Bill Hite, Reconsidered


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Let’s start with what we can all agree on: William Hite is a helluva guy. He’s an able, accomplished educator who has worked his tail off for Philadelphia’s schoolchildren. He’s also as affable as public servants come, and has time and again demonstrated his commitment to his district’s primary client, the kids. He’s skilled at conveying to them that they matter—no small feat.

Last year, for example, he joyously sang a rousing rendition of “Wake Up Everybody” with the Hill-Freedman students on their album, and at our Ideas We Should Steal Festival.

Here at The Citizen, we’ve praised Hite’s educational vision, but have been keenly aware that, for at least the first eight years of his nearly nine-year-tenure, city leaders and media have been loathe to criticize the superintendent, likely because of the aforementioned character strengths; you root for a guy who shows up for students.

After years of drama-filled schools leadership—the sharp elbows of Arlene Ackerman (“Queen Arlene” as she was known), the fiscal untidiness of Paul Vallas—William Hite has played the calm adult in the room. When there have been signs of leadership shortcomings, many looked the other way. The thinking seemed to be: He could leave us, after all.

But, lately, the Teflon seems to be wearing off.

Maybe it is, as the article suggests, it's time for Hite to move on.

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