Bill would ban cellphone use for those under 21

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Americans think that a law is the answer to everything.

A country is only as good as the character of its people.

Passing a law forbidding teenagers to have cellphones would only promote more contempt for the law -- as teenagers continue to use their phones.

If such a law is passed, most teenagers will not be shaking in their boots. They know that the law will be widely ignored and that the authorities would not dare have the media show thousands of teenagers being dragged off to jail. For goodness' sake, get real!
Good luck with that. I thought it was "libtards" that were too controlling! :rolleyes:

To clarify, I favor 18 as the age of maturity for everything - contracts, guns, alcohol etc. You're a legal adult, or you are not.

Also to further clarify, I should have specified smartphones/social media.

As to being controlling, under normal circumstances I would agree it's a parental decision. However, in this time when the parents are often as ignorant as the children, and their actions have an impact on society as a whole, a little assistance beneficial to that society seems desirable. After all, parents cannot throw a drinking party for their underage child, though sometimes the aforementioned ignorant ones do.

I would ban their use entirely while driving, with temporary loss of license after a second offense, permanent after a third offense. You need to make a call, pull your ass off the road.
The cat is out of the bag with cellphones. Kids want cellphones. Parents want kids to have cellphones because when they go to school they want their kids to be able to contact them at all times.

Cellphones are like computers. You can’t live with them and you can’t live live without them.

Though personally I really can’t stand them.

Couldn't agree more. Though I might go with the age of 18 instead. No one under the age of 18 should need to carry a cellular phone around with them. Just where are these children going? As a person who doesn't even own a cellular phone, I can tell you that unless you head into the mountains or desert, I am loathe to know of a place where there isn't always a telephone of some kind within reach if you REALLY need one.

Further, as a retired electronics engineer with background in medicine and physics, I wouldn't want that RF field radiating from that phone close to my child's head and body all of the time. Once you reach adult age, the body's development greatly slows down after that and is comparatively less affected.
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Such a silly proposal. You can vote for the most powerful office in the world, go into debt up to your tits with students loans, and die for your country, but you can’t own a cell phone or buy a pack of smokes until your 21. So stupid.
The cat is out of the bag with cellphones. Kids want cellphones. Parents want kids to have cellphones because when they go to school they want their kids to be able to contact them at all times.

Cellphones are like computers. You can’t live with them and you can’t live live without them.

Fine. Give them a cellphone. Don't give them online capabilities.

Couldn't agree more. Though I might go with the age of 18 instead. No one under the age of 18 should need to carry a cellular phone around with them. Just where are these children going? As a person who doesn't even own a cellular phone, I can tell you that unless you head into the mountains or desert, I am loathe to know of a place where there isn't always a telephone of some kind within reach.

Further, as a retired electronics engineer with background in medicine and physics, I wouldn't want that RF field radiating from that phone close to my child's head and body all of the time. Once you reach adult age, the body's development greatly slows down after that and is comparatively less affected.

I actually have one, essentially a forgotten stepchild that's kept in the car for emergency calls and to run the home security system.

Except for that, it lies dormant.
The cat is out of the bag with cellphones. Kids want cellphones. Parents want kids to have cellphones because when they go to school they want their kids to be able to contact them at all times.
Cellphones are like computers. You can’t live with them and you can’t live live without them.
Though personally I really can’t stand them.

Kids want drugs too. You gonna give them drugs?
There are phones at school.
I get along fine without a mobile phone. Believe it or not, I can actually go out for a few hours somewhere without having phone calls I desperately need to make or receive that simply cannot wait, I'm not so important that I MUST be reachable by the world 24/7, and kids actually learn better and grow up smarter if they don't have their face in and their mind on games, social media and internet websites day and night and are forced to learn, remember, figure out and solve things much less plan for life events as mankind did for 200,000 years without expecting to have the answer to every little thing handed to them at the tap of a button instead.
I am incapable of parenting my own child. That’s why I need the gobmint to make these choices for me instead.

*licks window*
I don’t think people under the age of 21 should be allowed to consume or possess fast food and high-fructose corn syrup. It’s for their own good.
A bill has been introduced in Vermont's legislature that would prohibit anyone under 21 years old from using or possessing a cell phone. However, the bill appears to be more about gun rights than cell phones.

The bill, introduced Tuesday by Democratic Sen. John Rodgers, says those under the age of 21 "are not developmentally mature enough" to posses and use cell phones safely. The bill cites fatal car crash and bullying among teens as reasons for the proposed legislation.

"The use of cell phones while driving is one of the leading killers of teenagers in the United States," according to the bill (PDF). "Young people frequently use cell phones to bully and threaten other young people, activities that have been linked to many suicides."

The bill would make possession or use of a cell phone by anyone under 21 punishable by up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine.

Vermont bill would ban cell phone use by anyone younger than 21

Now the good Senator said he wouldn't vote for his own bill. When have we heard that before?

In light of the time wasted with this Trump impeachment, and now this war resolution, neither that stands a chance of seeing the light of day, makes you wonder how people are stupid enough to keep electing representatives that waste time and money instead of doing something productive for their constituents.

Really.......who wants people like this leading our country? This individual makes the claim that those under the age of 21 are not mature enough to use a cell phone. Where are his studies on this? How did he make that determination?

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