Bipartisan opinion-Gadhafi is a military target


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Republican Lindsay Graham and democrat Kent Conrad reject the idea that bombing Gadhafi was an assassination attempt. Wasn't it? This is all double talk political B.S. How can Gadhafi be a legitimate military target when there are no UN sanctions against him and he poses no security threat to the US?
Yes, for Libyans engaged in the civil war.

For western or other powers who are engaged in a little backatcha, they rather need to understand that blowing up kids and grandkids really pisses away any brownie points garnered by jacking with a bad guy.
Republican Lindsay Graham and democrat Kent Conrad reject the idea that bombing Gadhafi was an assassination attempt. Wasn't it? This is all double talk political B.S. How can Gadhafi be a legitimate military target when there are no UN sanctions against him and he poses no security threat to the US?

And the US action against Libya is un-Constitutional and illegal – consequently no action is legitimate, including an assassination attempt.

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