Bill Maher 'surprised' by how well Robert F. Kennedy Jr. polls against Biden

People automatically equate the name 'Kennedy' with Ted Kennedy for some reason, or a mythologized media version of JFK.
Ol' Ted got away with murder. But it's not a surprise when a Dem gets away with major crimes. Ted was also a total sell-out.
Or Liberalism. I'm still Mad at Teddy for screwing up Jimmy Carter.

Carter jumped on the Watergate Baby bandwagon; he sunk himself. Voelker and Reagan just doubled down on what Carter and 'The New Democrats' started, turning the country and the economy over to Wall Street and massive corporate welfare state policies and left the working class looted and broke to pay for it all; the GOP of course cheered them on and the dufuses grinned like retarded monkeys who got free cookies.. Now the middle class is all butt hurt because they really believe they weren't going to be next, and still don't. Of course they're morons so no surprise there.
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I don't see him as having much of a shot.

Some of his numbers are absolutely politically-right strategists wanting to give the Biden campaign a bloody nose, because of course they are. Some are just general protest votes. The rest won't be enough to get big-number donors or to overcome the superdelegates.

Marianne Williamson — remember her, the flower child who ran on a campaign of love or something — is also pulling at 8 or 9, when last time she struggled to get a single percent.

And "superdelegates" are why we need to get rid of closed primaries.
They are not really legal.
The original way we voted was just one open election, and no primary.
Parties are supposed to have no official role at all.
Well, nobody can be right 100% of the time. The 'anti-war' movement in this country has been a disaster along with their right wing isolationist fools. It's the sort of dumbassery that has led to Putin knowing he can plunder his neighbors with impunity, and the same for every other assorted dictator's and pirates' imperialist dreams. Old 1960's dumbass hippie nonsense the commies fed middle class college kids has a wide appeal to anarchists and sociopaths. Enjoy the results, since it just gets a lot more people killed in the long run, which should excite the semi-educated. It's the same sort of mentality that has 10's of millions of criminal illegal aliens flooding over the borders and literally stealing the food of American tables and reducing incomes.

Sorry, but that is really ignorant.
Russia had nothing at all to do with the Ukraine deliberately starting this war.
Kyiv violated all of its treaties by trying to join NATO, stealing billions of Russian oil/gas, murdering tens of thousands of ethnic Russians, trying to prevent Russia from their only port in Sevastopol, etc.
If it even looked remotely like the Ukraine could hold off the Russians, then Kyiv would instantly be nuked.
There is no way Russia could ever allow the US to be able to install a first strike capability on Russia's border.
Sorry, but that is really ignorant.
Russia had nothing at all to do with the Ukraine deliberately starting this war.
Kyiv violated all of its treaties by trying to join NATO, stealing billions of Russian oil/gas, murdering tens of thousands of ethnic Russians, trying to prevent Russia from their only port in Sevastopol, etc.
If it even looked remotely like the Ukraine could hold off the Russians, then Kyiv would instantly be nuked.
There is no way Russia could ever allow the US to be able to install a first strike capability on Russia's border.
Russia had everything to do with it as they unilaterally started the war. Ukraine did not

You are a piss poor liar. There was NEVER ANY treaty forbidding Ukraine from joining NATO. There was no fucking trheft or murder as you claim

There was never an attempt to put a first strike capabiloity on Russias border. Stop making up crap
Russia had everything to do with it as they unilaterally started the war. Ukraine did not

You are a piss poor liar. There was NEVER ANY treaty forbidding Ukraine from joining NATO. There was no fucking trheft or murder as you claim

There was never an attempt to put a first strike capabiloity on Russias border. Stop making up crap
More fake news from the resident schizo
Prove it dumbass

What specific treaty was violated?

When did Ukraine attack?

When did the US try to place nukes in Ukraine

Answer or it proves you are a liar
Nice double post dumbass

Madian coup happened first ya moron

Ukraine killed ethnic Russians in the east for 8 years

US expanded NATO every year closer to Russia against the treaty they had after WW2

Now spin spin Reeee Man
I would think Ted Bundy would poll well against Biden. That's how bad Biden is. The DNC, prog, WEF, MIC, vote riggers are going to have to come up with some slick shit to make sure RFK does win primaries.
Nice double post dumbass

Madian coup happened first ya moron

Ukraine killed ethnic Russians in the east for 8 years

US expanded NATO every year closer to Russia against the treaty they had after WW2

Now spin spin Reeee Man
So massive failure for you as you answered none of my questions.

One more time you stupid fucking imbecile

NAME the treaty forbidding Ukraine from joining NATO.

When did the US try to put nukes in Ukraine?

When did Ukraine attack russia?

All you have done is dodge spin and weave now answer up you drooling moron

Or just shut the fuck up. The world knows you are ignorant and a liar
So massive failure for you as you answered none of my questions.

One more time you stupid fucking imbecile

NAME the treaty forbidding Ukraine from joining NATO.

When did the US try to put nukes in Ukraine?

When did Ukraine attack russia?

All you have done is dodge spin and weave now answer up you drooling moron

Or just shut the fuck up. The world knows you are ignorant and a liar
Legit answered every question not my fault you're retarded and can't read

Maybe you'll believe NPR

Pay attention to this idiot

Now go learn history and fuck yourself
Legit answered every question not my fault you're retarded and can't read

Maybe you'll believe NPR

Pay attention to this idiot

Now go learn history and fuck yourself
That is a bald faced lie you DID Not even try to answer them

A draft agreement is NOT a treaty. A draft agreement or even a treaty with the US or NATO is not a draft agreement or treaty with Ukraine

Some thing HEARD by gorbachev is not a fucking treaty

You are a coward and liar who did NOT answer my questions.

One more time you cowardly BASTARD

What treaty did Ukraine violate?

When did Ukraine attack russia?

When did the US try to put nukes in Ukraine

Now stop spinning and lying and answer me you little piece of trash
That is a bald faced lie you DID Not even try to answer them

A draft agreement is NOT a treaty. A draft agreement or even a treaty with the US or NATO is not a draft agreement or treaty with Ukraine

Some thing HEARD by gorbachev is not a fucking treaty

You are a coward and liar who did NOT answer my questions.

One more time you cowardly BASTARD

What treaty did Ukraine violate?

When did Ukraine attack russia?

When did the US try to put nukes in Ukraine

Now stop spinning and lying and answer me you little piece of trash
Read you dumbfuck LOL

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