Biden's Attempt To 'Move On' From Afghanistan Disaster Doesn't Go So Well


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Biden's trip to disaster area backfires as protesters hit him over Afghan debacle

Biden's trip to disaster area backfires as protesters hit him over Afghan debacle

-- 'Biden was heckled by several protesters upset with his Afghanistan withdrawal'

"My country is going to s--- and you're allowing it!"

"All this for a f--- photo-op? You ain't gonna do s---!"


So, what is a President to do when his 'Photo-Op' attempt to make people believes he cares goes horribly wrong?
- You LIE YOUR ASS OFF, of course:

"None of them were shouting or complaining. Every one of them were thanking me as if it was something special … that I was here."

- President Joe Biden

"President Biden addressed hecklers who shouted at him about his chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, claiming that they don’t actually live in the area he was touring and suggesting that they were upset about his climate change position."

They don't even live there'?!
1. How the hell would you know?
2. Who cares?!

'Climate Change'???
- No one said a damn word about Climate change...unless 'Afghanistan' sounds lke 'Climate Change' to dementia Joe,,,,,
Here's how f*ed up in the head Biden is:

In front of the media and the crowd...

At the conclusion of the speech, Schumer pointed out a child on a nearby ledge with an American flag and Biden joked with the child by saying "Don't jump!"

Biden's trip to disaster area backfires as protesters hit him over Afghan debacle's trip to disaster area backfires as protesters hit him over Afghan debacle

Biden's trip to disaster area backfires as protesters hit him over Afghan debacle

-- 'Biden was heckled by several protesters upset with his Afghanistan withdrawal'

"My country is going to s--- and you're allowing it!"

"All this for a f--- photo-op? You ain't gonna do s---!"


So, what is a President to do when his 'Photo-Op' attempt to make people believes he cares goes horribly wrong?
- You LIE YOUR ASS OFF, of course:

"None of them were shouting or complaining. Every one of them were thanking me as if it was something special … that I was here."

- President Joe Biden

"President Biden addressed hecklers who shouted at him about his chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, claiming that they don’t actually live in the area he was touring and suggesting that they were upset about his climate change position."

They don't even live there'?!
1. How the hell would you know?
2. Who cares?!

'Climate Change'???
- No one said a damn word about Climate change...unless 'Afghanistan' sounds lke 'Climate Change' to dementia Joe,,,,,

“Am I off? No, we don’t want him (Bidumb) to talk.” -Nancy "hot mic" Pelosi
Biden's trip to disaster area backfires as protesters hit him over Afghan debacle's trip to disaster area backfires as protesters hit him over Afghan debacle

Biden's trip to disaster area backfires as protesters hit him over Afghan debacle

-- 'Biden was heckled by several protesters upset with his Afghanistan withdrawal'

"My country is going to s--- and you're allowing it!"

"All this for a f--- photo-op? You ain't gonna do s---!"


So, what is a President to do when his 'Photo-Op' attempt to make people believes he cares goes horribly wrong?
- You LIE YOUR ASS OFF, of course:

"None of them were shouting or complaining. Every one of them were thanking me as if it was something special … that I was here."

- President Joe Biden

"President Biden addressed hecklers who shouted at him about his chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, claiming that they don’t actually live in the area he was touring and suggesting that they were upset about his climate change position."

They don't even live there'?!
1. How the hell would you know?
2. Who cares?!

'Climate Change'???
- No one said a damn word about Climate change...unless 'Afghanistan' sounds lke 'Climate Change' to dementia Joe,,,,,
You mean rabid RWNJs heckled our president?
I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you!
Here's how f*ed up in the head Biden is:

In front of the media and the crowd...

At the conclusion of the speech, Schumer pointed out a child on a nearby ledge with an American flag and Biden joked with the child by saying "Don't jump!"

Noted is your lack of condemnation of trump for saying “look at MY African American over there.”

That was cool, right?
You mean rabid RWNJs heckled our president?
I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you!
You can excuse people for being highly emotional after a disaster in which they lost everything, & for being rude.

What I can't excuse is Biden immediately after LYING HIS ASS OFF about what happened.
- I now see where snowflakes get their rejection / lack of a grasp on reality.
Noted is your lack of condemnation of trump for saying “look at MY African American over there.”

"B...b...b...but TRUMP!" :206:

This thread topic is not about Trump, is it, butt-hurt TDS-suffering troll?

Your comment is a violation of USMB TOS. If you are unable to stay on topic I am sure a moderator can help you with that. As far as your hate-driven TDS, NO ONE can help you with that.
“look at MY African American over there.”

The Topic is in....

'You ain't black unless you vote for me'


'Blacks are not as diverse as Latinos..'

...but back to the specific topic of Biden having a really bad day because people won't let him run and hide from his failure in Afghanistan....
You can excuse people for being highly emotional after a disaster in which they lost everything, & for being rude.

What I can't excuse is Biden immediately after LYING HIS ASS OFF about what happened.
- I now see where snowflakes get their rejection / lack of a grasp on reality.
President Joe didn't lie. Sorry for your luck.
Gotta laugh at these lefty loons.

The minute you say one word about Bidung, they respond with Trump.

Trump was a better CIC than Bidung will ever be and these lefty loons are finding that out.

They voted for an incompetent boob and are finding that out as well. Hope they enjoy cause the rest of us sure won't.
President Joe didn't lie. Sorry for your luck.
You, sir, are a bald-faced, shameless LIAR who just lost any remaining credibility you had.

After all the heckling, shouting, and criticism, Biden Said:

"None of them were shouting or complaining. Every one of them were thanking me as if it was something special … that I was here."
- President Joe Biden

This was a complete lie, a distortion of reality...just like what YOU posted.
President Joe didn't lie. Sorry for your luck.

Ha, Ha, Ha, Joey Xi the driver of an 18 wheeler, wood cutter of trees, and coal miner... Doesn't lie EVER!.


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