope you lefty fucks never get due process.

The Misus caucus agrees. Only dumb Jo Jorgensen voters disagre.

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