Billy Graham Purchases Ads

I get the idea that obama is losing because he is.

I know that's what you HOPE... but it probably isn't true.

You have one poll with an inaccurate measure and an outlying result... that's what you are hanging your hopes on.

Obama also has to contend with all the young college graduates that are having a tough time finding a job in this economy. It's not exactly the Hope and Change they were promised, as they can't find the high paying careers they hoped to base their degrees on. Instead, these young graduates are waking up to the reality of working at jobs serving as waiters, or similar low paying positions, having to instead shelve their career they had once hoped to attain. Bumper sticker slogans aren't going to work this time, for those seeking to earn a better way of life. President Obama has a lot to answer to from them.
Synthaholic leaned over in his chair to flatulate:

I'm so glad the guy in your avatar is dead. As I do with all America-destroyers.

No, Breitbart is not dead. He is very much alive in millions of people, including me. I believe Breitbart is looking down from Heaven and is very proud of the impact he has had, his impact with the new media will forever live.

Thanks for the reply you gave, it more than proves what people say about the left, in that they want anyone who disagrees with them dead. Nice to see you couldn't address the reply, but instead replied in the manner you did. Yep, leftism is indeed a mental disorder, and your reply proved it. All too easy.
You reported him for pointing out your a hateful bitch???? Gee thin skinned aren't you?
1.'re in favor of a fee for free speech?

Put your foot in it again.

2. "You know the Obama abortion thing is a lie, so you move the goal posts to something else."

a. "Obama voted in committee against the 2003 state bill that was nearly identical to the federal act he says he would have supported. Both contained identical clauses saying that nothing in the bills could be construed to affect legal rights of an unborn fetus, according to an undisputed summary written immediately after the committee’s 2003 mark-up session." : Obama and ‘Infanticide’

b. If a child is 'accidentally' born alive as a result of a botched abortion attempt, Senator Obama had no problem allowing that newborn to die, sans any medical attention.

CNN: Barack Obama's opposition to Born Alive Act - YouTube

Beat you again, you dolt.

He told Brody that the federal bill "was not the bill that was presented at the state level." That’s technically true; though the "neutrality clause" was identical in the federal and state bills, there were other minor wording differences elsewhere. But the Obama campaign statement says that "Illinois And Federal Born Alive Infant Protection Acts Did Not Include Exactly The Same Language." That’s true for the earlier versions that Obama voted against. In the case of SB 1082, as it was amended just before being killed, it’s false.

Obama, Senate floor, 2002: [A]dding a – an additional doctor who then has to be called in an emergency situation to come in and make these assessments is really designed simply to burden the original decision of the woman and the physician to induce labor and perform an abortion. … I think it’s important to understand that this issue ultimately is about abortion and not live births.

Obama, Senate floor, 2001: Number one, whenever we define a previable fetus as a person that is protected by the equal protection clause or the other elements in the Constitution, what we’re really saying is, in fact, that they are persons that are entitled to the kinds of protections that would be provided to a – a child, a nine-month-old – child that was delivered to term. That determination then, essentially, if it was accepted by a court, would forbid abortions to take place. I mean, it – it would essentially bar abortions, because the equal protection clause does not allow somebody to kill a child, and if this is a child, then this would be an antiabortion statute.

Obama’s critics are free to speculate on his motives for voting against the bills, and postulate a lack of concern for babies’ welfare. But his stated reasons for opposing "born-alive" bills have to do with preserving abortion rights, a position he is known to support and has never hidden.

your own link doesnt even support you. All you have is speculation...

A fee for free speech? No the IRS states a preacher can not push his people to vote for someone. Its been a long standing rule.

anytime you want to stop with your stupidity feel free.

When will we actually see Reverend Jeremiah Wright begin to preach out of the bible instead of spewing HIS political views and endorsement of Barrack Obama from across the pulpit? There was no question or talk of his church tax status, when it became convenient during a time when an inspiring Barrack Obama was found running for Commander-in-Chief.
your own link doesnt even support you. All you have is speculation...

A fee for free speech? No the IRS states a preacher can not push his people to vote for someone. Its been a long standing rule.

anytime you want to stop with your stupidity feel free.

When will we actually see Reverend Jeremiah Wright begin to preach out of the bible instead of spewing HIS political views and endorsement of Barrack Obama from across the pulpit? There was no question or talk of his church tax status, when it became convenient during a time when an inspiring Barrack Obama was found running for Commander-in-Chief.
Actually, there has been....I've been part of such discussion. His exempt status needs to go too.
When will we actually see Reverend Jeremiah Wright begin to preach out of the bible instead of spewing HIS political views and endorsement of Barrack Obama from across the pulpit? There was no question or talk of his church tax status, when it became convenient during a time when an inspiring Barrack Obama was found running for Commander-in-Chief.
Actually, there has been....I've been part of such discussion. His exempt status needs to go too. have no respect for the 'messenger'? OK.

I haven't seen you, Moe and Shemp comment on the message, my reason for posting the article.....

"I believe it is vitally important that we cast our ballots for candidates who base their decisions on biblical principles and support the nation of Israel.

4. I urge you to vote for those who protect the sanctity of life and support the biblical definition of marriage between a man and a woman.

5. Vote for biblical values this November 6, and pray with me that America will remain one nation under God."

Care to?
Not really.

I've seen ONE eleciton stolen in my lifetime. (2000).

But Romney's a creep, no one like him, and you have more polls showing Obama winning than losing right now.

"I've seen ONE eleciton stolen in my lifetime."
Where....the Elk's Club???

1. Just because you suffer from A.D.D., don't assume that everyone else is!
Folks will remember, I'm certain, the reason for your hard-won purchase of the title "Erroneous" Joe.

Therefore, it's isn't necessary to continue to re-win it daily.

2. “Gore won” is the equivalent of a political Stanford-Binet IQ Test. And this is a one-question test, so the stakes are high. The bad news, you failed. The good news? Your level of knowledge has attained its nadir, so you have no place to go, but up.
No election was stolen in 2000.

I know I shouldn't be having this much fun.....but you deserve it, Erroneous!

Nope, snookums, the election was stolen.

Come on, if you guys were sure your boy won in Florida, why stop the recounts?

(Full disclosure, I voted for Bush in 2000, but even I knew there was theivery going on.)

Stolen election. And that's the problem. The GOP has only won one election for president in the last 20 years.

It's on its way to being a minority party.

Why DID Gore pick and choose which counties he wanted recounted and not the entire state? Why did the mainstream media call Florida a win for Gore when the western part of Florida still had voting stations opened for a least another hour? Why does the left complain about an election back in 2000, but are against measures that add certainty of the voter's validity in an election? If they don't want the added security of measures that ensure an honest vote, why keep rehashing old wounds of the past? Get over it.
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Billy Graham doesn't have a tax exempt status. He is entitled to do anything with his money that he wants. He is a private citizen like George Soros is a private citizen.
Billy Graham doesn't have a tax exempt status. He is entitled to do anything with his money that he wants. He is a private citizen like George Soros is a private citizen.

I for one, don't mind when a minister shares the biblical views found when dealing with certain "issues". However, I also believe that a true believer of his faith ought to also have enough scriptural knowledge to come to their own conclusions of which candidate most represents their spiritual views. I find that I get my fill of "politics" from newspapers and various media outlets from home / work / the gym (heaven help me if an Obama advertisement appears at a movie theater before the upcoming previews has a chance to start), the last thing I want is an hour lecture of politics from a pastor.

As far as political views of an evangelist surrounding his concerns over a certain candidate, if it's done from his own home or an event OUTSIDE of the atmosphere of the church, I am fine with that. He or she is free to speak on their opinions, that's what the first ammendment allows for each of us regardless of faith, background, or status.
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Billy Graham is not an evagelist. He retired in 2005. He's entitled to say anything he likes.
Actually, there has been....I've been part of such discussion. His exempt status needs to go too. have no respect for the 'messenger'? OK.

I haven't seen you, Moe and Shemp comment on the message, my reason for posting the article.....

"I believe it is vitally important that we cast our ballots for candidates who base their decisions on biblical principles and support the nation of Israel.

4. I urge you to vote for those who protect the sanctity of life and support the biblical definition of marriage between a man and a woman.

5. Vote for biblical values this November 6, and pray with me that America will remain one nation under God."

Care to?

Yeah, he's full of shit.
You do NOT want to get in to a war of biblical quotemining with me, sweetheart. You really don't.
Welcome to the board my brother. I see you'll be a much needed and appropriate addition to our little abode.

Along with what you're saying, these radical RW fundamentalist Republicans are of the false belief that them and only them are Christians, when in fact they are the ones who aren't. They believe they know the Bible...which in fact, they don't. Like you said, they cherry pick, and the Bible has something to say about those that cherry pick. For example.

Matthew 5:18 King James Version (KJV) said:
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Source: Matthew 5:18 KJV - For verily I say unto you, Till heaven - Bible Gateway

You do NOT want to get in to a war of biblical quotemining with me, sweetheart. You really don't.

Must everything be spelled out?

I called you a fool.

It's not necessary for you to continue verifying same.

Then let's do the same thing. Let's quote the bible that you hold so dear.

Matthew 5:22 But anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell.

Stop playing the bible game. Particularly when you cherry pick what parts you think are important enough to pay attention to.

Edited to add: Ran like a little kid who was just spanked. Not surprised.
You're right sir, they don't know the a lick about the Bible. They only know the parts they were handed down by their corrupt handlers, akin to the Scribes and Pharisees.

Here's what Jesus said about the rich that these morally corrupt RW radicals worship...

Matthew 19:24 King James Version (KJV) said:
And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
Source: Matthew 19:24 KJV - And again I say unto you, It is easier - Bible Gateway

This is what Jesus said was important...

Matthew 22:38-40 King James Version (KJV) said:
38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
Source: Matthew 22:38-40 KJV - This is the first and great - Bible Gateway

This is who Jesus said is important...

Matthew 5:5 King James Version (KJV) said:
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
Source: Matthew 5:5 KJV - Blessed are the meek: for they shall - Bible Gateway

So anyone can easily see how corrupt these radicals really are, they've so corrupted themselves and their view of the Bible that they've elevated the rich to god status, worthy of worship and pushed down the poor to the level of constant demonization.

They have some nerve calling themselves Christians.

Wow, you are a hypocrite for supporting Romney? Sort of reminiscent of the very notion of having a strong believing "Catholic" (John F Kennedy) serving as President of the United States. So what does that say of an evangelical who supports a candidate who then changes his views on marriage, which stands contrary to HIS aclaimed christian belief? Would that choice be viewed as being just as hypocritical? What does a man's faith values have to do with his decision for the economy and the current state (direction) of our country?

I think you missed the point.

If Grahmn had preached for 60 years that the Pope was the Anti-Christ, and then decided to drop all reference to that and support JFK because Nixon was really mean to him once, then, yes, Grahamn would be a hypocrite.

Wow, you are a hypocrite for supporting Romney? Sort of reminiscent of the very notion of having a strong believing "Catholic" (John F Kennedy) serving as President of the United States. So what does that say of an evangelical who supports a candidate who then changes his views on marriage, which stands contrary to HIS aclaimed christian belief? Would that choice be viewed as being just as hypocritical? What does a man's faith values have to do with his decision for the economy and the current state (direction) of our country?

I think you missed the point.

If Grahmn had preached for 60 years that the Pope was the Anti-Christ, and then decided to drop all reference to that and support JFK because Nixon was really mean to him once, then, yes, Grahamn would be a hypocrite.

I wonder if Billy Graham's son, Franklin, convinced (or coerced) his father to do this considering how old his father is and how much more partisan Franklin is.

Wow, you are a hypocrite for supporting Romney? Sort of reminiscent of the very notion of having a strong believing "Catholic" (John F Kennedy) serving as President of the United States. So what does that say of an evangelical who supports a candidate who then changes his views on marriage, which stands contrary to HIS aclaimed christian belief? Would that choice be viewed as being just as hypocritical? What does a man's faith values have to do with his decision for the economy and the current state (direction) of our country?

I think you missed the point.

If Grahmn had preached for 60 years that the Pope was the Anti-Christ, and then decided to drop all reference to that and support JFK because Nixon was really mean to him once, then, yes, Grahamn would be a hypocrite.

I wonder if Billy Graham's son, Franklin, convinced (or coerced) his father to do this considering how old his father is and how much more partisan Franklin is.
You're on to something there Mustang. Although Billy himself is a partisan, he's not as uber-partisan as his rabid RW son, who he's had to clip his wings on occassion or two for being too overtyly partisan.
I haven't read his ads yet, but I sure would like too. For one thing our Country was founded on Christianity and for the Advancement of the Christian Faith: found in the "Mayflower Compact",
I do believe Billy Graham posted the ad because God led him too. So here are some quotes:

"O Lord, Almighty and everlasting God, by Thy Word Thou hast created the heaven, and the earth, and the sea; blessed and glorified be Thy Name, and praised be Thy Majesty, which hath deigned to use us, Thy humble servants, that Thy Holy Name may be proclaimed in this second part of the earth." ----------------------------Christopher Columbus

"In the beginning of the contest with Great Britain, when we were sensible of danger, we had daily prayers in this room for divine protection. Our prayers were heard, and they were graciously answered...Have we not forgotten this powerful friend? Or do we no longer need his assistance?"

I have lived a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth:"that God governs the affairs of man." And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid?"
------------------------------Ben Franklin to the
Constitutional Congress 1787

"The Bible is the cornerstone of liberty."---------------------------Thomas Jefferson

"Posterity--you will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it."------------------------------John Quincy Adams

"It is impossible rightly to govern the world without God and the Bible."
-----------George Washington

"I shall need, too, the favor of that Being in whose hands we are, who led our fathers,as Israel of old, from their native land and planted them in a country flowing with all the necessaries and comforts of life;who has covered our infancy with His providence and our riper years with His wisdom and power.-------------------------------------Thomas Jefferson

from "GOD BLESS AMERICA" Prayers & Reflections For Our Country
I haven't read his ads yet, but I sure would like too. For one thing our Country was founded on Christianity and for the Advancement of the Christian Faith: found in the "Mayflower Compact",
I do believe Billy Graham posted the ad because God led him too. So here are some quotes:

The people who did those quotes also believed in witches, thought that bleeding people was a valid medical treatment, thought that it was right for one human being to own another because the Bible said that was nifty.

We've evolved beyond that, and we should all be grateful for that.

I'd have no problem with Mitt and Grahmn's Christianity if they actually did some of the things Jesus said, like looking out for the poor and treating people the way they want to be treated.

Their version of Christianity looks more like Ayn Rand than Jesus, and that's the problem.
1. "Washington (CNN) - The most famous and revered pastor in America, Billy Graham, is calling on voters to cast a ballot for their faith in full-page ads in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today and other newspapers.

2. "As I approach my 94th birthday, I realize this election could be my last."

3. "I believe it is vitally important that we cast our ballots for candidates who base their decisions on biblical principles and support the nation of Israel.

4. I urge you to vote for those who protect the sanctity of life and support the biblical definition of marriage between a man and a woman.

5. Vote for biblical values this November 6, and pray with me that America will remain one nation under God."

6. The ad hit the prominent papers Wednesday and Thursday, and could hit a dozen more newspapers, a week after the famed evangelist met with Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney at Graham's Montreat, North Carolina, home and less than a month after his son Franklin Graham issued a full-throated endorsement of Romney in a USA Today opinion piece.

7. "This ad is consistent with both the mission of the BGEA and Billy Graham's personal methodology to diligently and consistently remain politically neutral and nonpartisan throughout his public ministry," Ross said.

8. "Against the backdrop of moral decline and a cultural shift in our nation that reflects timely issues, Mr. Graham's quotation in the ad is an extension of his faithful preaching of a timeless message and strong stand on biblical values for more than six decades.""

Than Graham actually wants people to vote for Obama. The book of Mormon is not the bible.
1. "Washington (CNN) - The most famous and revered pastor in America, Billy Graham, is calling on voters to cast a ballot for their faith in full-page ads in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today and other newspapers.

2. "As I approach my 94th birthday, I realize this election could be my last."

3. "I believe it is vitally important that we cast our ballots for candidates who base their decisions on biblical principles and support the nation of Israel.

4. I urge you to vote for those who protect the sanctity of life and support the biblical definition of marriage between a man and a woman.

5. Vote for biblical values this November 6, and pray with me that America will remain one nation under God."

6. The ad hit the prominent papers Wednesday and Thursday, and could hit a dozen more newspapers, a week after the famed evangelist met with Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney at Graham's Montreat, North Carolina, home and less than a month after his son Franklin Graham issued a full-throated endorsement of Romney in a USA Today opinion piece.

7. "This ad is consistent with both the mission of the BGEA and Billy Graham's personal methodology to diligently and consistently remain politically neutral and nonpartisan throughout his public ministry," Ross said.

8. "Against the backdrop of moral decline and a cultural shift in our nation that reflects timely issues, Mr. Graham's quotation in the ad is an extension of his faithful preaching of a timeless message and strong stand on biblical values for more than six decades.""

Than Graham actually wants people to vote for Obama. The book of Mormon is not the bible.

"Graham actually wants people to vote for Obama."


Is that the candidate that you believe is suggested in the following:

3. "I believe it is vitally important that we cast our ballots for candidates who base their decisions on biblical principles and support the nation of Israel.

4. I urge you to vote for those who protect the sanctity of life and support the biblical definition of marriage between a man and a woman.

5. Vote for biblical values this November 6, and pray with me that America will remain one nation under God."

Did you realize that Obama supports infanticide?
Why are we voting on a book of superstition written 3000 years ago by Bronze Age Savages?

I'd much rather have us vote on common sense and what makes sense for us to do now.

Common sense is what tells you that two plumb lines are parallel.
I have no doubt that such is the guide-post of your life.

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