Bill Clinton Blasts ‘Awful Legacy of the Last Eight Years’ of Obama Presidency

James Moore

Active Member
Mar 18, 2016
Bill Clinton Blasts 'Awful Legacy of the Last Eight Years' of Obama Presidency - Breitbart

Obama, I was just getting ready to tell you what I and millions of Americans think of your actions, but what good would it do? Nothing. You, are very well aware of what you are, and what you stand for, and it certainly isn't the United States of America. Everything you do is calculated to weaken us in the eyes of the world. Why do you hate America so much? Sure we have our faults, but we are still the best place to live on the face of this planet. In spite of everything you have done to hasten our demise. We will survive you Obama, wounded no doubt, but still on our feet. Good Lord, what a mistake you were. Anyone who can't see that by now, just doesn't want to face up to the cold hard facts.

Maybe Bill is confused now, like Huma tells us Hillary is?

LOL. He was talking about Republican obstructionism. You just punked yourself!

Did he say that in his speech?

Besides, even if it were true he was saying that, the obstruction meme is nothing more than left wing BS.

And even if there was obstruction, there is ALWAYS obstruction from the other side. It isn't something new invented for Obama. Most presidents knew how to work around it, Obama, he is not a leader, he doesn't know how to lead unless those he is leading are totally compliant.
I think I will agree with Bill, it's nice of him to start telling the truth. May be he is going to tell us some truth about Hillary soon? The timing would be just right....
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LOL. He was talking about Republican obstructionism. You just punked yourself!

Did he say that in his speech?

Besides, even if it were true he was saying that, the obstruction meme is nothing more than left wing BS.

And even if there was obstruction, there is ALWAYS obstruction from the other side. It isn't something new invented for Obama. Most presidents knew how to work around it, Obama, he is not a leader, he doesn't know how to lead unless those he is leading are totally compliant.

Oh, but he DOES know how to work around it. As stated above,he signs an executive order. Get together with Lucy in post #6 and between the two of you decide whether that is leadership, or dictatorship, and let us know your conclusion.
LOL. He was talking about Republican obstructionism. You just punked yourself!

Did he say that in his speech?

Besides, even if it were true he was saying that, the obstruction meme is nothing more than left wing BS.

And even if there was obstruction, there is ALWAYS obstruction from the other side. It isn't something new invented for Obama. Most presidents knew how to work around it, Obama, he is not a leader, he doesn't know how to lead unless those he is leading are totally compliant.

Oh, but he DOES know how to work around it. As stated above,he signs an executive order. Get together with Lucy in post #6 and between the two of you decide whether that is leadership, or dictatorship, and let us know your conclusion.

To me it veers on Dictatorship.
LOL. He was talking about Republican obstructionism. You just punked yourself!

Did he say that in his speech?

Besides, even if it were true he was saying that, the obstruction meme is nothing more than left wing BS.

And even if there was obstruction, there is ALWAYS obstruction from the other side. It isn't something new invented for Obama. Most presidents knew how to work around it, Obama, he is not a leader, he doesn't know how to lead unless those he is leading are totally compliant.

Oh, but he DOES know how to work around it. As stated above,he signs an executive order. Get together with Lucy in post #6 and between the two of you decide whether that is leadership, or dictatorship, and let us know your conclusion.

As stated above,he signs an executive order.

Pushing his agenda past what congress wants?

decide whether that is leadership, or dictatorship,

You WILL obey me sounds more like a dictator than a leader.

Or, a spoiled child that insists on getting their way
LOL. He was talking about Republican obstructionism. You just punked yourself!

Did he say that in his speech?

Besides, even if it were true he was saying that, the obstruction meme is nothing more than left wing BS.

And even if there was obstruction, there is ALWAYS obstruction from the other side. It isn't something new invented for Obama. Most presidents knew how to work around it, Obama, he is not a leader, he doesn't know how to lead unless those he is leading are totally compliant.

Oh, but he DOES know how to work around it. As stated above,he signs an executive order. Get together with Lucy in post #6 and between the two of you decide whether that is leadership, or dictatorship, and let us know your conclusion.

As stated above,he signs an executive order.

Pushing his agenda past what congress wants?

decide whether that is leadership, or dictatorship,

You WILL obey me sounds more like a dictator than a leader.

Or, a spoiled child that insists on getting their way

Got it! Bush's 291 executive orders were good. Obama's 227 executive orders are bad!

George W. Bush Executive Orders Disposition Tables

FALSE: Executive Orders

"First of all, the number of executive orders issued by President Obama is grossly exaggerated here. Through his first term (i.e., the first four years of his presidency), Barack Obama issued 147 executive orders, not 923. (Now into the final year of his second term, President Obama has issued a total of 227 executive orders.) "
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LOL. He was talking about Republican obstructionism. You just punked yourself!

Did he say that in his speech?

Besides, even if it were true he was saying that, the obstruction meme is nothing more than left wing BS.

And even if there was obstruction, there is ALWAYS obstruction from the other side. It isn't something new invented for Obama. Most presidents knew how to work around it, Obama, he is not a leader, he doesn't know how to lead unless those he is leading are totally compliant.

Oh, but he DOES know how to work around it. As stated above,he signs an executive order. Get together with Lucy in post #6 and between the two of you decide whether that is leadership, or dictatorship, and let us know your conclusion.

As stated above,he signs an executive order.

Pushing his agenda past what congress wants?

decide whether that is leadership, or dictatorship,

You WILL obey me sounds more like a dictator than a leader.

Or, a spoiled child that insists on getting their way

Got it! Bush's 291 executive orders were good. Obama's 227 executive orders are bad!

George W. Bush Executive Orders Disposition Tables

FALSE: Executive Orders

"First of all, the number of executive orders issued by President Obama is grossly exaggerated here. Through his first term (i.e., the first four years of his presidency), Barack Obama issued 147 executive orders, not 923. (Now into the final year of his second term, President Obama has issued a total of 227 executive orders.) "

Quantity is not important, it is what he did with them.
Bill Clinton Blasts 'Awful Legacy of the Last Eight Years' of Obama Presidency - Breitbart

Obama, I was just getting ready to tell you what I and millions of Americans think of your actions, but what good would it do? Nothing. You, are very well aware of what you are, and what you stand for, and it certainly isn't the United States of America. Everything you do is calculated to weaken us in the eyes of the world. Why do you hate America so much? Sure we have our faults, but we are still the best place to live on the face of this planet. In spite of everything you have done to hasten our demise. We will survive you Obama, wounded no doubt, but still on our feet. Good Lord, what a mistake you were. Anyone who can't see that by now, just doesn't want to face up to the cold hard facts.

“I literally from the time I met her 45 years ago ‘til we talked yesterday, she is the best change-maker I have ever known. She always finds a way to make something good happen, to make people feel empowered, to buy people into the process, to make democracy work the way the framers intended for it to work.

Now, if you don’t believe we can all grow together again, if you don’t believe we're ever going to grow again, if you believe it’s more important to re-litigate the past, there may be many reasons that you don’t want to support her.

But if you believe we can all rise together, if you believe we’ve finally come to the point where we can put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us and the seven years before that when we were practicing trickle-down economics and no regulation in Washington, which is what caused the crash, then you should vote for her because she’s the only person who basically had good ideas will tell you how she’s going to pay for them, can be commander in chief and is a proven change maker with republicans and democrats and independents alike.”

*Update: An aide to Bill Clinton says the legacy he was referring to was Republicans' obstructionism.

"When Republicans controlled the White House, their trickle-down approach drove our economy to the brink of a collapse. After President Obama was elected, Republicans made it their number one goal to block him at every turn," spokesman Angel Urena said in a statement. "That unprecedented obstruction these last eight years is their legacy, and the American people should reject it by electing Hillary Clinton to build on President Obama's success so we can all grow and succeed together."
Bill Clinton knocks ‘awful legacy’ of last 8 years
LOL. He was talking about Republican obstructionism. You just punked yourself!

Did he say that in his speech?

Besides, even if it were true he was saying that, the obstruction meme is nothing more than left wing BS.

And even if there was obstruction, there is ALWAYS obstruction from the other side. It isn't something new invented for Obama. Most presidents knew how to work around it, Obama, he is not a leader, he doesn't know how to lead unless those he is leading are totally compliant.

Oh, but he DOES know how to work around it. As stated above,he signs an executive order. Get together with Lucy in post #6 and between the two of you decide whether that is leadership, or dictatorship, and let us know your conclusion.

As stated above,he signs an executive order.

Pushing his agenda past what congress wants?

decide whether that is leadership, or dictatorship,

You WILL obey me sounds more like a dictator than a leader.

Or, a spoiled child that insists on getting their way

Got it! Bush's 291 executive orders were good. Obama's 227 executive orders are bad!

George W. Bush Executive Orders Disposition Tables

FALSE: Executive Orders

"First of all, the number of executive orders issued by President Obama is grossly exaggerated here. Through his first term (i.e., the first four years of his presidency), Barack Obama issued 147 executive orders, not 923. (Now into the final year of his second term, President Obama has issued a total of 227 executive orders.) "

Quantity is not important, it is what he did with them.

Yeah, like this one signed by Bush:

Executive Order 13487
Establishment of a Temporary Organization to Facilitate United States Government Support for Afghanistan

  • Signed: January 16, 2009
  • Federal Register page and date: 74 FR 4097, January 22, 2009
Apparently, this was something that needed to be done by executive order, instead of by congress. I mean, what the hell? Why should congress get involved in war and foreign policy?
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Bill Clinton Blasts 'Awful Legacy of the Last Eight Years' of Obama Presidency - Breitbart

Obama, I was just getting ready to tell you what I and millions of Americans think of your actions, but what good would it do? Nothing. You, are very well aware of what you are, and what you stand for, and it certainly isn't the United States of America. Everything you do is calculated to weaken us in the eyes of the world. Why do you hate America so much? Sure we have our faults, but we are still the best place to live on the face of this planet. In spite of everything you have done to hasten our demise. We will survive you Obama, wounded no doubt, but still on our feet. Good Lord, what a mistake you were. Anyone who can't see that by now, just doesn't want to face up to the cold hard facts.
Boy, you folks really hate the truth and try to spin everything into lies to suit your desire of how things should be. Clinton was talking about the Republicans' obstructionism.

Silly games you play to spin a web of lies about the democrats. It's disgusting that you are so completely partisan you make up a mythical reality and try to sell it to the general public. Sad. Pathetic.
Did he say that in his speech?

Besides, even if it were true he was saying that, the obstruction meme is nothing more than left wing BS.

And even if there was obstruction, there is ALWAYS obstruction from the other side. It isn't something new invented for Obama. Most presidents knew how to work around it, Obama, he is not a leader, he doesn't know how to lead unless those he is leading are totally compliant.

Oh, but he DOES know how to work around it. As stated above,he signs an executive order. Get together with Lucy in post #6 and between the two of you decide whether that is leadership, or dictatorship, and let us know your conclusion.

As stated above,he signs an executive order.

Pushing his agenda past what congress wants?

decide whether that is leadership, or dictatorship,

You WILL obey me sounds more like a dictator than a leader.

Or, a spoiled child that insists on getting their way

Got it! Bush's 291 executive orders were good. Obama's 227 executive orders are bad!

George W. Bush Executive Orders Disposition Tables

FALSE: Executive Orders

"First of all, the number of executive orders issued by President Obama is grossly exaggerated here. Through his first term (i.e., the first four years of his presidency), Barack Obama issued 147 executive orders, not 923. (Now into the final year of his second term, President Obama has issued a total of 227 executive orders.) "

Quantity is not important, it is what he did with them.

Yeah, like this one signed by Bush:

Executive Order 13487
Establishment of a Temporary Organization to Facilitate United States Government Support for Afghanistan

  • Signed: January 16, 2009
  • Federal Register page and date: 74 FR 4097, January 22, 2009
Apparently, this was something that needed to be done by executive order, instead of by congress. I mean, what the hell? Why should congress get involved in war and foreign policy?

What was that order even for? Your implication, an incorrect implication, is that it was to start the war in Afghanistan. There was a vote by congress authorizing the POTUS to use force against our enemies involved in 9/11. It passed with one no vote, as I remember. Afghanistan was the good war that Obama had a surge, then after more casualties than GWB admitted it was a failure.

Now, where is that vote by congress for the US to attack Libya or to supply weapons to Syria. Matter of fact was there even a EO to do either?

Google Authorization to Use Military Force to continue your education.
Bill Clinton Blasts 'Awful Legacy of the Last Eight Years' of Obama Presidency - Breitbart

Obama, I was just getting ready to tell you what I and millions of Americans think of your actions, but what good would it do? Nothing. You, are very well aware of what you are, and what you stand for, and it certainly isn't the United States of America. Everything you do is calculated to weaken us in the eyes of the world. Why do you hate America so much? Sure we have our faults, but we are still the best place to live on the face of this planet. In spite of everything you have done to hasten our demise. We will survive you Obama, wounded no doubt, but still on our feet. Good Lord, what a mistake you were. Anyone who can't see that by now, just doesn't want to face up to the cold hard facts.
Boy, you folks really hate the truth and try to spin everything into lies to suit your desire of how things should be. Clinton was talking about the Republicans' obstructionism.

Silly games you play to spin a web of lies about the democrats. It's disgusting that you are so completely partisan you make up a mythical reality and try to sell it to the general public. Sad. Pathetic.
Oh bullshit congress has folded and gave Obama everything he wanted. Obama owns this mess.

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