Biden's nominee for ATF head is an anti-gun lobbyist who was at the Ruby Ridge standoff and Waco massacre

You see this is the fictional bullshit which allows the government to get away with wrong doing.

It is not a tank it is an M88 recovery vehicle, essentially a large wrecker or tow truck for damaged/disabled tanks and other armored vehicles. They are not equipped with weapons especially flame throwers.

there is no explaining it away because it is a ludicrous and stupid lie to claim it had a flame thrower and the film shows no such thing.

How blind do you have to be to deny what the video very clearly shows?

There is no honest way to spin what happened in Waco as anything other than a horrendous and unmitigated act of mass murder on the part of the government, accompanied by a host of other lesser crimes leading up to it. Every government agent who had any part in this ought to have been charged with multiple[le murders, and put to death.

At least Janet Reno is now in Hell, where, hopefully, she will spend all eternity feeling her skin and her lungs being burned with no relief.
Stating fact
It is you who is blind. Any pre schooler can see there is no flame coming from the M88 it is simply a piece of debris reflecting light which snagged on the vehicle.

This complete and total proven horseshit of yours is why the government got away with wrong doing as it distracts from honest investigation.

The government has a lot to answer for at Waco it is true but not because of the lame FICTION that you are posting.

You are posting proven lies and allowing government apologists to avoid the real wrong doing.
Are you trying to be serious with this?
Stating proven fact. are clearly ignoring the video
Wrong I am stating facts about the video which you are willfully lying about.

Then you bitch about the government getting away with murder at waco which it did. They get away with it because gullible saps like you fall for lame fucking lies. There was no flame thrower on that recovery vehicle that is a fucking fact and the video does NOT goddamned show one.

But as long as naive idiots rant about such stupidity no one really examines the wrong doing which was commited
I am merely viewing the video...and looking at what is clearly on the video.

I am not "bitching" about the Govt getting away with murder. The Clinton Admin really f-ed this up...that's all I have said...and the lives did not have to be lost.

That was not a "recovery" vehicle. It was a vehicle met to deliver military grade, CS gas.....FYI the use of CS gas was outlawed for the use on battle field...but Clinton still used it on Americans.
No you are watching the vidceo and being taken in like the sap you are. The video does not show what you claim and you know it.

I was incorrect about it being a recovery vehicle but it was not met to deliver anything either. It was an M728 engineer vehicle

It was not equipped with a flame thrower and did not shoot flame anywhere
Looks like flames to me. I never said it was shooting flames...don't believe it was, as I stated there to deliver CS Gas.

It was there to deliver CS gas. The canon on it, was firing canisters of weapons grade CS gas....which was outlawed, by Clinton and the rest of the world, in 1993 for us in war....but Clinton that it was cool to use on Americans
It was not there to deliver CS they did not need it to deliver CS they had many methods of delivering CS. It was not made illegasl by Clinton it was banned in war in 1925 by the Geneva convention but it is legal for law enforcement and has always been.

The CS was delivered by grenade launchers into the building.

It does not look like flame it is nothing of the sort. You are a liar if you say otherwise
That's what it was was deliving CS gas, and also used to obviously break down walls, and stair cases, and assault the building.

Grenade launches attacked to these tanks...yes I don't think you have a clue how large these CS shells were...this was military grade CS gas...remember Clinton had signed off on using the military on the home
Assault the building and break down walls yes, deliver tear gas no.
Nope they were also used to deliver the military grade, banned CS gas into the is why they rammed the get the cannons in the buildings to deliver the toxic, banned gas.
That is false.

They were not use to deliver such gas and the there is no such thing as MILITARY grade CS
well not now...since the world realized how harmful it was and banned it from use in combat in 1993...but prior to that it was used....and Clinton used it in Waco.

CS is CS
Nope, there are certainly different levels used in weapons...a can of mace v. massivee explosive
CS is not an explosive.

There is and never was any military grade as you claim.

Different forms of delivery but that is all
It was a vehicle met to deliver military grade, CS gas.....FYI the use of CS gas was outlawed for the use on battle field...but Clinton still used it on Americans.

You left out that Trump used it on US civilians, and against our own troops.

Not the military grade. The regular stuff that's been around for years and used by law enforcement...akin to mace. Our military is, and has been exposed to it on purpose for case a foreign nation violates the ban, and uses it on them like Clinton did on American citizens.
There was no military grade CS it is simply the same that Law enforcement uses and the troops are exposed to it to builfd confidence in their equipment not in case someone uses it.
Sorry, LEO doesn't have military grade...that are fired out of tanks.

It's like comparing a 9mm bullet to a 50 cal....yeah they both are bullets...but come on
You see this is the fictional bullshit which allows the government to get away with wrong doing.

It is not a tank it is an M88 recovery vehicle, essentially a large wrecker or tow truck for damaged/disabled tanks and other armored vehicles. They are not equipped with weapons especially flame throwers.

there is no explaining it away because it is a ludicrous and stupid lie to claim it had a flame thrower and the film shows no such thing.

How blind do you have to be to deny what the video very clearly shows?

There is no honest way to spin what happened in Waco as anything other than a horrendous and unmitigated act of mass murder on the part of the government, accompanied by a host of other lesser crimes leading up to it. Every government agent who had any part in this ought to have been charged with multiple[le murders, and put to death.

At least Janet Reno is now in Hell, where, hopefully, she will spend all eternity feeling her skin and her lungs being burned with no relief.
Stating fact
It is you who is blind. Any pre schooler can see there is no flame coming from the M88 it is simply a piece of debris reflecting light which snagged on the vehicle.

This complete and total proven horseshit of yours is why the government got away with wrong doing as it distracts from honest investigation.

The government has a lot to answer for at Waco it is true but not because of the lame FICTION that you are posting.

You are posting proven lies and allowing government apologists to avoid the real wrong doing.
Are you trying to be serious with this?
Stating proven fact. are clearly ignoring the video
Wrong I am stating facts about the video which you are willfully lying about.

Then you bitch about the government getting away with murder at waco which it did. They get away with it because gullible saps like you fall for lame fucking lies. There was no flame thrower on that recovery vehicle that is a fucking fact and the video does NOT goddamned show one.

But as long as naive idiots rant about such stupidity no one really examines the wrong doing which was commited
I am merely viewing the video...and looking at what is clearly on the video.

I am not "bitching" about the Govt getting away with murder. The Clinton Admin really f-ed this up...that's all I have said...and the lives did not have to be lost.

That was not a "recovery" vehicle. It was a vehicle met to deliver military grade, CS gas.....FYI the use of CS gas was outlawed for the use on battle field...but Clinton still used it on Americans.
No you are watching the vidceo and being taken in like the sap you are. The video does not show what you claim and you know it.

I was incorrect about it being a recovery vehicle but it was not met to deliver anything either. It was an M728 engineer vehicle

It was not equipped with a flame thrower and did not shoot flame anywhere
Looks like flames to me. I never said it was shooting flames...don't believe it was, as I stated there to deliver CS Gas.

It was there to deliver CS gas. The canon on it, was firing canisters of weapons grade CS gas....which was outlawed, by Clinton and the rest of the world, in 1993 for us in war....but Clinton that it was cool to use on Americans
It was not there to deliver CS they did not need it to deliver CS they had many methods of delivering CS. It was not made illegasl by Clinton it was banned in war in 1925 by the Geneva convention but it is legal for law enforcement and has always been.

The CS was delivered by grenade launchers into the building.

It does not look like flame it is nothing of the sort. You are a liar if you say otherwise
That's what it was was deliving CS gas, and also used to obviously break down walls, and stair cases, and assault the building.

Grenade launches attacked to these tanks...yes I don't think you have a clue how large these CS shells were...this was military grade CS gas...remember Clinton had signed off on using the military on the home
Assault the building and break down walls yes, deliver tear gas no.
Nope they were also used to deliver the military grade, banned CS gas into the is why they rammed the get the cannons in the buildings to deliver the toxic, banned gas.
That is false.

They were not use to deliver such gas and the there is no such thing as MILITARY grade CS
well not now...since the world realized how harmful it was and banned it from use in combat in 1993...but prior to that it was used....and Clinton used it in Waco.

CS is CS
Nope, there are certainly different levels used in weapons...a can of mace v. massivee explosive
CS is not an explosive.

There is and never was any military grade as you claim.

Different forms of delivery but that is all
Firing a canister requires an explosion

Sure there a I stated, a bullet is a bullet...but there is a difference between a 9mm and a 50 cal
It was a vehicle met to deliver military grade, CS gas.....FYI the use of CS gas was outlawed for the use on battle field...but Clinton still used it on Americans.

You left out that Trump used it on US civilians, and against our own troops.

Not the military grade. The regular stuff that's been around for years and used by law enforcement...akin to mace. Our military is, and has been exposed to it on purpose for case a foreign nation violates the ban, and uses it on them like Clinton did on American citizens.
There was no military grade CS it is simply the same that Law enforcement uses and the troops are exposed to it to builfd confidence in their equipment not in case someone uses it.
Sorry, LEO doesn't have military grade...that are fired out of tanks.

It's like comparing a 9mm bullet to a 50 cal....yeah they both are bullets...but come on
The military never had military grade becauuse it never existed and none was fired from tanks.
You see this is the fictional bullshit which allows the government to get away with wrong doing.

It is not a tank it is an M88 recovery vehicle, essentially a large wrecker or tow truck for damaged/disabled tanks and other armored vehicles. They are not equipped with weapons especially flame throwers.

there is no explaining it away because it is a ludicrous and stupid lie to claim it had a flame thrower and the film shows no such thing.

How blind do you have to be to deny what the video very clearly shows?

There is no honest way to spin what happened in Waco as anything other than a horrendous and unmitigated act of mass murder on the part of the government, accompanied by a host of other lesser crimes leading up to it. Every government agent who had any part in this ought to have been charged with multiple[le murders, and put to death.

At least Janet Reno is now in Hell, where, hopefully, she will spend all eternity feeling her skin and her lungs being burned with no relief.
Stating fact
It is you who is blind. Any pre schooler can see there is no flame coming from the M88 it is simply a piece of debris reflecting light which snagged on the vehicle.

This complete and total proven horseshit of yours is why the government got away with wrong doing as it distracts from honest investigation.

The government has a lot to answer for at Waco it is true but not because of the lame FICTION that you are posting.

You are posting proven lies and allowing government apologists to avoid the real wrong doing.
Are you trying to be serious with this?
Stating proven fact. are clearly ignoring the video
Wrong I am stating facts about the video which you are willfully lying about.

Then you bitch about the government getting away with murder at waco which it did. They get away with it because gullible saps like you fall for lame fucking lies. There was no flame thrower on that recovery vehicle that is a fucking fact and the video does NOT goddamned show one.

But as long as naive idiots rant about such stupidity no one really examines the wrong doing which was commited
I am merely viewing the video...and looking at what is clearly on the video.

I am not "bitching" about the Govt getting away with murder. The Clinton Admin really f-ed this up...that's all I have said...and the lives did not have to be lost.

That was not a "recovery" vehicle. It was a vehicle met to deliver military grade, CS gas.....FYI the use of CS gas was outlawed for the use on battle field...but Clinton still used it on Americans.
No you are watching the vidceo and being taken in like the sap you are. The video does not show what you claim and you know it.

I was incorrect about it being a recovery vehicle but it was not met to deliver anything either. It was an M728 engineer vehicle

It was not equipped with a flame thrower and did not shoot flame anywhere
Looks like flames to me. I never said it was shooting flames...don't believe it was, as I stated there to deliver CS Gas.

It was there to deliver CS gas. The canon on it, was firing canisters of weapons grade CS gas....which was outlawed, by Clinton and the rest of the world, in 1993 for us in war....but Clinton that it was cool to use on Americans
It was not there to deliver CS they did not need it to deliver CS they had many methods of delivering CS. It was not made illegasl by Clinton it was banned in war in 1925 by the Geneva convention but it is legal for law enforcement and has always been.

The CS was delivered by grenade launchers into the building.

It does not look like flame it is nothing of the sort. You are a liar if you say otherwise
That's what it was was deliving CS gas, and also used to obviously break down walls, and stair cases, and assault the building.

Grenade launches attacked to these tanks...yes I don't think you have a clue how large these CS shells were...this was military grade CS gas...remember Clinton had signed off on using the military on the home
Assault the building and break down walls yes, deliver tear gas no.
Nope they were also used to deliver the military grade, banned CS gas into the is why they rammed the get the cannons in the buildings to deliver the toxic, banned gas.
That is false.

They were not use to deliver such gas and the there is no such thing as MILITARY grade CS
well not now...since the world realized how harmful it was and banned it from use in combat in 1993...but prior to that it was used....and Clinton used it in Waco.

CS is CS
Nope, there are certainly different levels used in weapons...a can of mace v. massivee explosive
CS is not an explosive.

There is and never was any military grade as you claim.

Different forms of delivery but that is all
Firing a canister requires an explosion

Sure there a I stated, a bullet is a bullet...but there is a difference between a 9mm and a 50 cal
There is and never was any military grade CS and none was ever released by en explosive
It was a vehicle met to deliver military grade, CS gas.....FYI the use of CS gas was outlawed for the use on battle field...but Clinton still used it on Americans.

You left out that Trump used it on US civilians, and against our own troops.

Not the military grade. The regular stuff that's been around for years and used by law enforcement...akin to mace. Our military is, and has been exposed to it on purpose for case a foreign nation violates the ban, and uses it on them like Clinton did on American citizens.
There was no military grade CS it is simply the same that Law enforcement uses and the troops are exposed to it to builfd confidence in their equipment not in case someone uses it.
Sorry, LEO doesn't have military grade...that are fired out of tanks.

It's like comparing a 9mm bullet to a 50 cal....yeah they both are bullets...but come on
The military never had military grade becauuse it never existed and none was fired from tanks.
I really have no idea if our military used it or not....all I know is they can't now after the ban....Clinton signed the ban, but still thought it was ok to use that military grade on our citizens,
Sorry, LEO doesn't have military grade...that are fired out of tanks.

Tanks don't fire CS

Below is a picture of what the US Abrams tank uses

Last edited:
It was a vehicle met to deliver military grade, CS gas.....FYI the use of CS gas was outlawed for the use on battle field...but Clinton still used it on Americans.

You left out that Trump used it on US civilians, and against our own troops.

Not the military grade. The regular stuff that's been around for years and used by law enforcement...akin to mace. Our military is, and has been exposed to it on purpose for case a foreign nation violates the ban, and uses it on them like Clinton did on American citizens.
There was no military grade CS it is simply the same that Law enforcement uses and the troops are exposed to it to builfd confidence in their equipment not in case someone uses it.
Sorry, LEO doesn't have military grade...that are fired out of tanks.

It's like comparing a 9mm bullet to a 50 cal....yeah they both are bullets...but come on
The military never had military grade becauuse it never existed and none was fired from tanks.
I really have no idea if our military used it or not....all I know is they can't now after the ban....Clinton signed the ban, but still thought it was ok to use that military grade on our citizens,
No such military grade existed or was used.
Sorry, LEO doesn't have military grade...that are fired out of tanks.

Tanks don't fire CS

Below is a picture of what the US Abrams tank uses
The tanks used at the video already provided shows, can be equipped with different things. Such as a device used to release toxic, banned weapons grade CS gas
It was a vehicle met to deliver military grade, CS gas.....FYI the use of CS gas was outlawed for the use on battle field...but Clinton still used it on Americans.

You left out that Trump used it on US civilians, and against our own troops.

Not the military grade. The regular stuff that's been around for years and used by law enforcement...akin to mace. Our military is, and has been exposed to it on purpose for case a foreign nation violates the ban, and uses it on them like Clinton did on American citizens.
There was no military grade CS it is simply the same that Law enforcement uses and the troops are exposed to it to builfd confidence in their equipment not in case someone uses it.
Sorry, LEO doesn't have military grade...that are fired out of tanks.

It's like comparing a 9mm bullet to a 50 cal....yeah they both are bullets...but come on
The military never had military grade becauuse it never existed and none was fired from tanks.
I really have no idea if our military used it or not....all I know is they can't now after the ban....Clinton signed the ban, but still thought it was ok to use that military grade on our citizens,
No such military grade existed or was used.
deNILE is a river in Africa.
I really have no idea if our military used it or not....all I know is they can't now after the ban....Clinton signed the ban, but still thought it was ok to use that military grade on our citizens,

There is no such thing as military grade.

Next you'll talking about canteens carrying "military grade" water.
Sorry, LEO doesn't have military grade...that are fired out of tanks.

Tanks don't fire CS

Below is a picture of what the US Abrams tank uses
The tanks used at the video already provided shows, can be equipped with different things. Such as a device used to release toxic, banned weapons grade CS gas
No video shows any such thing.

There is no such thing as weaspons grade CS

CS is just CS

Tanks can with difficulty in a depot be modified to use different equipment but these armored vehicles at WACO were not modified in any such way and had no such equipment installed.

You are now simply stating outright lies and no such video exists
Last edited:
It was a vehicle met to deliver military grade, CS gas.....FYI the use of CS gas was outlawed for the use on battle field...but Clinton still used it on Americans.

You left out that Trump used it on US civilians, and against our own troops.

Not the military grade. The regular stuff that's been around for years and used by law enforcement...akin to mace. Our military is, and has been exposed to it on purpose for case a foreign nation violates the ban, and uses it on them like Clinton did on American citizens.
There was no military grade CS it is simply the same that Law enforcement uses and the troops are exposed to it to builfd confidence in their equipment not in case someone uses it.
Sorry, LEO doesn't have military grade...that are fired out of tanks.

It's like comparing a 9mm bullet to a 50 cal....yeah they both are bullets...but come on
The military never had military grade becauuse it never existed and none was fired from tanks.
I really have no idea if our military used it or not....all I know is they can't now after the ban....Clinton signed the ban, but still thought it was ok to use that military grade on our citizens,
No such military grade existed or was used.
deNILE is a river in Africa.

Yes and you are the one living there.

FACT no such military grade CS exists or was used.

Deal with it boy
I really have no idea if our military used it or not....all I know is they can't now after the ban....Clinton signed the ban, but still thought it was ok to use that military grade on our citizens,

There is no such thing as military grade.

Next you'll talking about canteens carrying "military grade" water.
haha of course a canteen is a canteen...but weapons are much different. There is a drastic difference between a military grade weapon, and a civilian weapon, or even LEO weapons. That's why for example CS gas can be used by LEOs and why it's now banned to use in combat.
Sorry, LEO doesn't have military grade...that are fired out of tanks.

Tanks don't fire CS

Below is a picture of what the US Abrams tank uses
The tanks used at the video already provided shows, can be equipped with different things. Such as a device used to release toxic, banned weapons grade CS gas
No video shows any such thing.

There is no such thing as weaspons grade CS

CS is just CS

Tanks can with difficulty in a depot be modified to use differrent equipment but these armored vehicles at WCO were not modified in any such way and had no such equipment installed.

You are now simoly stating outright lies and no such video exists
yeah they were deploying military grade....shouldn't of sad "weapons" grade....

We know there is military grade, hence why Clinton and the world banned it's use in combat
The tanks used at the video already provided shows, can be equipped with different things. Such as a device used to release toxic, banned weapons grade CS gas

First WACO used combat engineering vehicles, not tanks. (your welcome)
CS is not toxic.
And CS doesn't come in "weapons grade"

Other than that, every word of what you just said, is wrong. - (the last jedi)
I really have no idea if our military used it or not....all I know is they can't now after the ban....Clinton signed the ban, but still thought it was ok to use that military grade on our citizens,

There is no such thing as military grade.

Next you'll talking about canteens carrying "military grade" water.
haha of course a canteen is a canteen...but weapons are much different. There is a drastic difference between a military grade weapon, and a civilian weapon, or even LEO weapons. That's why for example CS gas can be used by LEOs and why it's now banned to use in combat.
It is the same CS regardless there is no such thing as weapons grade CS and never has been
Sorry, LEO doesn't have military grade...that are fired out of tanks.

Tanks don't fire CS

Below is a picture of what the US Abrams tank uses
The tanks used at the video already provided shows, can be equipped with different things. Such as a device used to release toxic, banned weapons grade CS gas
No video shows any such thing.

There is no such thing as weaspons grade CS

CS is just CS

Tanks can with difficulty in a depot be modified to use differrent equipment but these armored vehicles at WCO were not modified in any such way and had no such equipment installed.

You are now simoly stating outright lies and no such video exists
yeah they were deploying military grade....shouldn't of sad "weapons" grade....

We know there is military grade, hence why Clinton and the world banned it's use in combat
ALL CS deployment systems are weapons. Whether it is a can of mace, which cops used to use before pepper spray became common, or grenades launched from weapons.

CS is a chemical weapon classified by the military as a chemical irrtant. It is non lethal but still a weapon.

There is no such thing as weapons grade CS because that would imply different grades of CS and there are no such grades of CS
The tanks used at the video already provided shows, can be equipped with different things. Such as a device used to release toxic, banned weapons grade CS gas

First WACO used combat engineering vehicles, not tanks. (your welcome)
CS is not toxic.
And CS doesn't come in "weapons grade"

Other than that, every word of what you just said, is wrong. - (the last jedi)
tomato, tomatoe

A tank is a tank.

Nope, it's all true my friend
Sorry, LEO doesn't have military grade...that are fired out of tanks.

Tanks don't fire CS

Below is a picture of what the US Abrams tank uses
The tanks used at the video already provided shows, can be equipped with different things. Such as a device used to release toxic, banned weapons grade CS gas
No video shows any such thing.

There is no such thing as weaspons grade CS

CS is just CS

Tanks can with difficulty in a depot be modified to use differrent equipment but these armored vehicles at WCO were not modified in any such way and had no such equipment installed.

You are now simoly stating outright lies and no such video exists
yeah they were deploying military grade....shouldn't of sad "weapons" grade....

We know there is military grade, hence why Clinton and the world banned it's use in combat
ALL CS deployment systems are weapons. Whether it is a can of mace, which cops used to use before pepper spray became common, or grenades launched from weapons.

CS is a chemical weapon classified by the military as a chemical irrtant. It is non lethal but still a weapon.

There is no such thing as weapons grade CS because that would imply different grades of CS and there are no such grades of CS I said I shouldn't of said "weapons" - I was saying military grade...that's what I meant.

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