Bill Would Require US National Soccer Teams Stand for National Anthem

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You know an article written by a Commie who hates capitalism really isn't a scathing indictment of capitalism, right?
The author of the article (you probably didn't read) hates the undemocratic nature of capitalism and the way it uses divide and conquer tactics to maintain its hegemony in the US:

"JUNE 26, 2020
How Racism is an Essential Tool for Maintaining the Capitalist Order

"U.S. capitalism survived because it found a solution to the basic problem of its instability, its business cycles.

"Since capitalism never could end cyclical downturns and their awful effects, its survival required making those effects somehow socially tolerable.

"Systemic racism survived in the post-Civil War United States partly because it helped to achieve that tolerability.

"Capitalism provided conditions for the reproduction of systemic racism, and vice versa."
Repeating Commie propaganda doesn't magically make it true.

"What the bill does

"A new bill would suspend federal taxpayer funding for the 2022 and 2026 soccer World Cups, unless the U.S. Soccer Federation repeals its policies allowing players to kneel during the national anthem.

"The 2026 World Cup is scheduled to be held across multiple locations in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

"As far as GovTrack Insider can tell, this is the first legislation introduced regarding the 'kneeling for the national anthem' controversy."

What does it say about a "free country" that mandate$ patrioti$m?
Well this only serves to reinforce the contention that Republicans are idiots.

Standing for the National Anthem is already U.S. Soccer Federation policy...

All persons representing a Federation national team shall stand respectfully during the playing of national anthems at any event in which the Federation is represented.​
Uh huh. What happens if they don't?
Doesn't matter, they still get their funding.
Then this bill isn't quite the gotcha you thought it was, is it?
You know an article written by a Commie who hates capitalism really isn't a scathing indictment of capitalism, right?

Capitalism is little more than a theory today.
Sure are a lot of people blaming their personal failures on a theory, then. A lot of people who want a theory destroyed because they think they won't have to work for a living.

A lot of people crediting a theory also.
We have a mixed economy. When economies are completely planned by government, they fail. Always. History proves this, and it's undeniable.

When economies are completely controlled by the market -- well, nobody knows. It's never been done.

Right, a theory.
The alternative pretty much proves the theory correct.

The alternative is what props up the theory.
Socialism props up capitalism?

Well, that's a theory, I suppose. It's not a good one.

Where in Capitalism do we find taxpayers bailing out failed businesses?
Usually when the businesses are owned by Democrat cronies.
You know an article written by a Commie who hates capitalism really isn't a scathing indictment of capitalism, right?
The author of the article (you probably didn't read) hates the undemocratic nature of capitalism and the way it uses divide and conquer tactics to maintain its hegemony in the US:

"JUNE 26, 2020
How Racism is an Essential Tool for Maintaining the Capitalist Order

"U.S. capitalism survived because it found a solution to the basic problem of its instability, its business cycles.

"Since capitalism never could end cyclical downturns and their awful effects, its survival required making those effects somehow socially tolerable.

"Systemic racism survived in the post-Civil War United States partly because it helped to achieve that tolerability.

"Capitalism provided conditions for the reproduction of systemic racism, and vice versa."

Since capitalism never could end cyclical downturns and their awful effects

Is that why the Soviet economy is bigger than ours, no cyclical downturns or awful effects?
White supremacy is the buzzword/boogieman of the day, but when you claim everything you don't like supports white supremacy, you look like an idiot
If you have any interest in understanding the state of race in America today, you will need to confront the painful parts of our past.

The US creation story is based on freedom, equality, and the pursuit of happiness; that's partially true and mostly myth.

America's founders believed in white supremacy, and they were not afraid to say so.

Do you believe in white supremacy?

Five Truths About Black History
Not at all. Race is an accident of birth, no more to be proud of than to be ashamed of.

Leftists, however, believe in black inferiority. You believe blacks can't succeed without the help of white leftists.
You can feel guilty for things you never did if you like. I will not participate in your performative self-flagellation. I have self-respect
You know an article written by a Commie who hates capitalism really isn't a scathing indictment of capitalism, right?

Capitalism is little more than a theory today.
Sure are a lot of people blaming their personal failures on a theory, then. A lot of people who want a theory destroyed because they think they won't have to work for a living.

A lot of people crediting a theory also.
We have a mixed economy. When economies are completely planned by government, they fail. Always. History proves this, and it's undeniable.

When economies are completely controlled by the market -- well, nobody knows. It's never been done.

Right, a theory.
The alternative pretty much proves the theory correct.

The alternative is what props up the theory.
Socialism props up capitalism?

Well, that's a theory, I suppose. It's not a good one.

Where in Capitalism do we find taxpayers bailing out failed businesses?
Usually when the businesses are owned by Democrat cronies.

They are generally businesses that are publicly owned..
There should be no federal money for soccer, whether they stand or not. Let’s hope USSF decides to let players kneel. Save the taxpayers some money.
That may turn out to be a dangerous underestimation of the future of US soccer?

Infographic: Super Bowl Can't Hold the Candle to the Biggest Game in Soccer

Wow, it looks like soccer could support it’s self. BTW, I realize how popular soccer is. I don’t believe we should fund any sports. I’d say the same about football, basketball or fishing, it is a waste of taxpayer money. I would also end all other corporate welfare. If a business needs subsidized, then they have a poor process in place and they either need to fix it, or go out of business.
They don't have to play the World Cup in the U.S.. But doing so generates billions of dollars for the economy. Why shouldn't the government encourage them to bring it here by funding part of it to meet FIFA standards?

Good with billions being made, taxpayers should not need to fund it. Let private enterprise that will rake in billions fund it. That is capitalism at work.
Nonsense. Legislators, at all levels, give money, or other incentives, to businesses that help the economy.

"What the bill does

"A new bill would suspend federal taxpayer funding for the 2022 and 2026 soccer World Cups, unless the U.S. Soccer Federation repeals its policies allowing players to kneel during the national anthem.

"The 2026 World Cup is scheduled to be held across multiple locations in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

"As far as GovTrack Insider can tell, this is the first legislation introduced regarding the 'kneeling for the national anthem' controversy."

What does it say about a "free country" that mandate$ patrioti$m?
Well this only serves to reinforce the contention that Republicans are idiots.

Standing for the National Anthem is already U.S. Soccer Federation policy...

All persons representing a Federation national team shall stand respectfully during the playing of national anthems at any event in which the Federation is represented.​
Uh huh. What happens if they don't?
Doesn't matter, they still get their funding.
Then this bill isn't quite the gotcha you thought it was, is it?
I never said that bill makes any sense. It doesn't. The USSF already has the policy the bill demands.
There should be no federal money for soccer, whether they stand or not. Let’s hope USSF decides to let players kneel. Save the taxpayers some money.
That may turn out to be a dangerous underestimation of the future of US soccer?

Infographic: Super Bowl Can't Hold the Candle to the Biggest Game in Soccer

Wow, it looks like soccer could support it’s self. BTW, I realize how popular soccer is. I don’t believe we should fund any sports. I’d say the same about football, basketball or fishing, it is a waste of taxpayer money. I would also end all other corporate welfare. If a business needs subsidized, then they have a poor process in place and they either need to fix it, or go out of business.
They don't have to play the World Cup in the U.S.. But doing so generates billions of dollars for the economy. Why shouldn't the government encourage them to bring it here by funding part of it to meet FIFA standards?

Good with billions being made, taxpayers should not need to fund it. Let private enterprise that will rake in billions fund it. That is capitalism at work.
Nonsense. Legislators, at all levels, give money, or other incentives, to businesses that help the economy.

And we shouldn’t. The question isn’t do they or don’t they, it is should they or shouldn’t they. We don’t need to fund businesses, corporations, foreign countries, sports or anything else. There is no purpose. If there is love of the sport, then let them foot the bill.

The government is under no obligation to fund any of it and is in no position to fund it.
There should be no federal money for soccer, whether they stand or not. Let’s hope USSF decides to let players kneel. Save the taxpayers some money.
That may turn out to be a dangerous underestimation of the future of US soccer?

Infographic: Super Bowl Can't Hold the Candle to the Biggest Game in Soccer

Wow, it looks like soccer could support it’s self. BTW, I realize how popular soccer is. I don’t believe we should fund any sports. I’d say the same about football, basketball or fishing, it is a waste of taxpayer money. I would also end all other corporate welfare. If a business needs subsidized, then they have a poor process in place and they either need to fix it, or go out of business.
They don't have to play the World Cup in the U.S.. But doing so generates billions of dollars for the economy. Why shouldn't the government encourage them to bring it here by funding part of it to meet FIFA standards?

Good with billions being made, taxpayers should not need to fund it. Let private enterprise that will rake in billions fund it. That is capitalism at work.
Nonsense. Legislators, at all levels, give money, or other incentives, to businesses that help the economy.

And we shouldn’t. The question isn’t do they or don’t they, it is should they or shouldn’t they. We don’t need to fund businesses, corporations, foreign countries, sports or anything else. There is no purpose. If there is love of the sport, then let them foot the bill.

The government is under no obligation to fund any of it and is in no position to fund it.
No one said the government is obligated. You’re not offering any reason for why the government shouldn't entice businesses that are good for the community. They bring jobs and revenue.

Nuh-uh, is not a reason.
There should be no federal money for soccer, whether they stand or not. Let’s hope USSF decides to let players kneel. Save the taxpayers some money.
That may turn out to be a dangerous underestimation of the future of US soccer?

Infographic: Super Bowl Can't Hold the Candle to the Biggest Game in Soccer

Wow, it looks like soccer could support it’s self. BTW, I realize how popular soccer is. I don’t believe we should fund any sports. I’d say the same about football, basketball or fishing, it is a waste of taxpayer money. I would also end all other corporate welfare. If a business needs subsidized, then they have a poor process in place and they either need to fix it, or go out of business.
They don't have to play the World Cup in the U.S.. But doing so generates billions of dollars for the economy. Why shouldn't the government encourage them to bring it here by funding part of it to meet FIFA standards?

Good with billions being made, taxpayers should not need to fund it. Let private enterprise that will rake in billions fund it. That is capitalism at work.
Nonsense. Legislators, at all levels, give money, or other incentives, to businesses that help the economy.

And we shouldn’t. The question isn’t do they or don’t they, it is should they or shouldn’t they. We don’t need to fund businesses, corporations, foreign countries, sports or anything else. There is no purpose. If there is love of the sport, then let them foot the bill.

The government is under no obligation to fund any of it and is in no position to fund it.
No one said the government is obligated. You’re not offering any reason for why the government shouldn't foster businesses that are good for the community. They bring jobs and revenue.

Nuh-uh, is not a reason.

Aren’t you the people that claim if a business can’t pay a living wage they should not be in business. Yet, you want to fund businesses? You people make no sense. We are $22trillion in debt and you just want to fund nonsense like soccer. How does having a soccer team help the general welfare of the nation? Seems like a silly waste of money. I had several businesses and didn’t take any corporate well fare. Is a waste of money.
There should be no federal money for soccer, whether they stand or not. Let’s hope USSF decides to let players kneel. Save the taxpayers some money.
That may turn out to be a dangerous underestimation of the future of US soccer?

Infographic: Super Bowl Can't Hold the Candle to the Biggest Game in Soccer

Wow, it looks like soccer could support it’s self. BTW, I realize how popular soccer is. I don’t believe we should fund any sports. I’d say the same about football, basketball or fishing, it is a waste of taxpayer money. I would also end all other corporate welfare. If a business needs subsidized, then they have a poor process in place and they either need to fix it, or go out of business.
They don't have to play the World Cup in the U.S.. But doing so generates billions of dollars for the economy. Why shouldn't the government encourage them to bring it here by funding part of it to meet FIFA standards?

Good with billions being made, taxpayers should not need to fund it. Let private enterprise that will rake in billions fund it. That is capitalism at work.
Nonsense. Legislators, at all levels, give money, or other incentives, to businesses that help the economy.

And we shouldn’t. The question isn’t do they or don’t they, it is should they or shouldn’t they. We don’t need to fund businesses, corporations, foreign countries, sports or anything else. There is no purpose. If there is love of the sport, then let them foot the bill.

The government is under no obligation to fund any of it and is in no position to fund it.
No one said the government is obligated. You’re not offering any reason for why the government shouldn't foster businesses that are good for the community. They bring jobs and revenue.

Nuh-uh, is not a reason.

Aren’t you the people that claim if a business can’t pay a living wage they should not be in business. Yet, you want to fund businesses? You people make no sense. We are $22trillion in debt and you just want to fund nonsense like soccer. How does having a soccer team help the general welfare of the nation? Seems like a silly waste of money. I had several businesses and didn’t take any corporate well fare. Is a waste of money.
This thread is about providing funds for the World Cup, the most watched sporting event on the planet. So no, we're not talking about nonsense. And no, not a silly waste of money; but one that will generate billions of dollars. Bringing that to America, benefits America.

Oh, and we're not $22 trillion in debt... we're over $26 trillion in debt.

"What the bill does

"A new bill would suspend federal taxpayer funding for the 2022 and 2026 soccer World Cups, unless the U.S. Soccer Federation repeals its policies allowing players to kneel during the national anthem.

"The 2026 World Cup is scheduled to be held across multiple locations in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

"As far as GovTrack Insider can tell, this is the first legislation introduced regarding the 'kneeling for the national anthem' controversy."

What does it say about a "free country" that mandate$ patrioti$m?
not really a problem. the way you morons handle the pandemic in your ridiculous country, the world cup 2026 will be in canada and mexico, and you and your team will not be allowed to travel.
There should be no federal money for soccer, whether they stand or not. Let’s hope USSF decides to let players kneel. Save the taxpayers some money.
That may turn out to be a dangerous underestimation of the future of US soccer?

Infographic: Super Bowl Can't Hold the Candle to the Biggest Game in Soccer

Wow, it looks like soccer could support it’s self. BTW, I realize how popular soccer is. I don’t believe we should fund any sports. I’d say the same about football, basketball or fishing, it is a waste of taxpayer money. I would also end all other corporate welfare. If a business needs subsidized, then they have a poor process in place and they either need to fix it, or go out of business.
They don't have to play the World Cup in the U.S.. But doing so generates billions of dollars for the economy. Why shouldn't the government encourage them to bring it here by funding part of it to meet FIFA standards?

Good with billions being made, taxpayers should not need to fund it. Let private enterprise that will rake in billions fund it. That is capitalism at work.
Nonsense. Legislators, at all levels, give money, or other incentives, to businesses that help the economy.

And we shouldn’t. The question isn’t do they or don’t they, it is should they or shouldn’t they. We don’t need to fund businesses, corporations, foreign countries, sports or anything else. There is no purpose. If there is love of the sport, then let them foot the bill.

The government is under no obligation to fund any of it and is in no position to fund it.
No one said the government is obligated. You’re not offering any reason for why the government shouldn't foster businesses that are good for the community. They bring jobs and revenue.

Nuh-uh, is not a reason.

Aren’t you the people that claim if a business can’t pay a living wage they should not be in business. Yet, you want to fund businesses? You people make no sense. We are $22trillion in debt and you just want to fund nonsense like soccer. How does having a soccer team help the general welfare of the nation? Seems like a silly waste of money. I had several businesses and didn’t take any corporate well fare. Is a waste of money.
This thread is about providing funds for the World Cup, the most watched sporting event on the planet. So no, we're not talking about nonsense. And no, not a silly waste of money; but one that will generate billions of dollars. Bringing that to America, benefits America.

Oh, and we're not $22 trillion in debt... we're over $26 trillion in debt.

So what would happen if the US did not make the World Cup in 2022?
There should be no federal money for soccer, whether they stand or not. Let’s hope USSF decides to let players kneel. Save the taxpayers some money.
That may turn out to be a dangerous underestimation of the future of US soccer?

Infographic: Super Bowl Can't Hold the Candle to the Biggest Game in Soccer

Wow, it looks like soccer could support it’s self. BTW, I realize how popular soccer is. I don’t believe we should fund any sports. I’d say the same about football, basketball or fishing, it is a waste of taxpayer money. I would also end all other corporate welfare. If a business needs subsidized, then they have a poor process in place and they either need to fix it, or go out of business.
They don't have to play the World Cup in the U.S.. But doing so generates billions of dollars for the economy. Why shouldn't the government encourage them to bring it here by funding part of it to meet FIFA standards?

Good with billions being made, taxpayers should not need to fund it. Let private enterprise that will rake in billions fund it. That is capitalism at work.
Nonsense. Legislators, at all levels, give money, or other incentives, to businesses that help the economy.

And we shouldn’t. The question isn’t do they or don’t they, it is should they or shouldn’t they. We don’t need to fund businesses, corporations, foreign countries, sports or anything else. There is no purpose. If there is love of the sport, then let them foot the bill.

The government is under no obligation to fund any of it and is in no position to fund it.
No one said the government is obligated. You’re not offering any reason for why the government shouldn't foster businesses that are good for the community. They bring jobs and revenue.

Nuh-uh, is not a reason.

Aren’t you the people that claim if a business can’t pay a living wage they should not be in business. Yet, you want to fund businesses? You people make no sense. We are $22trillion in debt and you just want to fund nonsense like soccer. How does having a soccer team help the general welfare of the nation? Seems like a silly waste of money. I had several businesses and didn’t take any corporate well fare. Is a waste of money.
This thread is about providing funds for the World Cup, the most watched sporting event on the planet. So no, we're not talking about nonsense. And no, not a silly waste of money; but one that will generate billions of dollars. Bringing that to America, benefits America.

Oh, and we're not $22 trillion in debt... we're over $26 trillion in debt.

So what would happen if the US did not make the World Cup in 2022?
Why would that make a difference?
Any athlete on a NATIONAL team should have to stand for the National Anthem.

If they have a problem with being proud of their country and / or proudly representing their country then they should not be on a national team.

A spot on a national team is an honor, not a right, not one given for talent alone but also based on not only everything our country stands for but also the continuous struggle to be better...the best we can be.

If they can not live up to that, to hell with them.

Ain't nothing more American than restricting someone's freedom of speech.
Wrong. They are representing the United States. If they have a problem with it, they shouldn’t be on the team. They can “protest” all they want in their own personal time when not wearing the US team uniform.

That isn't how free speech works. But you know that. They are exemplifying everything this country is supposed to be about.

Turns out free speech isn't free after all is it?
There should be no federal money for soccer, whether they stand or not. Let’s hope USSF decides to let players kneel. Save the taxpayers some money.
That may turn out to be a dangerous underestimation of the future of US soccer?

Infographic: Super Bowl Can't Hold the Candle to the Biggest Game in Soccer

Wow, it looks like soccer could support it’s self. BTW, I realize how popular soccer is. I don’t believe we should fund any sports. I’d say the same about football, basketball or fishing, it is a waste of taxpayer money. I would also end all other corporate welfare. If a business needs subsidized, then they have a poor process in place and they either need to fix it, or go out of business.
They don't have to play the World Cup in the U.S.. But doing so generates billions of dollars for the economy. Why shouldn't the government encourage them to bring it here by funding part of it to meet FIFA standards?

Good with billions being made, taxpayers should not need to fund it. Let private enterprise that will rake in billions fund it. That is capitalism at work.
Nonsense. Legislators, at all levels, give money, or other incentives, to businesses that help the economy.

And we shouldn’t. The question isn’t do they or don’t they, it is should they or shouldn’t they. We don’t need to fund businesses, corporations, foreign countries, sports or anything else. There is no purpose. If there is love of the sport, then let them foot the bill.

The government is under no obligation to fund any of it and is in no position to fund it.
No one said the government is obligated. You’re not offering any reason for why the government shouldn't foster businesses that are good for the community. They bring jobs and revenue.

Nuh-uh, is not a reason.

Aren’t you the people that claim if a business can’t pay a living wage they should not be in business. Yet, you want to fund businesses? You people make no sense. We are $22trillion in debt and you just want to fund nonsense like soccer. How does having a soccer team help the general welfare of the nation? Seems like a silly waste of money. I had several businesses and didn’t take any corporate well fare. Is a waste of money.
This thread is about providing funds for the World Cup, the most watched sporting event on the planet. So no, we're not talking about nonsense. And no, not a silly waste of money; but one that will generate billions of dollars. Bringing that to America, benefits America.

Oh, and we're not $22 trillion in debt... we're over $26 trillion in debt.
We ain't winning that. So why fund it anyway?
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