Biggest Threat To 2016 Election Was Obama's Attempt To Take Over All US State Elections


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Imagine President Trump declaring that due to foreign nations attempting to hack our elections he intended to take control of every state's election process going into the 20 election, that his administration would run those elections, provide security for them, and ensure the sanctity and security of our democratic election process...

The Leftists / snowflakes would lose their minds, pick up their torches and pitch forks to march on the White House to drag the President out, and would publicly declare this to be a MASSIVE threat to our Democracy ... and they would be right to do so. SO, WHY DIDN'T THEY DO THIS WHEN BARRY ATTEMPTED TO DO THE SAME THING BACK IN 2016?!

In 2016 the Obama administration, that knew about Russian interference for 2 years yet did little to stop it and who also knew that foreign attempts to hack our elections is nothing new, attempted to seize control of all US State elections, citing the threat of foreign hacking / compromise of our election process his justification for doing so.

Barry's Homeland Security, under Obama's direction, was caught attempting to hack into several States' elections, claiming afterwards that they were trying to prove it could be done. Barry attempted to officially declare state election processes to be 'critical infrastructure', which would allow his administration to seize control of all state election processes to 'keep them safe from foreign interference'. The liberal MSM, however, did their successful best to keep US citizens almost oblivious to Barry's unprecedented, Constitution / Democracy-threatening attempted power-grab.

Georgia Confirms Homeland Security Attempted To Hack Election Database 10 Separate Times

The Georgia Secretary of State's Office now confirms 10 separate cyberattacks on its network were all traced back to U.S. Department of Homeland Security addresses. "We're being told something that they think they have it figured out, yet nobody's really showed us how this happened,” Kemp said. "We need to know." Kemp says several of those scans came around the same time he testified before Congress about his opposition to a federal plan to classify election systems as "critical infrastructure," like power plants and financial systems.

Again, if President Trump and his administration had attempted to pull this off he would have been branded by the Democrats - as they already have - as a traitor, a tyrannical yet controlled compromised agent of Vladimir Putin...(despite the fact that it was not Trump who told a Putin Puppet to pass on to Vlad that he would be more 'flexible' after winning his re-election).

The fact that Barry attempted to seize control of every state election process is still fact, is still out there for people to learn about themselves, and the Liberal MSM still refuses to mention it, snowflakes still refuse to read / address it....and Dems, the Liberal MSM, and snowflakes continue to repeat:


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Imagine President Trump declaring that due to foreign nations attempting to hack our elections he intended to take control of every state's election process going into the 20 election, that his administration would run those elections, provide security for them, and ensure the sanctity and security of our democratic election process...

The Leftists / snowflakes would lose their minds, pick up their torches and pitch forks to march on the White House to drag the President out, and would publicly declare this to be a MASSIVE threat to our Democracy ... and they would be right to do so. SO, WHY DIDN'T THEY DO THIS WHEN BARRY ATTEMPTED TO DO THE SAME THING BACK IN 2016?!

In 2016 the Obama administration, that knew about Russian interference for 2 years yet did little to stop it and who also knew that foreign attempts to hack our elections is nothing new, attempted to seize control of all US State elections, citing the threat of foreign hacking / compromise of our election process his justification for doing so.

Barry's Homeland Security, under Obama's direction, was caught attempting to hack into several States' elections, claiming afterwards that they were trying to prove it could be done. Barry attempted to officially declare state election processes to be 'critical infrastructure', which would allow his administration to seize control of all state election processes to 'keep them safe from foreign interference'. The liberal MSM, however, did their successful best to keep US citizens almost oblivious to Barry's unprecedented, Constitution / Democracy-threatening attempted power-grab.

Georgia Confirms Homeland Security Attempted To Hack Election Database 10 Separate Times

The Georgia Secretary of State's Office now confirms 10 separate cyberattacks on its network were all traced back to U.S. Department of Homeland Security addresses. "We're being told something that they think they have it figured out, yet nobody's really showed us how this happened,” Kemp said. "We need to know." Kemp says several of those scans came around the same time he testified before Congress about his opposition to a federal plan to classify election systems as "critical infrastructure," like power plants and financial systems.

Again, if President Trump and his administration had attempted to pull this off he would have been branded by the Democrats - as they already have - as a traitor, a tyrannical yet controlled compromised agent of Vladimir Putin...(despite the fact that it was not Trump who told a Putin Puppet to pass on to Vlad that he would be more 'flexible' after winning his re-election).

The fact that Barry attempted to seize control of every state election process is still fact, is still out there for people to learn about themselves, and the Liberal MSM still refuses to mention it, snowflakes still refuse to read / address it....and Dems, the Liberal MSM, and snowflakes continue to repeat:

View attachment 296746


Just shut up and give Hitler your guns.


You have to realize, you're talkig to a bunch of half wit fools known as Leftists.
Imagine President Trump declaring that due to foreign nations attempting to hack our elections he intended to take control of every state's election process going into the 20 election, that his administration would run those elections, provide security for them, and ensure the sanctity and security of our democratic election process...

The Leftists / snowflakes would lose their minds, pick up their torches and pitch forks to march on the White House to drag the President out, and would publicly declare this to be a MASSIVE threat to our Democracy ... and they would be right to do so. SO, WHY DIDN'T THEY DO THIS WHEN BARRY ATTEMPTED TO DO THE SAME THING BACK IN 2016?!

In 2016 the Obama administration, that knew about Russian interference for 2 years yet did little to stop it and who also knew that foreign attempts to hack our elections is nothing new, attempted to seize control of all US State elections, citing the threat of foreign hacking / compromise of our election process his justification for doing so.

Barry's Homeland Security, under Obama's direction, was caught attempting to hack into several States' elections, claiming afterwards that they were trying to prove it could be done. Barry attempted to officially declare state election processes to be 'critical infrastructure', which would allow his administration to seize control of all state election processes to 'keep them safe from foreign interference'. The liberal MSM, however, did their successful best to keep US citizens almost oblivious to Barry's unprecedented, Constitution / Democracy-threatening attempted power-grab.

Georgia Confirms Homeland Security Attempted To Hack Election Database 10 Separate Times

The Georgia Secretary of State's Office now confirms 10 separate cyberattacks on its network were all traced back to U.S. Department of Homeland Security addresses. "We're being told something that they think they have it figured out, yet nobody's really showed us how this happened,” Kemp said. "We need to know." Kemp says several of those scans came around the same time he testified before Congress about his opposition to a federal plan to classify election systems as "critical infrastructure," like power plants and financial systems.

Again, if President Trump and his administration had attempted to pull this off he would have been branded by the Democrats - as they already have - as a traitor, a tyrannical yet controlled compromised agent of Vladimir Putin...(despite the fact that it was not Trump who told a Putin Puppet to pass on to Vlad that he would be more 'flexible' after winning his re-election).

The fact that Barry attempted to seize control of every state election process is still fact, is still out there for people to learn about themselves, and the Liberal MSM still refuses to mention it, snowflakes still refuse to read / address it....and Dems, the Liberal MSM, and snowflakes continue to repeat:


Zerohedge is a right wing conspiracy website operating out of Bulgaria.

Zero Hedge - Media Bias/Fact Check

A factual search reveals a terrible track record with IFCN fact checkers. There are too many failed checks to list here.
Zerohedge is a right wing conspiracy website operating out of Bulgaria. Zero Hedge - Media Bias/Fact Check
A factual search reveals a terrible track record with IFCN fact checkers. There are too many failed checks to list here.

Speaking of conspiracy theorists and failed attempts to provide accurate information.....

Happy Holidays, DL. Just curious, when are you and D-Schiff going to give us all that 'gift' you promised us, the link to the law you and Schiff claim exists that afford qualifying Whistle Blowers the protections of Anonymity and Immunity. As it has been about a month since both of you proclaimed this to be the case, have been challenged to provide the link / law, and have fled every time your are reminded and asked to either provide the link / law or admit you lied, my guess is we will see such a link / law from you and / or Schiff about the same time hell freezes over.

YOUR (and Schiff's) claim has been 'fact-checked', and it has been proven to be 'BS'.

I am more than happy to wait for you to respond with the link, though....until then, nothing you or Schiff says can be counted as factual.
Imagine President Trump declaring that due to foreign nations attempting to hack our elections he intended to take control of every state's election process going into the 20 election, that his administration would run those elections, provide security for them, and ensure the sanctity and security of our democratic election process...

The Leftists / snowflakes would lose their minds, pick up their torches and pitch forks to march on the White House to drag the President out, and would publicly declare this to be a MASSIVE threat to our Democracy ... and they would be right to do so. SO, WHY DIDN'T THEY DO THIS WHEN BARRY ATTEMPTED TO DO THE SAME THING BACK IN 2016?!

In 2016 the Obama administration, that knew about Russian interference for 2 years yet did little to stop it and who also knew that foreign attempts to hack our elections is nothing new, attempted to seize control of all US State elections, citing the threat of foreign hacking / compromise of our election process his justification for doing so.

Barry's Homeland Security, under Obama's direction, was caught attempting to hack into several States' elections, claiming afterwards that they were trying to prove it could be done. Barry attempted to officially declare state election processes to be 'critical infrastructure', which would allow his administration to seize control of all state election processes to 'keep them safe from foreign interference'. The liberal MSM, however, did their successful best to keep US citizens almost oblivious to Barry's unprecedented, Constitution / Democracy-threatening attempted power-grab.

Georgia Confirms Homeland Security Attempted To Hack Election Database 10 Separate Times

The Georgia Secretary of State's Office now confirms 10 separate cyberattacks on its network were all traced back to U.S. Department of Homeland Security addresses. "We're being told something that they think they have it figured out, yet nobody's really showed us how this happened,” Kemp said. "We need to know." Kemp says several of those scans came around the same time he testified before Congress about his opposition to a federal plan to classify election systems as "critical infrastructure," like power plants and financial systems.

Again, if President Trump and his administration had attempted to pull this off he would have been branded by the Democrats - as they already have - as a traitor, a tyrannical yet controlled compromised agent of Vladimir Putin...(despite the fact that it was not Trump who told a Putin Puppet to pass on to Vlad that he would be more 'flexible' after winning his re-election).

The fact that Barry attempted to seize control of every state election process is still fact, is still out there for people to learn about themselves, and the Liberal MSM still refuses to mention it, snowflakes still refuse to read / address it....and Dems, the Liberal MSM, and snowflakes continue to repeat:


Zerohedge is a right wing conspiracy website operating out of Bulgaria.

Zero Hedge - Media Bias/Fact Check

A factual search reveals a terrible track record with IFCN fact checkers. There are too many failed checks to list here.
Leftwing media fact checkers are liars....Fake news sites fact checking???? give me a break....
Obama should be investigated just as hard as they investigated Trump...if we lived in a fair and just nation he would be...but sadly we don't....
Obama should be investigated just as hard as they investigated Trump...if we lived in a fair and just nation he would be...but sadly we don't....
When the former CIA Deputy Director stated that the biggest difference between the Obama and Trump administrations was that Obama mico-managed every detail of the CIA's operations, from picking out and spending money on new office furniture to who / how they investigated that was a giant flashing neon sign pointing at Obama.

Clapper also stated that he does not understand why Barr is investigating him and other Agency Directors for their involvement in their Trump 'inquisition' - they just did what Barry told / ordered them to do.

These are admissions / evidence that Barry was the one ordering the entire orchestrate Deep State / Obama administration failed Coup Attempt fro, the start.

This is the same guy and his administration that was caught illegally spying on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices...and got away with it since he OWNED the State Dept, NSA, CIA, & DOJ.
Blah Blah Blah as Trump fights effort to fight foreign influence.

Republicasns have done nothing.

Moscow Mitch blocked Obama from taking it public.

Moscow Mitch refuses to put a bill on the floor to address it

I'm think China would love to dump Drumpf. They have good hackers.
Imagine President Trump declaring that due to foreign nations attempting to hack our elections he intended to take control of every state's election process going into the 20 election, that his administration would run those elections, provide security for them, and ensure the sanctity and security of our democratic election process...

The Leftists / snowflakes would lose their minds, pick up their torches and pitch forks to march on the White House to drag the President out, and would publicly declare this to be a MASSIVE threat to our Democracy ... and they would be right to do so. SO, WHY DIDN'T THEY DO THIS WHEN BARRY ATTEMPTED TO DO THE SAME THING BACK IN 2016?!

In 2016 the Obama administration, that knew about Russian interference for 2 years yet did little to stop it and who also knew that foreign attempts to hack our elections is nothing new, attempted to seize control of all US State elections, citing the threat of foreign hacking / compromise of our election process his justification for doing so.

Barry's Homeland Security, under Obama's direction, was caught attempting to hack into several States' elections, claiming afterwards that they were trying to prove it could be done. Barry attempted to officially declare state election processes to be 'critical infrastructure', which would allow his administration to seize control of all state election processes to 'keep them safe from foreign interference'. The liberal MSM, however, did their successful best to keep US citizens almost oblivious to Barry's unprecedented, Constitution / Democracy-threatening attempted power-grab.

Georgia Confirms Homeland Security Attempted To Hack Election Database 10 Separate Times

The Georgia Secretary of State's Office now confirms 10 separate cyberattacks on its network were all traced back to U.S. Department of Homeland Security addresses. "We're being told something that they think they have it figured out, yet nobody's really showed us how this happened,” Kemp said. "We need to know." Kemp says several of those scans came around the same time he testified before Congress about his opposition to a federal plan to classify election systems as "critical infrastructure," like power plants and financial systems.

Again, if President Trump and his administration had attempted to pull this off he would have been branded by the Democrats - as they already have - as a traitor, a tyrannical yet controlled compromised agent of Vladimir Putin...(despite the fact that it was not Trump who told a Putin Puppet to pass on to Vlad that he would be more 'flexible' after winning his re-election).

The fact that Barry attempted to seize control of every state election process is still fact, is still out there for people to learn about themselves, and the Liberal MSM still refuses to mention it, snowflakes still refuse to read / address it....and Dems, the Liberal MSM, and snowflakes continue to repeat:

View attachment 296746


He did not want a federal takeover. He wanted to treat our election systems as critical infrastructure which they are. You people criticize Obama for doing nothing about Russia hacking yet you lie about what he tried to do. Trump clearly wants Russian help in 2020.
Zerohedge is a right wing conspiracy website operating out of Bulgaria. Zero Hedge - Media Bias/Fact Check
A factual search reveals a terrible track record with IFCN fact checkers. There are too many failed checks to list here.

Speaking of conspiracy theorists and failed attempts to provide accurate information.....

Happy Holidays, DL. Just curious, when are you and D-Schiff going to give us all that 'gift' you promised us, the link to the law you and Schiff claim exists that afford qualifying Whistle Blowers the protections of Anonymity and Immunity. As it has been about a month since both of you proclaimed this to be the case, have been challenged to provide the link / law, and have fled every time your are reminded and asked to either provide the link / law or admit you lied, my guess is we will see such a link / law from you and / or Schiff about the same time hell freezes over.

YOUR (and Schiff's) claim has been 'fact-checked', and it has been proven to be 'BS'.

I am more than happy to wait for you to respond with the link, though....until then, nothing you or Schiff says can be counted as factual.

He/she are entitled to whistleblower protection and anonymity. The fact he/she have been threatened by Trump shows the need for this.
He did not want a federal takeover.

Thank you for the easily offended, emotionally-manipulated, TDS-suffering, Trump-hating, Obama-worshipping Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat, highly opinionated snowflake translation and clarification of what Barry was thinking when he ordered his Homeland Security Director to secretly hack into state election processes without informing them he was going to do so, which was only discovered and exposed by state cyber-security teams detecting the attempts.

I am sure Obama's continuous illegal spying on citizens, reporters, media, US Senators, and USSC Justices were also 'tests' designed to see how easily someone could do so.


Trump clearly wants Russian help in 2020.

:lmao: Bwuhahahahaha.......

It was Barry who sent Hillary to meet with the Russian Ambassador to give him a cheap 'Re-Set' prop that had a plaque that ineptly had the word 'Over-Charge' in Russian on it instead of the intended word 'Reset' on it.

It was BARRY caught in 2012 telling Putin-Puppet Medvedev to pass on to his master that he (Barry) would be more flexible to comply with Vlad's wishes after his (Barry's) re-election...

- 2 years later Barry gave Putin / Russia US uranium, Crimea, and 2 years of unchallenged Counter-Intel Ops, electrical grid-hacking attempts, and unchallenged attempted interference in this country...and the Nobel Peace Prize winner got Vlad's permission to invade Syria.

It was Hillary and Barry who used a Trump-hating, agenda-driven, lying foreign spy to acquire Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda toin an attempt to alter the 2016 election in Hillary's favor.

It was then-Obama FBI Director Mueller who hid Russian crimes of extortion, bribery, intimidation, and assault associated with the KGB Bank's attempt to acquire US uranium.

It was Hillary and Holder who knew about all of this and said nothing to the rest of the committee they were on that was responsible for approving the sale or not.

It was Barry who immediately signed the Dem legislation after the sale allowing the rule preventing the uranium to be shipped outside of the United States to be changed, resulting in the uranium to find its way to Europe and into Russian hands.

It was Joe Biden who made a video-taped confession of extorting the former Ukraine President, and it was Barry and Joe who refused to provide the Ukraine with lethal military aid and prevented anyone else from providing lethal military aid needed by Ukraine to defend itself from Russia's pending invasion and annexation of Crimea - Barry's withholding lethal military aid allowed Vlad to send his troops in without fear of serious resistance.

It was BARRY in 2014 who learned about Russia's massive effort to hack into our electrical grid, hack into senior govt officials / politicians' servers / e-mails, and attempt to alter US elections yet did nothing to stop it. Barry's own administration members admitted this and said about it, 'We fell on our faces on this one'

It was snowflakes like YOU who were duped by the Russians and their Counter-Intel operation using social media into organizing and actually marching for the Russians back in 2016. (How many times did you march for them, snowflake?)


President Trump is tougher on Russia in 18 months than Obama in eight years

(Not that you will make any effort to read any of it an educate yourself....)
Zerohedge is a right wing conspiracy website operating out of Bulgaria. Zero Hedge - Media Bias/Fact Check
A factual search reveals a terrible track record with IFCN fact checkers. There are too many failed checks to list here.

Speaking of conspiracy theorists and failed attempts to provide accurate information.....

Happy Holidays, DL. Just curious, when are you and D-Schiff going to give us all that 'gift' you promised us, the link to the law you and Schiff claim exists that afford qualifying Whistle Blowers the protections of Anonymity and Immunity. As it has been about a month since both of you proclaimed this to be the case, have been challenged to provide the link / law, and have fled every time your are reminded and asked to either provide the link / law or admit you lied, my guess is we will see such a link / law from you and / or Schiff about the same time hell freezes over.

YOUR (and Schiff's) claim has been 'fact-checked', and it has been proven to be 'BS'.

I am more than happy to wait for you to respond with the link, though....until then, nothing you or Schiff says can be counted as factual.

Your attempt to deflect from the debunking of yet another one of your Russian conspiracy theories is noted.

I'm having a wonderful Christmas with my sister and her husband in Quebec. Thank you. Hope you had more snow in Russia than we had here for Christmas. People in Southern Ontario where I live, joke about how much snow Quebec gets, but there none here either.
Your attempt to deflect from the debunking of yet another one of your Russian conspiracy theories is noted.

Oh, you poor pathetic creature.....the fact that you continue to desperately throw out 'Russian' references - a reference to a completely debunked failed coup attempt cover story - whenever someone attacks your lies and delusions is painful to watch.

You do so desperately hoping people will forget how you, on this board, came to proven Lying; Little Schiff's defense when he laughable attempted to tell approx. 400 fellow House LAWYERS that a law existed granting actual qualifying whistle blowers with 'anonymity' and 'immunity'.

You desperately hope people will forget how I challenged you to produce the link to this law that you declared does exist, just like how Schiff's fellow House reps challenged him to do so.

You desperately hope everyone will forget how you have run from this LIE and refuse to present this law you and Schiff claim exists.

You desperately hope everyone will just forget about it and allow you to move on, continue lying, what's left of your credibility intact.

Sorry, dear, as I told you when I challenged you to prove your claim, either admit no such law exists or your credibility is non-existent.
I'm having a wonderful Christmas with my sister and her husband in Quebec. Thank you. Hope you had more snow in Russia than we had here for Christmas. People in Southern Ontario where I live, joke about how much snow Quebec gets, but there none here either.
Why am I NOT surprised you and your family are up in Canada, where they are so easily offended and emotionally weak that they had to remove a 2 second cameo of Trump in the movie 'Home Alone 2'?!


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