Biden's Border Excuses Are 'Bald Faced Lies'...Say DEMOCRATS


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

interesting how a 67% disapproval rate on your criminal, Un-Constitutional, and treasonous handling of your failed Open Border agenda causes fellow Democrats to turn on you and savage you in public....

Just what I thought,.. he doesn't give a shit. As what I gathered from the article is why check the border for safety purposes when the rules state that you can let them come in freely anyways? Oh I don't know maybe it's because your administration wrote the rules in the first place dumbass. Oh and for the record I never lost trust in him,.. I just never had it in the first place.
Biden is on track to allow 2 million illegals to flood across our border in a single year. Dems are pushing for amnesty for illegals and the right to vote in our elections. I think the Dems plan to RIG our elections is right on schedule.

Yes, it's true.

And that's DISGUSTING. :mad-61:

Bye bye traditional America, the America we all knew and loved.
Biden is on track to allow 2 million illegals to flood across our border in a single year. Dems are pushing for amnesty for illegals and the right to vote in our elections. I think the Dems plan to RIG our elections is right on schedule.
It is not hard to see, if one really wants to, who Biden / Biden's handlers are working for...and it's not the American people....but we all knew that before he was given his party's nomination.

interesting how a 67% disapproval rate on your criminal, Un-Constitutional, and treasonous handling of your failed Open Border agenda causes fellow Democrats to turn on you and savage you in public....

Biden doesn’t know what month it is let alone what is happening at the border. He is a senile old man.

Truth over Facts
Doesn't help in his 50 year career he has never visited the border...
will you? ok :eusa_think: ....and when will that be???one might ask?:rolleyes-41:
The divide in America is accelerating is it not, I don't see this continuing for much longer. Dems continue their slide into the gutter, fanning the flames of hate and division. They lie constantly. They throw the USA under the bus every chance they get. Now they are stealing elections. If you look at other great empires that have come and gone this is what they look like towards the end.
Since Biden does not have a very left immigration policy I can see why they are not avid supporters of his on the issue. He makes a few token gestures but has mostly tried to ignore the border. He is even fighting to keep many of the Trump era policies going.
The divide in America is accelerating is it not, I don't see this continuing for much longer. Dems continue their slide into the gutter, fanning the flames of hate and division. They lie constantly. They throw the USA under the bus every chance they get. Now they are stealing elections. If you look at other great empires that have come and gone this is what they look like towards the end.

I agree....probably this is just a matter of time.
Since Biden does not have a very left immigration policy I can see why they are not avid supporters of his on the issue. He makes a few token gestures but has mostly tried to ignore the border. He is even fighting to keep many of the Trump era policies going.
Once you open the border wide, surrender border and national security to the Cartels & Coyotes, handcuff the US BP, & help traffic humans / children all over the country you can pretty much coast, hands off at that point.
I agree....probably this is just a matter of time.
Yep, perhaps not in my lifetime but it's already at a fever pitch. Look at that creep Schumer, McConnel went ahead and reached across the isle to bail Schumer out of his debt ceiling debacle and how did Schumer repay him? Schumer ran to the microphones to brag how McConnel caved and rub it in.

I'm old enough to remember when the Senate was controlled by moderate Dems and Reps. They never sank to that level. The American people need to understand that the Dem party purged moderate Dems, there's only a few left. The left wing of the party which for decades was told to sit down and shut up are now in control of the party. That's why the Dem party is so different today.
Tulsi Gabbard is the extent of your "Democrats"?

The Open Border ensures the collapse of Americas Empire and your social system. Congrats to China and Russia, they slowly worked the political levers until they could maintain this policy while politicians became quite wealthy after decades at the government trough. It has to be the single most damaging policy to America long term health, funded by those who hate America.

In my opinion, an Open Border allowing poor, low skilled foreign citizens would be the primary effort to bankrupt the U.S that I would promote if I wanted to sink my adversary. No bullets fired, no trace back to the Mother Land, U.S politicians, media and businesses all accepting it.

Russia, is probably salivating at the prospect of the potential revenge for their own collapse in the 1990s, China just waiting to become the lone Super Power while CNN and MSNBC tell Americans "all is well".

You can search online for postings from Americans who live in China, comments from 2014 and later who list the reasons China is their home. One reason listed: "there isn't any illegal immigration in China".

It is a constant repeated benefit that the Chinese Government promotes "crime is very low here". You can bet as time goes on more and more skilled Americans will be leaving, losing faith in their government and in the sustainability of America. The basic role of government, and your federal police agencies I might add; is to protect Americans from harm. How does this policy succeed in this obligation?

Before Trump I didn't realize how bad your border is I genuinely feel sorry for America and what is awaiting most of the West when the U.S falls.
Joe Biden has been a fucking disaster from day one of his presidency. And he is unbelievably incompetent when it comes to the invasion of our country by a never-ending flood of illegal immigrants.

Why is he not being removed for incompetence? His first job is supposed to be to defend America
He never should have landed in the WH at all. Now that he's there he's been on disaster after another.

The cost of everything is going up and I'm wondering if the country can afford three more years of the Bidung/Kamelboe shitshow????

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