Black Fox News Reporter Kicked Out Of Restaurant For Conservative Views


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Or at least 'White Supremacist' is what liberals would have called the white restaurant owner for kicking a black CNN analyst out of his establishment due to his fake news affiliation!

So now a restaurant is required to participate in things in opposition to their deeply held beliefs? I thought it was allowed to refuse customers for having different beliefs than you. Couldn't he find another restaurant that shared his beliefs?
You are attempting to mix religeous beliefs with being a partisan asshole ... unless you are trying to argue that being a Democrat is a religeon / religious cult & it is against the faith / belief of the cult to serve conservatives.
You are attempting to mix religeous beliefs with being a partisan asshole ... unless you are trying to argue that being a Democrat is a religeon / religious cult & it is against the faith / belief of the cult to serve conservatives.
Are one person's deeply held beliefs more important than any other persons deeply held beliefs?
If the restaurant owner does not want to serve those who don’t share their political beliefs in this case conservative put up a sign stating this. They will almost certainly face a lawsuit for discrimination but if this is a sincerely held belief by them they should welcome defending it in court.
Or at least 'White Supremacist' is what liberals would have called the white restaurant owner for kicking a black CNN analyst out of his establishment due to his fake news affiliation!

meanwhile there are right wing spikes in violence against Asians Jews blacks gays Muslims and that's no problem, in fact you don't even know about it... funny thing
meanwhile there are right wing spikes in violence against Asians Jews blacks gays Muslims and that's no problem, in fact you don't even know about it... funny thing

Oh, I am aware of it, my snowflake friend.

Chuck Schumer and Adam Schiff just raced to the microphones to point out how an 'Asian-hating White Supremacist' just perpetrated a mass shooting against Asians:


'Asian-Hating White Supremacist'

The Constitution protects religeous rights, not the butthurt partisan FEELINGS of a Democrat Party cult follower.
And republicans were up in arms when a few trumpers were refused service in a restaurant a few years ago. Both sides Do the And then condemn the other side for doing it. Both conservatives and liberals are hypocrites.
So now a restaurant is required to participate in things in opposition to their deeply held beliefs? I thought it was allowed to refuse customers for having different beliefs than you. Couldn't he find another restaurant that shared his beliefs?
Couldn't gay people find a different bakery? Why didn't they elicit a cake or baked goods from a Muslim bakery?
And republicans were up in arms when a few trumpers were refused service in a restaurant a few years ago. Both sides Do the And then condemn the other side for doing it. Both conservatives and liberals are hypocrites.

1. Several gays decided to try to make an example of a bakery that refused to bake their wedding cake because of their religeous beliefs, despite the fact there were other bakeries willing to do it. They sued - they lost. The USSC defended the bakery owner's right to refuse service due to protected religeous rights.

2. Again, you snowflakes are intentionally 'confusing' religeous rights with partisan feelings / hatred / butthurt, which is not protected in / by the US Constitution.
The business owner has a right to do that. I wish he wouldn't. I wish he'd let the person stay.

Just like a business owner has a right to refuse to bake a cake. And I wish he wouldn't. I wish he'd just bake the damn cake.

At some point, somebody has to show some strength, rise above SOMETHING, and compromise on SOMETHING. That event doesn't appear to be imminent.

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