Bill Clinton not a rapist, liars and dupes, and doesn't grab p****.

Everyone knows Bill Clinton is a rapist/pedophile... he just happens to be a white Bill Cosby. LOL

No, not everybody knows this. Where is this evidence of Clinton being a pedophile? I keep hearing you brain diseased going there but you never bring the goods, where is the evidence? Something concrete.
Bill Clinton is the very definition of a pedophile, why does he fly on the plane with Epstein to them rape islands? He's Fucking sleazy pedophile and Hildabeast enables him… LOL

Everyone who flew on Epstein's plane is a pedophile? Sorry, that doesn't come close to being proof of anything.
Excuses excuses

Burden of proof is on you and you have failed.

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman!"

"It was a vast RW conspiracy!"

Obviously that guy is a pussy grabber. Hilly even protected his habits, blaming it on RWers. And now it's a problem that Trump only talks about it....
Check out the comments:

"Good summary, the only thing missing are the details of the attacks Clinton led against women who stood up to Clinton and the Clinton machine. Most of those allegations are in the C-Span transcripts from the impeachment."

"20 years after the fact, and Slick Willy's sexual misconduct is still "alleged" by the lamestream news media! Trump's accusations are too vague to do a fact check"?! Seriously?! That's your conclusion?!"

"This list is more clear evidence of the Post being a water carrier for Democrats. If they were fair, non-partisan they could fill a list longer than this just with Clinton lies. So anyone with a single bone of fairness in their body will take that list and the entire Post for what it is - a left-wing rag."
I'll go with the US justice system.
the one that let hiLIARy :eusa_liar: walk?

You really are a dupe

Yeah, let's put our trust in people with virtual pitchforks in hand.

pretty obvious where his hand is. fucker's copin' a feel

A 1 second pat on the knee?

right over your head

Did you actually see the video?

I posted it numb nuts
No, not everybody knows this. Where is this evidence of Clinton being a pedophile? I keep hearing you brain diseased going there but you never bring the goods, where is the evidence? Something concrete.
Bill Clinton is the very definition of a pedophile, why does he fly on the plane with Epstein to them rape islands? He's Fucking sleazy pedophile and Hildabeast enables him… LOL

Everyone who flew on Epstein's plane is a pedophile? Sorry, that doesn't come close to being proof of anything.
Excuses excuses

Burden of proof is on you and you have failed.

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman!"

"It was a vast RW conspiracy!"

Obviously that guy is a pussy grabber.

Once again, Bill Clinton did not sexually assault Monica Lewinsky. He lied his ass off about her, sure. Rape her, no.
Here is a partial transcript of the exchange:

BROADDRICK: And then as he points over my shoulder, he grabs me and turns me to him. And that was a shock. And I tried to push him away. And I only weighed about 120 pounds at that time. He was a very large man. And I kept telling him, “No. I don’t want this at all.”

And he grabbed me again, very forcefully. And started biting on my top lip. And this was extremely painful. I thought he was going to bite my lip off. And that’s when he pushed me back onto the bed.

KLEIN: He bit you at the top of your lip. He pushed you onto the bed. And then what happened?

BROADDRICK: It’s been so long and it is just so hard to go into. I need to stop.


BROADDRICK: You, know, why? Why is it still so painful?


KLEIN: What is going through your mind right now?

BROADDRICK: That I am afraid of him.

KLEIN: You are still afraid of him?

BROADDRICK: Yes. That I am still afraid. Especially if she becomes president. And I know it’s looking that way. So it’s frightening, Aaron. It’s frightening.

I was completely dressed. I had a skirt and a blouse. He tore the waist of my skirt. And then he ripped my pantyhose. And he raped me. It was very vicious. I was just pinned down… I did not know what to do. I was so frightened. I was only 35 at the time. And it was horrible. I just wanted it to be over with. So he would go away.

KLEIN: He got up?

BROADDRICK: No, he held me down for a long time. And then he did it again. I was so ready for him to leave me alone. When he started raping me again. And it was very brief… And he did get up and he straightened himself. And my mouth was bleeding and it was hurting. And he just straightens himself and goes to the door.

KLEIN: With you still on the bed?

BROADDRICK: Yes, crying. He straightens himself and he goes to the door. And puts on his sunglasses. And tells me to get some ice on that on my list. And goes out the door.

He would push down on my left clavicle and it hurt so much I thought my clavicle was gonna break. And my lip was just ballooning out four times the size that it should have been.

KLEIN: While he was raping you?


Broaddrick has been all over the map about Bill Clinton. I feel sorry for her but her story isn't credible.

Oh you know it's true but what's worse, you couldn't care less about it ya disgusting cretin.
Bill Clinton is the very definition of a pedophile, why does he fly on the plane with Epstein to them rape islands? He's Fucking sleazy pedophile and Hildabeast enables him… LOL

Everyone who flew on Epstein's plane is a pedophile? Sorry, that doesn't come close to being proof of anything.
Excuses excuses

Burden of proof is on you and you have failed.

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman!"

"It was a vast RW conspiracy!"

Obviously that guy is a pussy grabber.

Once again, Bill Clinton did not sexually assault Monica Lewinsky. He lied his ass off about her, sure. Rape her, no.

But did he grab her pussy?
No, not everybody knows this. Where is this evidence of Clinton being a pedophile? I keep hearing you brain diseased going there but you never bring the goods, where is the evidence? Something concrete.
Bill Clinton is the very definition of a pedophile, why does he fly on the plane with Epstein to them rape islands? He's Fucking sleazy pedophile and Hildabeast enables him… LOL

Everyone who flew on Epstein's plane is a pedophile? Sorry, that doesn't come close to being proof of anything.
Excuses excuses

Burden of proof is on you and you have failed.
Like a said he's a white Bill Cosby, sooner or later it will come out… LOL

Still waiting on that proof.
Here is a partial transcript of the exchange:

BROADDRICK: And then as he points over my shoulder, he grabs me and turns me to him. And that was a shock. And I tried to push him away. And I only weighed about 120 pounds at that time. He was a very large man. And I kept telling him, “No. I don’t want this at all.”

And he grabbed me again, very forcefully. And started biting on my top lip. And this was extremely painful. I thought he was going to bite my lip off. And that’s when he pushed me back onto the bed.

KLEIN: He bit you at the top of your lip. He pushed you onto the bed. And then what happened?

BROADDRICK: It’s been so long and it is just so hard to go into. I need to stop.


BROADDRICK: You, know, why? Why is it still so painful?


KLEIN: What is going through your mind right now?

BROADDRICK: That I am afraid of him.

KLEIN: You are still afraid of him?

BROADDRICK: Yes. That I am still afraid. Especially if she becomes president. And I know it’s looking that way. So it’s frightening, Aaron. It’s frightening.

I was completely dressed. I had a skirt and a blouse. He tore the waist of my skirt. And then he ripped my pantyhose. And he raped me. It was very vicious. I was just pinned down… I did not know what to do. I was so frightened. I was only 35 at the time. And it was horrible. I just wanted it to be over with. So he would go away.

KLEIN: He got up?

BROADDRICK: No, he held me down for a long time. And then he did it again. I was so ready for him to leave me alone. When he started raping me again. And it was very brief… And he did get up and he straightened himself. And my mouth was bleeding and it was hurting. And he just straightens himself and goes to the door.

KLEIN: With you still on the bed?

BROADDRICK: Yes, crying. He straightens himself and he goes to the door. And puts on his sunglasses. And tells me to get some ice on that on my list. And goes out the door.

He would push down on my left clavicle and it hurt so much I thought my clavicle was gonna break. And my lip was just ballooning out four times the size that it should have been.

KLEIN: While he was raping you?


Broaddrick has been all over the map about Bill Clinton. I feel sorry for her but her story isn't credible.

Oh you know it's true but what's worse, you couldn't care less about it ya disgusting cretin.

No, I don't know it's true.


PAULA JONES: Bill 'was getting wee wee sucked under Oval Office desk and won second term'...

Protesters Taunt Clinton at Milwaukee Rally...

Bill and Hillary have victimized women dor decades...

He is a RAPIST, & she is his ENABLER!

LIBS & the Clintons continue WAGE the War on Women...libs continue to bash women to protect the 2 deviants!

I wonder what the desperate Anti-Trumpers will come up with next...

Bush made him do it?
B...b...but BOOOSH!

:lmao: The libs' old 'I'm getting my ass kicked' fall-back line!
Norman a lib? Hear that, Norman?
I was agreeing with Norman...
Everyone knows Bill Clinton is a rapist/pedophile... he just happens to be a white Bill Cosby. LOL

No, not everybody knows this. Where is this evidence of Clinton being a pedophile? I keep hearing you brain diseased going there but you never bring the goods, where is the evidence? Something concrete.
Bill Clinton is the very definition of a pedophile, why does he fly on the plane with Epstein to them rape islands? He's Fucking sleazy pedophile and Hildabeast enables him… LOL

Everyone who flew on Epstein's plane is a pedophile? Sorry, that doesn't come close to being proof of anything.
Excuses excuses

Burden of proof is on you and you have failed.
Have you noticed they aren't fans of proof?
Here is a partial transcript of the exchange:

BROADDRICK: And then as he points over my shoulder, he grabs me and turns me to him. And that was a shock. And I tried to push him away. And I only weighed about 120 pounds at that time. He was a very large man. And I kept telling him, “No. I don’t want this at all.”

And he grabbed me again, very forcefully. And started biting on my top lip. And this was extremely painful. I thought he was going to bite my lip off. And that’s when he pushed me back onto the bed.

KLEIN: He bit you at the top of your lip. He pushed you onto the bed. And then what happened?

BROADDRICK: It’s been so long and it is just so hard to go into. I need to stop.


BROADDRICK: You, know, why? Why is it still so painful?


KLEIN: What is going through your mind right now?

BROADDRICK: That I am afraid of him.

KLEIN: You are still afraid of him?

BROADDRICK: Yes. That I am still afraid. Especially if she becomes president. And I know it’s looking that way. So it’s frightening, Aaron. It’s frightening.

I was completely dressed. I had a skirt and a blouse. He tore the waist of my skirt. And then he ripped my pantyhose. And he raped me. It was very vicious. I was just pinned down… I did not know what to do. I was so frightened. I was only 35 at the time. And it was horrible. I just wanted it to be over with. So he would go away.

KLEIN: He got up?

BROADDRICK: No, he held me down for a long time. And then he did it again. I was so ready for him to leave me alone. When he started raping me again. And it was very brief… And he did get up and he straightened himself. And my mouth was bleeding and it was hurting. And he just straightens himself and goes to the door.

KLEIN: With you still on the bed?

BROADDRICK: Yes, crying. He straightens himself and he goes to the door. And puts on his sunglasses. And tells me to get some ice on that on my list. And goes out the door.

He would push down on my left clavicle and it hurt so much I thought my clavicle was gonna break. And my lip was just ballooning out four times the size that it should have been.

KLEIN: While he was raping you?


Broaddrick has been all over the map about Bill Clinton. I feel sorry for her but her story isn't credible.

Oh you know it's true but what's worse, you couldn't care less about it ya disgusting cretin.

No, I don't know it's true.
...because you're stupid....or partisan - same same.
Where there's smoke there's fire, and it's only because hildabeast is enabling/protecting him. Lol

In other words you don't have an argument.
There's no argument, just facts...

You just used the 'where there's smoke there's fire' which is the exact opposite of facts.
Everyone knows Bill Clinton is a rapist/pedophile... he just happens to be a white Bill Cosby. LOL

No, not everybody knows this. Where is this evidence of Clinton being a pedophile? I keep hearing you brain diseased going there but you never bring the goods, where is the evidence? Something concrete.
If he has evidence, it's his civic duty to present to the authorities.
Here is a partial transcript of the exchange:

BROADDRICK: And then as he points over my shoulder, he grabs me and turns me to him. And that was a shock. And I tried to push him away. And I only weighed about 120 pounds at that time. He was a very large man. And I kept telling him, “No. I don’t want this at all.”

And he grabbed me again, very forcefully. And started biting on my top lip. And this was extremely painful. I thought he was going to bite my lip off. And that’s when he pushed me back onto the bed.

KLEIN: He bit you at the top of your lip. He pushed you onto the bed. And then what happened?

BROADDRICK: It’s been so long and it is just so hard to go into. I need to stop.


BROADDRICK: You, know, why? Why is it still so painful?


KLEIN: What is going through your mind right now?

BROADDRICK: That I am afraid of him.

KLEIN: You are still afraid of him?

BROADDRICK: Yes. That I am still afraid. Especially if she becomes president. And I know it’s looking that way. So it’s frightening, Aaron. It’s frightening.

I was completely dressed. I had a skirt and a blouse. He tore the waist of my skirt. And then he ripped my pantyhose. And he raped me. It was very vicious. I was just pinned down… I did not know what to do. I was so frightened. I was only 35 at the time. And it was horrible. I just wanted it to be over with. So he would go away.

KLEIN: He got up?

BROADDRICK: No, he held me down for a long time. And then he did it again. I was so ready for him to leave me alone. When he started raping me again. And it was very brief… And he did get up and he straightened himself. And my mouth was bleeding and it was hurting. And he just straightens himself and goes to the door.

KLEIN: With you still on the bed?

BROADDRICK: Yes, crying. He straightens himself and he goes to the door. And puts on his sunglasses. And tells me to get some ice on that on my list. And goes out the door.

He would push down on my left clavicle and it hurt so much I thought my clavicle was gonna break. And my lip was just ballooning out four times the size that it should have been.

KLEIN: While he was raping you?


Broaddrick has been all over the map about Bill Clinton. I feel sorry for her but her story isn't credible.

Oh you know it's true but what's worse, you couldn't care less about it ya disgusting cretin.

No, I don't know it's true.
...because you're stupid....or partisan - same same.

Are you projecting now?
Frequent trips to pedophile island with a convicted pedophile...

Just a coincidene I'm sure
Here is a partial transcript of the exchange:

BROADDRICK: And then as he points over my shoulder, he grabs me and turns me to him. And that was a shock. And I tried to push him away. And I only weighed about 120 pounds at that time. He was a very large man. And I kept telling him, “No. I don’t want this at all.”

And he grabbed me again, very forcefully. And started biting on my top lip. And this was extremely painful. I thought he was going to bite my lip off. And that’s when he pushed me back onto the bed.

KLEIN: He bit you at the top of your lip. He pushed you onto the bed. And then what happened?

BROADDRICK: It’s been so long and it is just so hard to go into. I need to stop.


BROADDRICK: You, know, why? Why is it still so painful?


KLEIN: What is going through your mind right now?

BROADDRICK: That I am afraid of him.

KLEIN: You are still afraid of him?

BROADDRICK: Yes. That I am still afraid. Especially if she becomes president. And I know it’s looking that way. So it’s frightening, Aaron. It’s frightening.

I was completely dressed. I had a skirt and a blouse. He tore the waist of my skirt. And then he ripped my pantyhose. And he raped me. It was very vicious. I was just pinned down… I did not know what to do. I was so frightened. I was only 35 at the time. And it was horrible. I just wanted it to be over with. So he would go away.

KLEIN: He got up?

BROADDRICK: No, he held me down for a long time. And then he did it again. I was so ready for him to leave me alone. When he started raping me again. And it was very brief… And he did get up and he straightened himself. And my mouth was bleeding and it was hurting. And he just straightens himself and goes to the door.

KLEIN: With you still on the bed?

BROADDRICK: Yes, crying. He straightens himself and he goes to the door. And puts on his sunglasses. And tells me to get some ice on that on my list. And goes out the door.

He would push down on my left clavicle and it hurt so much I thought my clavicle was gonna break. And my lip was just ballooning out four times the size that it should have been.

KLEIN: While he was raping you?


Broaddrick has been all over the map about Bill Clinton. I feel sorry for her but her story isn't credible.

Oh you know it's true but what's worse, you couldn't care less about it ya disgusting cretin.

No, I don't know it's true.
...because you're stupid....or partisan - same same.

Are you projecting now?
No, not everybody knows this. Where is this evidence of Clinton being a pedophile? I keep hearing you brain diseased going there but you never bring the goods, where is the evidence? Something concrete.
Bill Clinton is the very definition of a pedophile, why does he fly on the plane with Epstein to them rape islands? He's Fucking sleazy pedophile and Hildabeast enables him… LOL

Everyone who flew on Epstein's plane is a pedophile? Sorry, that doesn't come close to being proof of anything.
Excuses excuses

Burden of proof is on you and you have failed.
Have you noticed they aren't fans of proof?

They think conspiracy theories are proof. Thankfully USMB only represents the worst of conservatives.

pretty obvious where his hand is. fucker's copin' a feel

A 1 second pat on the knee?

right over your head

Did you actually see the video?

I posted it numb nuts

Did you look at the video though? Describe where the assault takes place. Hell, show us where it is anything more than a pat on the knee.

and why just a pat on knee?? what's the purpose there. should a married man going around patting women's knee's?? I forgot. you've never had sex. still a virgin

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