Bill to extend unemployment AGAIN killed by senate republicans

Senate Republicans Kill Unemployment Measure | The State Column

Without looking into it too much I am on board with letting it die. If we do this yet again, when will it cease? Many people stop looking for work after they begin to draw until the benefits are coming close to an end. That is the sad truth and if we continually push the benefits out there is no reason for people to look for work.

What say you?
I say where the hell were those drips when the Shrub told them to grant extension-after-extension-after-extension-after-extension, and all they said was "aye-aye, Cap'n!"??

I'll faint if you get an answer.
I don't understand what the problem is exactly. My knowledge of unemployment is not strong. I worked for 35 years in government programs for a major Los Angeles insurance company. I never collected unemployment. I was so lucky that I was never affected by staff cuts in all that time.

However, I did pay into it, right?? It's not money that comes from our government. I always thought that it was our money anyway. Do I think people should abuse it??? Of course not. I never needed it. But I want my fellow Americans to benefit from what I contributed if they really need it. And I see people every single day that really need it. So why did the Republicans and that lone democrat not want benefits extended??? I think that with the economy the way it is, there is no good reason. And don't people have to prove they are looking for work before they can get it?? Can somebody answer my questions?? I'd appreciate it. I really don't know.

Technically, you did not pay into it. Your employer pays taxes based upon its payroll. It would be kind of like the employer's portion of Social Security taxes. You don't pay that portion of the tax, but you do benefit from it.

I hope that helps.

It's disability insurance. The employees pay into the fund.
Apparently the cons are OK with health insurance companies refusing to pay bills as well.

Check your pay stub again. You won't find any deduction there for SUTA or FUTA. That is paid wholly by your employer and is paid for every employee on the payroll. You don't pay in one thin dime. . . .

UNTIL. . . .

The SUTA and FUTA funds are exhausted when claims exceed taxes paid at which time any additional funds distributed come directly out of the US general treasury and are funded by whatever income taxes are collected or, as is the case now, by funds borrowed from others, some of which don't like us very much.

And that is why making it another entitlement with no cap or end in sight will have a negative effect on any recovery, will likely increase net jobs lost, and make it more and more difficult for the economy to recover so folks can go back to work.

And knowing that does not lessen the frustration of those who are out of work and are faced with unpleasant choices.
Yeah all they do with the benefits is buy drugs anyway.

Did you ever hear anything so stupid in your life?? Hatchface even wants people collecting unemployment to take drug tests. Maybe the women should be tested for pregnancy and all should be tested daily for meal contents. We want to make sure they are not eating steak or prime rib!!! With their unemployment benefits they should only be allowed to buy hot dogs, Chef Boyardee, and store brand canned soup.
Yeah all they do with the benefits is buy drugs anyway.

Did you ever hear anything so stupid in your life?? Hatchface even wants people collecting unemployment to take drug tests. Maybe the women should be tested for pregnancy and all should be tested daily for meal contents. We want to make sure they are not eating steak or prime rib!!! With their unemployment benefits they should only be allowed to buy hot dogs, Chef Boyardee, and store brand canned soup.
The feds will take care of that as they control your "access" to gubmint-run medical services.

Yeah all they do with the benefits is buy drugs anyway.

Did you ever hear anything so stupid in your life?? Hatchface even wants people collecting unemployment to take drug tests. Maybe the women should be tested for pregnancy and all should be tested daily for meal contents. We want to make sure they are not eating steak or prime rib!!! With their unemployment benefits they should only be allowed to buy hot dogs, Chef Boyardee, and store brand canned soup.

It is a very irresponsible suggestion to mandate drug tests. It may be for the overall good, but it is not constitutional and a government invasion of privacy.

Similar to the madate that one must purchase health insurance.

All of our politicians are hypocrites.
Supporters of this bill are missing a very important fact - unemployment has already been extended! If you back this then you need to answer one very important question: at what point does it end and benefits should no longer be extended? All of the arguments put forth so far could be used indefinitely to extend benefits and that simply is not a good thing.
The need for extending unemployment will disappear as the unemployment rates fall and it will just as it always has. Unemployment comprehension is a good thing and it should be extended during a recession. Unlike the entitlement programs it truly is a temporary measure. It is utter nonsense to think that most of the people receiving unemployment will find enough work if we just cut off unemployment.
Supporters of this bill are missing a very important fact - unemployment has already been extended! If you back this then you need to answer one very important question: at what point does it end and benefits should no longer be extended? All of the arguments put forth so far could be used indefinitely to extend benefits and that simply is not a good thing.
The need for extending unemployment will disappear as the unemployment rates fall and it will just as it always has. Unemployment comprehension is a good thing and it should be extended during a recession. Unlike the entitlement programs it truly is a temporary measure. It is utter nonsense to think that most of the people receiving unemployment will find enough work if we just cut off unemployment.

yeah but not expected to happen for years s0n.............
I don't understand what the problem is exactly. My knowledge of unemployment is not strong. I worked for 35 years in government programs for a major Los Angeles insurance company. I never collected unemployment. I was so lucky that I was never affected by staff cuts in all that time.

However, I did pay into it, right?? It's not money that comes from our government. I always thought that it was our money anyway. Do I think people should abuse it??? Of course not. I never needed it. But I want my fellow Americans to benefit from what I contributed if they really need it. And I see people every single day that really need it. So why did the Republicans and that lone democrat not want benefits extended??? I think that with the economy the way it is, there is no good reason. And don't people have to prove they are looking for work before they can get it?? Can somebody answer my questions?? I'd appreciate it. I really don't know.

With the exception of a few states, no, most do not pay into it at all. The employers are the ones who are forced topay into it and it and the amount is based on how many they lay off during a period of time.

When one makes a claim, the employer gets a notice and often needs to pay part (again, depending on the emnployers ratio). Each week is a new claim.

Every week it is extended is another week of burden on not only the employer of record but the second employer of record as well. (at least here in NY regarding to "two last employers).

So, in a recession, where companies are hanging on by a thread, every extension of unemployment benefits puts more of a strain on the companies, giving them less to work with to employ new employees.

So it actually hurts economic growth every time they extend the benefits.

Now, dont get me wrong. I am not supporting "corporations" survival over the survival of people. But it will be that much longer for people to become employed.

So it is a viscious circle.

I dont have the answer. Just stating what I understand.
I don't understand what the problem is exactly. My knowledge of unemployment is not strong. I worked for 35 years in government programs for a major Los Angeles insurance company. I never collected unemployment. I was so lucky that I was never affected by staff cuts in all that time.

However, I did pay into it, right?? It's not money that comes from our government. I always thought that it was our money anyway. Do I think people should abuse it??? Of course not. I never needed it. But I want my fellow Americans to benefit from what I contributed if they really need it. And I see people every single day that really need it. So why did the Republicans and that lone democrat not want benefits extended??? I think that with the economy the way it is, there is no good reason. And don't people have to prove they are looking for work before they can get it?? Can somebody answer my questions?? I'd appreciate it. I really don't know.

With the exception of a few states, no, most do not pay into it at all. The employers are the ones who are forced topay into it and it and the amount is based on how many they lay off during a period of time.

When one makes a claim, the employer gets a notice and often needs to pay part (again, depending on the emnployers ratio). Each week is a new claim.

Every week it is extended is another week of burden on not only the employer of record but the second employer of record as well. (at least here in NY regarding to "two last employers).

So, in a recession, where companies are hanging on by a thread, every extension of unemployment benefits puts more of a strain on the companies, giving them less to work with to employ new employees.

So it actually hurts economic growth every time they extend the benefits.

Now, dont get me wrong. I am not supporting "corporations" survival over the survival of people. But it will be that much longer for people to become employed.

So it is a viscious circle.

I dont have the answer. Just stating what I understand.

Yes I had forgotten about the 'experience' factor, but that is another cog in the works.

Here is a pretty good compilation of the average per hour costs for all wages and benefits to employers by region:


Employer Cost for Employee Compensation

The link also includes a good chart of the breakdown of wages versus benefits too.

It does not show the additional cost to employers when an unemployment claim is filed or a work comp claim is filed, etc. all of which adds additional 'experience' costs to the overall labor costs.

Also I question the average work comp cost there when you figure that rates for high risk occupations like roofers and carpenters etc. can be more than $20 per $100 in wages in many states.
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Supporters of this bill are missing a very important fact - unemployment has already been extended! If you back this then you need to answer one very important question: at what point does it end and benefits should no longer be extended? All of the arguments put forth so far could be used indefinitely to extend benefits and that simply is not a good thing.
The need for extending unemployment will disappear as the unemployment rates fall and it will just as it always has. Unemployment comprehension is a good thing and it should be extended during a recession. Unlike the entitlement programs it truly is a temporary measure. It is utter nonsense to think that most of the people receiving unemployment will find enough work if we just cut off unemployment.

yeah but not expected to happen for years s0n.............
By next year at this time unemployment will be going down steadily. But you are right it will probably take years for unemployment to reach acceptable levels of 5 to 6%.

Most of the big company hiring is outside the US. We are probably one of the few nations on earth that reward business for creating jobs and building factories overseas.
The need for extending unemployment will disappear as the unemployment rates fall and it will just as it always has. Unemployment comprehension is a good thing and it should be extended during a recession. Unlike the entitlement programs it truly is a temporary measure. It is utter nonsense to think that most of the people receiving unemployment will find enough work if we just cut off unemployment.

yeah but not expected to happen for years s0n.............
By next year at this time unemployment will be going down steadily. But you are right it will probably take years for unemployment to reach acceptable levels of 5 to 6%.

Most of the big company hiring is outside the US. We are probably one of the few nations on earth that reward business for creating jobs and building factories overseas.

People said that a year ago. Even teh White House is saying unemployment will be up in the 9% range for the foreseeable future.
Companies aren't hiring because the costs are high and unpredictable. Check the rise in temporary hiring. That's why.
With Obama in office this will not improve. When the GOP takes COngress in Nov they will effectively block any more jobs-killing bills and things will begin to recover.
Give me my welfare check, I here Vegas calling.

LOL. On the theory that he had staged an accident and was faking his injuries that he had a chiropractor certify made him unable to work, I hired a private investigator to follow a work comp patient.

The first two times out, the 'patient' drove so erratically he was able to lose the tail. The third time, they figured out how to do it though and followed him to my office where he picked up his weekly compensation check. And then, at highly dangerous speeds, they managed to follow him to the nearest casino where he bounded out of his car, literally sprinted to the front door of the casino. They couldn't get cameras inside at that point, but followed him in and reported that he bee-lined it to the blackjack table and vaulted onto a stool and proceeded to spend a couple of hours losing all of his compensation check.

With the film we had of this plus a couple of other interesting encounters, we were able to convince him that he was miraculously cured after a few sessions with the chiropractor. :)

I didn't work the claims, but we subsequently heard that he did this at least twice more. He would go to work for somebody just long enough to find a way to get 'hurt' and receive disability through work comp for an extended period.

Of course there are those who aren't faking it. But there are a lot of folks out there milking the system for all they can get out of it too. And alas, probably most are getting away with it.
I don't understand what the problem is exactly. My knowledge of unemployment is not strong. I worked for 35 years in government programs for a major Los Angeles insurance company. I never collected unemployment. I was so lucky that I was never affected by staff cuts in all that time.

However, I did pay into it, right?? It's not money that comes from our government. I always thought that it was our money anyway. Do I think people should abuse it??? Of course not. I never needed it. But I want my fellow Americans to benefit from what I contributed if they really need it. And I see people every single day that really need it. So why did the Republicans and that lone democrat not want benefits extended??? I think that with the economy the way it is, there is no good reason. And don't people have to prove they are looking for work before they can get it?? Can somebody answer my questions?? I'd appreciate it. I really don't know.

They DID dole that money out as well as additional monies that the program did not have. That is part of the problem, the extensions are dipping into the general fund.

For those waiting for unemployment to decrease, that is not going to happen for some years to come. That simply will not work. The unemployment figures we see now will be there for the foreseeable future.
The Republicans don't have the numbers to kill anything right now. When are some of you going to learn this?
You can always tell a mindless DittoTard!

Stuttering LimpTard told his morons today that the Republicans don't have the numbers to kill anything right now, and the mindless drones are stupid enough to parrot it in public even though the GOP has 41 votes, enough to kill any legislation. :cuckoo:
The Republicans don't have the numbers to kill anything right now. When are some of you going to learn this?
You can always tell a mindless DittoTard!

Stuttering LimpTard told his morons today that the Republicans don't have the numbers to kill anything right now, and the mindless drones are stupid enough to parrot it in public even though the GOP has 41 votes, enough to kill any legislation. :cuckoo:

Whom has Majority? /Discussion

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