Bill O'Reilly Responsible For Murder

Bill O'Reilly is a murderer. He probably accuses other people of being killers because of all that guilt he carries around.
You're just upset because he accurately exposed Obama as an enabler of murder.
According to O'Reilly's logic.......O'Reilly is a murderer too.
And that excuses Obama, how?
Maybe Barack and Bill should get together and swap stories about all the rhetorical murders they've committed.
With O'Reilly I can change the channel. We're all stuck with obama.
Bill O'Reilly is a murderer. He probably accuses other people of being killers because of all that guilt he carries around.

Fear not Comrade, no one noticed Obama's complicity - the party is safe...

Oh, for a second I thought O'Reilly put out a hit on the camera man who he claimed to have helped as he was bleeding heavily in the war zone of Buenos Aires, because the camera man said it didn't happen. Well I, for one, am thankful O'Reilly didn't go 100% gonzo.

You have O'Reilly confused with leftist Brian Williams.
O'Reilly was dead accurate.
Anyone who thinks otherwise is blinded by ideology.
The Obama administration out-right INVITED cities to violate the law by saying it would not be enforced.
Imagine that, a President outright violates the oath of his office by explicitly refusing to enforce a law.
But, again, because it pleases leftist ideology - it is not only OK to do this, but righteous.
Every government official involved in this is complicit.
Not to mention the gun he used previously belonged to the Federal Government.
Obama is the reason why our Country is turning upside down with disastrous changes lately. Congress is afraid to impeach him because he's black. May Obama be the LAST liberal negro president we have. Personally, I think if blacks rioted over Obama being impeached, I say "bring it on". Our country is too important for us to placate this communist black bastard any further.

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