Bill Clinton sells Obama out again


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2011
Bubba hates Obama!

[ame=]NotOptimal - Bill Clinton Sells Out Obama Again - YouTube[/ame]
Change the channel, dupe. Enough with the BS 20 second out of context clips and hysterical reaction...

Clinton knows what he's doing- giving the press soundbites that hurt Obama.
I never really liked Clinton because i think he's a womanizer and a real creep....but i think he was a pretty good President. He understands what we need. I've felt from the beginning that he and Hillary really didn't like Obama that much :).
Change the channel, dupe. Enough with the BS 20 second out of context clips and hysterical reaction...

Clinton knows what he's doing- giving the press soundbites that hurt Obama.

Exactly, Franco should know that as well. Clinton has to know the things he says right now, might be taken and made into Ads, and sound bites by the other side.

Either he is just silly, or he really is trying to get back at Obama.

About 4 Months ago there was a thread speculating that the Clinton's might try to Sabotage Obama if he didn't improve. Because they would feel like they have a better chance for Hillary in 2016 against an Incumbent Republican, than after 8 Years of Obama. At the time I dismissed it, and I still do. But the Basic Idea of why they might feel she has a better chance Against Romney in 2016, than running after 8 years of Obama is pretty sound.

Now add into the Mix Obama Trying to Hide Behind Hillary and who knows.

Another day, another right wing splice and rage piece.

Only the right wing faithful are stupid enough to fall for this shit... but then their stupid enough to be right wing faithful in the first place.
Why would Bill Clinton try to destroy President Obama? Obama can't run against Hillary again.

2 Possible Reasons come to mind.

1 - He is still mad at Obama for playing the Race card on him and Hillary, and now for trying to toss her under the Bus over Libya.

2- He thinks like many Americans do, that Obama is a poor leader and if he manages to pull of a win and get 4 more years. No Democrat is going to want to be the One asking for Americans Vote in 4 Years. He may just think she would have a better chance running after 4 years of Romney, than 8 Years of Obama.

Not that I believe either, I just don't rule them out.
Another day, another right wing splice and rage piece.

Only the right wing faithful are stupid enough to fall for this shit... but then their stupid enough to be right wing faithful in the first place.

Hey, if you are to stupid to realize that Clinton should know the Right would do this if he said those lines, then I don't know what to tell you.

He has to know you have to be careful how you word things or the other side might just use your words against you.

so either he doesn't know that, Which means he is stupid. Or he does know, and does not care about it because he wants them to do it.
Change the channel, dupe. Enough with the BS 20 second out of context clips and hysterical reaction...

Clinton knows what he's doing- giving the press soundbites that hurt Obama.

Exactly, Franco should know that as well. Clinton has to know the things he says right now, might be taken and made into Ads, and sound bites by the other side.

You guys really love your ability to take things out of context.

You sound proud.
Clinton knows what he's doing- giving the press soundbites that hurt Obama.

Exactly, Franco should know that as well. Clinton has to know the things he says right now, might be taken and made into Ads, and sound bites by the other side.

You guys really love your ability to take things out of context.

You sound proud.

I didn't take anything out of Context, I am not Defending that they did it. You ignorant fuck. I am saying Clinton should have fucking known they would.

Learn to read and not rely on making fucking assumptions all the time.

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