Biden’s Leftist Policies Help Drive Inflation to 8.5%


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
All the money he’s handed out has contributed to the causes of inflation at both ends - too much money chasing too few goods (the too few foods caused by the labor and truckers shortage). Of course, he will blame it all on Putin and hope Americans are stupid enough to believe him.

A lot of banks and bonds have begun to reverse the yield curve which is a bad sign of things to come.

In short if you invest you get a higher interest rate for 2 years vs 10 years. It shows they are trying to bring money in quickly before things go tits up.

Then you have the feds shoving trillions, which is backed by absolutely nothing at all, into the repo market because it's all jacked up. Our money used to be backed by gold, now it's backed by nothing because they print more than we have behind it and when you keep printing money it loses its value.

The misconception of inflation makes a lot of people not realize the real problem. Most people think inflation means stuff costs more, that isn't true. What it means is our money is worth less so it takes more money to buy something. That pack of Oreos didn't go up in price because it cost more to make, it went up in price because the us dollar is worth less in value so it takes more dollars.

Make no mistake, we're going into a recession. We're seeing it already.
A lot of banks and bonds have begun to reverse the yield curve which is a bad sign of things to come.

In short if you invest you get a higher interest rate for 2 years vs 10 years. It shows they are trying to bring money in quickly before things go tits up.

Then you have the feds shoving trillions, which is backed by absolutely nothing at all, into the repo market because it's all jacked up. Our money used to be backed by gold, now it's backed by nothing because they print more than we have behind it and when you keep printing money it loses its value.

The misconception of inflation makes a lot of people not realize the real problem. Most people think inflation means stuff costs more, that isn't true. What it means is our money is worth less so it takes more money to buy something. That pack of Oreos didn't go up in price because it cost more to make, it went up in price because the us dollar is worth less in value so it takes more dollars.

Make no mistake, we're going into a recession. We're seeing it already.
The young adults today have NO CLUE what it’s like to live through a recession. They’re about to find out, the hard way.

My fear, among others, is that Biden - eager to buy his way out of falling poll numbers - will try to push more inflation-exacerbating handouts. So we will have the Fed trying to tighten the money supply while Biden simultaneously tries to flood the economy with more money. How this idiot ever got through college, let alone law school, is anybody’s guess.
All the money he’s handed out has contributed to the causes of inflation at both ends - too much money chasing too few goods (the too few foods caused by the labor and truckers shortage). Of course, he will blame it all on Putin and hope Americans are stupid enough to believe him.

Has money Trump given out "contributed to the causes of inflation at both ends"?
From OP's article:

"gasoline was the main driver of inflation last month"

During March oil hit $130, which is driving a big chunk of these inflation numbers.


With April's prices coming down to $100 and dropping next inflation report will be milder. That is not to say it will be good, but that 8.5% report should be closer to 5-6% next month.
All the money he’s handed out has contributed to the causes of inflation at both ends - too much money chasing too few goods (the too few foods caused by the labor and truckers shortage). Of course, he will blame it all on Putin and hope Americans are stupid enough to believe him.

All over the world?
All the money he’s handed out has contributed to the causes of inflation at both ends - too much money chasing too few goods (the too few foods caused by the labor and truckers shortage). Of course, he will blame it all on Putin and hope Americans are stupid enough to believe him.

All three stimulus packages had broad support across all spectrums of American life. 60% + even among the Neo-GOP.

But I know, it's Saul Biden.
As you know, if President Trump had been in office, President Putin would not have invaded Ukraine.
I have zero reason to belive that. Trump never advocated for American/NATO troops defending Ukraine, which was the only reasonable detterent for Russian invasion, short of Ukraine volantarily installing a Putin puppet regime.

The fact that you THINK you know what I know, points to some level of delirium.
I have zero reason to belive that. Trump never advocated for American/NATO troops defending Ukraine, which was the only reasonable detterent for Russian invasion, short of Ukraine volantarily installing a Putin puppet regime.

The fact that you THINK you know what I know, points to some level of delirium.
Delirium no, your ignorance and desperation, of course!

What wars started under the administration of President Trump?
Delirium no, your ignorance and desperation, of course!

What wars started under the administration of President Trump?

The war against our Constitutional Republic and any American opposed to the Neo-GOP of Trump.

They want to know when they can start using the guns!

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