Big finale: Media aims at both Trump and GOP

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Fake news is the PR organ of the Democrat Party.
The service they perform for it is coordinated promotion and advertising in kind on every level.
None of which the Democrat Party could do itself.

The broadcast news media has not been kind to President Trump since he was elected. Consistent studies from the Media Research Center showed that, on average, 90 percent of the coverage of Mr. Trump has been hostile. Broadcasters now appear intent on creating a negative grand finale as the midterm elections loom, lashing out at the GOP as well.

“The broadcast networks are heavily spinning their campaign coverage against the Republicans. The spin of this coverage was lopsidedly anti-Republican and anti-Trump,” writes Rich Noyes, a senior analyst for the conservative press watchdog.

Based on coverage from Sept. 1 through Oct. 26, Mr. Noyes and his team found that 88 percent of that broadcast coverage was “hostile.” They also counted 97 blatantly negative statements about the president and Republicans, compared to 10 for the Democrats.

The greater question is whether voters are paying attention to this practice. The answer: Yes, voters get it — and frown upon it.

“With midterm elections around the corner, most voters think the media is more interested in stirring the pot than reporting on candidate’s platforms,” says a new Rasmussen Reports survey which found that 52 percent of likely U.S. voters says the media is more interested in “creating controversies” then offering helpful and important coverage of issues.

Public trust in media — particularly broadcasters — continues to erode.

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