Bigot Proud Boy sick home GAB is shutdown VICTORY!!

It's just an excuse to censor and defund a right-wing community.

Last I checked, the Left doesn't OWN the Internet....not yet.
So the Right wing only has ITSELF to blame if it has nowhere on the Internet to go.

I suspect the RW likes the abuse.....otherwise tjhey'd have created their OWN search Engine and Social media sites and flocked there in mass numbers.

But...nope...they keep faithfully going to the Left's watering hole, then complaining that the waters's poisoned.
WHO are the morons???
You should ask their hosting service. I dont work for the hosting service but I can read what GAB themselves said about why they got dumped.
The said the hosting service didn't explain what they did.

Probably for the same reason that Paypal dropped them.

From the link....................................

Hours after his vile posts were brought to light (we will not post them here because we do not feel like giving his hateful views oxygen is necessary), Paypal banned Gab from it's platform because they reviewed the account and found that it engaged in the "perpetuation of hate, violence or discriminatory intolerance". The Daily Beast is also reporting that Gab's hosting provider is pulling its services. Gab tweeted

Breaking: @joyent, Gab’s new hosting provider, has just pulled our hosting service. They have given us until 9am on Monday to find a solution. Gab will likely be down for weeks because of this. Working on solutions. We will never give up on defending free speech for all people.

— (@getongab) October 28, 2018
Who's vile posts? GAB is just a platform for speech. It's not responsible for everything people post there.

You are correct, they should not be. But if a company associated with them does not like what is posted there, then they should have the freedom to break that association without moron crying about free speech.
Don't worry, turd, the found a service provider who likes what they do.

As it said, capitalism at it finest, and your big government did not need to get involved, that must really piss you off
You are correct, they should not be. But if a company associated with them does not like what is posted there, then they should have the freedom to break that association without moron crying about free speech.
I agree with you, even though you are inconsistent as fuck and are a closet communist. You have it right THIS time. I doubt you will say the same when a "right-winger" does the same thing to leftist commie hacks.

I hope you prove me wrong.


I say the same all the time. I am 100% consistent with my views on this forum.
Gab,The Vile Alt-Right Social Network, May Be Getting Shut Down

Bigots who get kicked off twitter no longer have a home. LOLOLOLOLOLOL:5_1_12024::5_1_12024:

The proud boyz have been put in their sick little place.:abgg2q.jpg:

Alt-right will be overthrown.:Boom2:
Another leftist who 1. Believes in censorship so aka hates the 1st amendment and 2. Doesn't realize Gab already found a new Host :D

Censorship is a function of the government. It does not apply to private companies.

Every private company censors what they are associated with, as they should
And as usual there will be those rightwing nitwits trying to propagate the lie that ‘free speech’ has been ‘violated’ when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Isn’t gab a private company

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Really? How?
You should ask their hosting service. I dont work for the hosting service but I can read what GAB themselves said about why they got dumped.
The said the hosting service didn't explain what they did.

Probably for the same reason that Paypal dropped them.

From the link....................................

Hours after his vile posts were brought to light (we will not post them here because we do not feel like giving his hateful views oxygen is necessary), Paypal banned Gab from it's platform because they reviewed the account and found that it engaged in the "perpetuation of hate, violence or discriminatory intolerance". The Daily Beast is also reporting that Gab's hosting provider is pulling its services. Gab tweeted

Breaking: @joyent, Gab’s new hosting provider, has just pulled our hosting service. They have given us until 9am on Monday to find a solution. Gab will likely be down for weeks because of this. Working on solutions. We will never give up on defending free speech for all people.

— (@getongab) October 28, 2018
Who's vile posts? GAB is just a platform for speech. It's not responsible for everything people post there.

You are correct, they should not be. But if a company associated with them does not like what is posted there, then they should have the freedom to break that association without moron crying about free speech.
And one would indeed be a moron to cry about ‘free speech.’
You should ask their hosting service. I dont work for the hosting service but I can read what GAB themselves said about why they got dumped.
The said the hosting service didn't explain what they did.

Probably for the same reason that Paypal dropped them.

From the link....................................

Hours after his vile posts were brought to light (we will not post them here because we do not feel like giving his hateful views oxygen is necessary), Paypal banned Gab from it's platform because they reviewed the account and found that it engaged in the "perpetuation of hate, violence or discriminatory intolerance". The Daily Beast is also reporting that Gab's hosting provider is pulling its services. Gab tweeted

Breaking: @joyent, Gab’s new hosting provider, has just pulled our hosting service. They have given us until 9am on Monday to find a solution. Gab will likely be down for weeks because of this. Working on solutions. We will never give up on defending free speech for all people.

— (@getongab) October 28, 2018
Who's vile posts? GAB is just a platform for speech. It's not responsible for everything people post there.

You are correct, they should not be. But if a company associated with them does not like what is posted there, then they should have the freedom to break that association without moron crying about free speech.
And one would indeed be a moron to cry about ‘free speech.’

It is almost scary how many people do not understand what free speech is
It’s a private business and can decide who is and who won’t be clientele. Our business will decide who we want and don’t want as customers.
You should ask their hosting service. I dont work for the hosting service but I can read what GAB themselves said about why they got dumped.
The said the hosting service didn't explain what they did.

Probably for the same reason that Paypal dropped them.

From the link....................................

Hours after his vile posts were brought to light (we will not post them here because we do not feel like giving his hateful views oxygen is necessary), Paypal banned Gab from it's platform because they reviewed the account and found that it engaged in the "perpetuation of hate, violence or discriminatory intolerance". The Daily Beast is also reporting that Gab's hosting provider is pulling its services. Gab tweeted

Breaking: @joyent, Gab’s new hosting provider, has just pulled our hosting service. They have given us until 9am on Monday to find a solution. Gab will likely be down for weeks because of this. Working on solutions. We will never give up on defending free speech for all people.

— (@getongab) October 28, 2018
Who's vile posts? GAB is just a platform for speech. It's not responsible for everything people post there.

You are correct, they should not be. But if a company associated with them does not like what is posted there, then they should have the freedom to break that association without moron crying about free speech.
And one would indeed be a moron to cry about ‘free speech.’
ROFL! You mean like the Founding Fathers? You mean like the Bill of Rights?
It’s a private business and can decide who is and who won’t be clientele. Our business will decide who we want and don’t want as customers.
What is paypal’s competitor and what is paypal’s business statement?

They are a monopoly because they fucking LIED. Just like patreon.

If they hadn’t lied they wouldn’t be nearly as powerful as they are.
Private businesses can do business with whomever they desire.

It’s not a first ammendment issue.

If I owned a golf store on University, let’s say in midtown, right across the street from The Swamp, I wouldn’t let Golfing Gator shop in my store because he is a douche, not because he is a liberal. :rolleyes:

He probably wouldn’t want to patronize my store due to my run on sentences.
Private businesses can do business with whomever they desire.

It’s not a first ammendment issue.

If I owned a golf store on University, let’s say in midtown, I wouldn’t let Golfing Gator shop in my store because he is a douche, not because he is a liberal. :rolleyes:

Ahm you're a douchephobe

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