Biden’s Brain Breaks During Interview with Lester Holt: “And There is No Way We Were Ever Going to Unite Ukraine…I Mean Excuse Me Iraq…Afghanistan”

And you could start by admitting recounts are not ballot quality audits....which would prove the forgery of unknown numbers of fake leftyvirus ballots by Dim workers.
But, no matter.....the clock is ticking on the Dims and in November the ilk will be removed from Congress....a decent start.
So there are thousands and you can't name 10....
Biden was pitifully out of touch with his senses. There's just no two ways about it.

But the American people still thought that he was the better choice.

Dysfunctional system or what??

Can he even make it until November?

Or is he merely a figurehead as are all presidents?

Maybe all the important decisions are securely in the hands of the wise and capable now?

Hopefully they aren't the most extremist hawks.
That election was stolen. And Pelosi and Biden even made comments before it. Only morons would vote for what we have now. The photograph of Sarah Silverman and Patton Oswalt with smirks on their faces thanking the Buffalo Stacey Abrahams for stealing Georgia with all the people suffering now deserves to be tried and put to death. It is difficult to forget these things in a country whose memory at times is too short.
That election was stolen. And Pelosi and Biden even made comments before it. Only morons would vote for what we have now. The photograph of Sarah Silverman and Patton Oswalt with smirks on their faces thanking the Buffalo Stacey Abrahams for stealing Georgia with all the people suffering now deserves to be tried and put to death. It is difficult to forget these things in a country whose memory at times is too short.
Jesus. How stupid are you for trying to use Georgia as proof the election was stolen. Georgia is unique. Not only did Georgia do a recount, and a hand recount. They held another election while under the utmost scrutiny, and it was a virtual repeat of the Biden victory, with democrats taking both senate seats by 50,000 to 90,000 votes.
That election was stolen. And Pelosi and Biden even made comments before it. Only morons would vote for what we have now. The photograph of Sarah Silverman and Patton Oswalt with smirks on their faces thanking the Buffalo Stacey Abrahams for stealing Georgia with all the people suffering now deserves to be tried and put to death. It is difficult to forget these things in a country whose memory at times is too short.
Haha wow he's right. You really are a dummy. Either that or your brain has been completely turned to Mush by your little disinformation bubble.
Well that is where you are wrong

There are a lot of things that can be done.

After November he can be impeached

And I never thought I would say this, but can Kamala be this bad?
If the Republicans were to take back the House, they might put on a show impeachment...key word being might. However, you will need 67 votes in the Senate to convict and remove. And that will never happen. I would just deal with it.
Obviously, you really believe Bai Dung got 81 million votes....

Actually, more than 81 million. Given the numerous instances of voter fraud shown on the Republican side of the aisle and the fact that every audit so far has produced more votes for Biden. I would just deal with it. :)
That election was stolen. And Pelosi and Biden even made comments before it. Only morons would vote for what we have now. The photograph of Sarah Silverman and Patton Oswalt with smirks on their faces thanking the Buffalo Stacey Abrahams for stealing Georgia with all the people suffering now deserves to be tried and put to death. It is difficult to forget these things in a country whose memory at times is too short.
No it wasn't. Just stop. Stacey Abrams stole the GA Senate runoffs? Trump handed two in-the-bag seats to Democrats..because he couldn't keep his trap shut. :)
The Turnip in Chief is completely out of his mind.

He is going to get us all killed, that's all I know.
The Turnip in Chief is completely out of his mind.

He is going to get us all killed, that's all I know.
If your savior had managed to win the 2020 election, his BFF would already have invaded and taken Ukraine.
And not a word of protest would have been uttered from the right hand side of the aisle.
Diversion. 'THEY' go after President Trump....the best president of the 21st century because of the complete and utter failure of this [athetic old man who thinks he was elected president.
He makes policy to cause gas prices to rise.

He didn't steal the election personally but big tech with media and democrats sure as hell did..and in that democrat category you can add voting officials, workers, state level dems and biased activist judges with no regard for law or truth.

This 2020 election is like questioning the tyrants over the covid scamdemic. YOU MAY NOT ASK QUESTIONS, YOU MAY NOT bring up anything that has an odor of vote fraud, YOU ARE RACIST OR YOU ARE........pick one or two. THAT very behavior...along with the evidence of fake votes, no chain of custody, dominion voting machines...makes the majority of voters and americans....very very suspicious. Because that is how lying corrupt thieving tyrants behave,
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the left effing committed voter fraud and stole a whole election. And the second dumass thing you did was to put this moron in the white house. He's concealing white house documents in his diapers.

the left effing committed voter fraud and stole a whole election. And the second dumass thing you did was to put this moron in the white house. He's concealing white house documents in his diapers.
You embarrassing liar. Nobody in the world outside of your embarrassing cult buys your idiotic lies. History will record you and your cult for the national and historical embarrassment that it is.
fortfung said:
You embarrassing liar. Nobody in the world outside of your embarrassing cult buys your idiotic lies. History will record you and your cult for the national and historical embarrassment that it is.

dude. How are democrats doing right now? politically? Do you know? they're not doing well. CAN YOU DETERMINE why that is?? Cause the left are freakin' lying election stealing tyrants. THAT is why you are losing voters. THAT is why your side is jacking up their responses to freedom loving americans. They're frightened. They know what they have done and they know we know. Why don't you come into the light.
dude. How are democrats doing right now? politically? Do you know? they're not doing well. CAN YOU DETERMINE why that is?? Cause the left are freakin' lying election stealing tyrants. THAT is why you are losing voters. THAT is why your side is jacking up their responses to freedom loving americans. They're frightened. They know what they have done and they know we know. Why don't you come into the light.
Irrelevant crybabying from an embarrassing cultist. Children in school will be reading about you idiots in the same chapter as Jonestown and the Moonies. And they will sit in wonder of why supposedly functional adults would so happily rid themselves of pride and intellect for such a flawed pile of orange feces.
Biden the candidate does not even remotely resemble Biden the President. So when you say, the American people thought he was the better choice, that was "Good Ol Joe" the moderate, reach across the aisle guy. America got a "bait and switch" President and we are paying a big price for that trickery. I agree we have a dysnfunctional political system, but so does Canada. Trudeau has shown himself to be a dismal leader and has created a national crisis.
Actually it's turned out today that Trudeau is the good guy and it's Premier Ford the conservative that has brought the axe down on the truckers at the Ambassador bridge.

Nice political maneuvering by Justin.
Do yourself a favor, stay of CNN and MSPMS. As for who leaked the BS to Woodward do you think it may have been the imbedded libatard unelected bureaucrats?
Could of been anyone but it had to be somebody in the loop who had it in for Trump.

There must have been a bonus expected by getting even with Milley, but it didn't work out that way.

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