Bill Moyers R.I.P.

if he hid the fact that he's a liberal, how come everyone seems to know? i liked his show, and i'll miss it.

Hey, Fitz is really a saboteur sent out by team Obama to make conservatives look bad.

Right. a reformer. He didn't try to hide the fact he had a view point...

I'm shocked and stunned.

I thought he died in like 1989.

He did fall off my radar for a few years. Great personality. Great shows that were very informative and full of thinks that made me think about things. He had me look closer at the Clinton admin as a contributor to the financial mess in ways no conservative in the media today ever could---because he did not go into a partisan attack. he just laid it all out.
I'm shocked and stunned.

I thought he died in like 1989.

He did fall off my radar for a few years. Great personality. Great shows that were very informative and full of thinks that made me think about things. He had me look closer at the Clinton admin as a contributor to the financial mess in ways no conservative in the media today ever could---because he did not go into a partisan attack. he just laid it all out.

Glad you enjoyed him. Sorry he's gone.

But journalism has lost nada.
if he hid the fact that he's a liberal, how come everyone seems to know? i liked his show, and i'll miss it.

Hey, Fitz is really a saboteur sent out by team Obama to make conservatives look bad.

Right. a reformer. He didn't try to hide the fact he had a view point...

you can't even quote in context, and probably don't know a damn thing about Jakob Riis.
Yet another white Southern man who rose to power by turning against whites. He's going to be surprised when he finds out that God is actually Robert E. Lee.
One things for sure.... Moyer's twisted some feeble minds..

I rest my case...:lol:
Oh thank God. This travesty of 'journalism' finally leaves the airwaves 20 years too late. You know, I'd have respected him a lot more if he'd just been honest:

"Hi, I'm Bill Moyers and I'm so leftist I make Castro think I may be going too far."

At least that, I can respect... not this fake 'I'm an impartial journalist who neeeeeever shades the truth to match my politics.'

Hell even Jakob Riis didn't try that. He was always a reformer.

Respect? Jakob Riis showed comfortable New Yorkers how the other half lived. Bill Moyers could have easily chosen to be a very comfortable 'New Yorker'...

Instead Bill Moyers spoke truth to power.

I find it difficult to respect a bus driver who shills for the oligarchy...
Right. a reformer. He didn't try to hide the fact he had a view point and manipulate people by making them aware to a great evil in society. Moyers always hid the fact he was a leftist and did his best to manipulate from secret with choice questions and convenient lapses of important issues to edit and massage the news for the masses to give a certain political point. Good/evil versus politics. Yeah, I can see the equivalency. :rolleyes: Much like the networks used to get away with, till the alternative media has gone into ascendency and people began abandoning them en masse. It's not enough yet, but it'll get there soon at this rate before the power of the state controlled media (ABC/NBC/CBS/CNN/MSNBC/NYTimes et all) match their minority following. But with it PBS, it just took longer to cut out this cancer of Bill Moyers in journalism.

Let the healing begin.

SO...all these years journalism was driven by ideology and 'Good/evil versus politics' until the truth-tellers...Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.

WOW...'pea brain' is suddenly inadequate.
Bill Moyers, the self-satisfied, liberal, smug, arrogant pant-load, once "described" so-called "conservative talk radio" as "a freak show of political pornography"

Bill Moyers was and remains just a big-ego liberal pundit posing (not successfully) as an "objective" journalist who was supposedly just "interested" in "truth."

That's bullshit.

He was and is nothing but a propagandist for the modern American version of liberalism.

I couldn't give a shit that he's going.

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