Bill And Hillary Are Making Their Push To Be On The Ticket With Biden


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Yesterday Bill admitted he did something horrible when he screwed around with was because of work related stress. Nevermind the fact that this is what the trouser-snake has done all of his life. Monica was because of the stress that goes with the job of being POTUS. Bill Clinton: Monica Lewinsky affair helped 'manage my anxieties' at work

This morning Hillary was in a video bitching out Bernie Sanders. She said some really horrible things about him. She said nobody likes him. She said he didn't hold down a job till he was 40 and then he got elected to office. She said he ever works well with others. She said a lot of things that we all know to be true....but the way it came just seemed hollow and nasty...especially if you consider the source. Hillary Clinton says 'nobody likes' Bernie Sanders and won't commit to backing him if he's the Democratic nominee - CNNPolitics

Now let's be clear. The Clintons never do anything out of the blue or off the cuff. They plot everything they do. When Bill starts talking about his infidelities....he's priming the pump for something. This is a textbook Clinton tactic to inoculate themselves from their criminal activities. Hillary and Bill have had more friends and associates commit suicide than have died from coronavirus. So it's going to take a major media effort to clean up the dirt in Bill & Hillary's ledger.

I think Creepy Joe may give in to pressure and put Hillary on the ticket....but as Obama found could be the biggest mistake he ever made.

Obviously nobody gives a fuck what Hillary thinks.
All those dead people, the thousands of Mickey and Minnie Mouses, and the multiple number of Donald Duckfeathers who voted for Hillary "I forget" Clinton in the last election--all of those voters care what Hillary spews before thinking. Dead people from both parties thought enough of Hillary to vote for her and give her the popular vote!!! How else could the Demmies/Commies of the press justify destroying the Electoral College for once and for all?
If Biden puts Hillary and Bill on the ticket, they might as well cancel the election and let Trump keep the keys to the oval office.

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