Biden's America: Young 27 year old woman with baby behind on rent and bills walks in front of a train.

Ray, pardon my saying, but you are an idiot for not using seat belts.

When I was in college, before seatbelt laws, I didn't wear a seatbelt. I was traveling to my in-laws in Birmingham, and was attempting to turn left into a convenience store when an 18 wheeler failed to see me and plowed into the left rear quarter panel of my big-assed Ford LTD. Apparently, the driver saw me at the last minute and just clipped the rear of my car as I was turning. The impact threw my wife into the passenger floorboard, and knocked me out of the driver's seat on top of her. My car was hurtling across a parking lot headed straight into a Greyhound bus station, I managed to get back under the wheel in time to apply the brakes and stop the car just short of the plate glass window of the bus station, which was crowded with riders waiting on the next bus.

I have been in several accidents since then, and never got a scratch.

Seat belts serve a purpose. I had seatbelts on my chairs on my submarine's control station and at my missile launch station of my cruiser. In rough weather, we used them!

I will use them on rare occasion when the weather gets bad, but that's about it.

One time when I got pulled over in my truck for not having a seat belt on, the trooper asked out of curiosity why I wasn't wearing one? I told him every time I put one on, I can feel the government squeezing the freedom out of my body. He was speechless and went back to the car to write me a warning.

I have no problem with people who want to wear a seat belt. I have a problem when government tells me what I must do for my own safety. Our founders would be turning over in their graves. When I watch these maniacs on their motorcycles driving like idiots with no helmet on (legal in my state) and I have to wear a belt, the stupidity of it all is striking.

I was a professional driver nearly all of my life. Never been in an accident where it was my fault. I've been hit before, but there is only so much you can do to prevent that, especially pulling a 53' trailer behind you. So I'm confident I'm safe without a seat belt, and it should be my decision and my decision only whether to wear one or not.
I will use them on rare occasion when the weather gets bad, but that's about it.

One time when I got pulled over in my truck for not having a seat belt on, the trooper asked out of curiosity why I wasn't wearing one? I told him every time I put one on, I can feel the government squeezing the freedom out of my body. He was speechless and went back to the car to write me a warning.

I have no problem with people who want to wear a seat belt. I have a problem when government tells me what I must do for my own safety. Our founders would be turning over in their graves. When I watch these maniacs on their motorcycles driving like idiots with no helmet on (legal in my state) and I have to wear a belt, the stupidity of it all is striking.

I was a professional driver nearly all of my life. Never been in an accident where it was my fault. I've been hit before, but there is only so much you can do to prevent that, especially pulling a 53' trailer behind you. So I'm confident I'm safe without a seat belt, and it should be my decision and my decision only whether to wear one or not.
That would be the laws in your state, which is something that you should take up with YOUR state legislature.

I am sure a lot of dead tractor-trailer drivers felt exactly like you do.

Did you know that automobile insurance companies can refuse to pay your claim if you were not wearing a seat belt. I know mine has that written in their policy. Passengers not wearing a seat belt get no medical coverage either.
That would be the laws in your state, which is something that you should take up with YOUR state legislature.

I am sure a lot of dead tractor-trailer drivers felt exactly like you do.

Did you know that automobile insurance companies can refuse to pay your claim if you were not wearing a seat belt. I know mine has that written in their policy. Passengers not wearing a seat belt get no medical coverage either.

If my insurance company ever did that I would switch companies. I don't care if people ride motorcycles with no helmet on. It's their business--not government and certainly not mine. And I reject the idea of insurance companies running this country. That's not what our founders envisioned.

If I get killed in an auto accident that could have been prevented by a seat belt, then I died the way I wanted to. That's the way it should be in a free country. You make a choice, accept the risk when you make that choice, and live your life the way you want to.
If my insurance company ever did that I would switch companies. I don't care if people ride motorcycles with no helmet on. It's their business--not government and certainly not mine. And I reject the idea of insurance companies running this country. That's not what our founders envisioned.

If I get killed in an auto accident that could have been prevented by a seat belt, then I died the way I wanted to. That's the way it should be in a free country. You make a choice, accept the risk when you make that choice, and live your life the way you want to.

That won't do you any good. It is a state law in most places. If you get severely injured because you were not wearing a seat belt, the insurance company can deny your claim. You best check your state's laws.
What's your take on the cops who were beaten on Jan. 6, thanks to that orangle knuckle dragger who's ass you yearn to stuff your face into, CLOWN?
If they were anything like you they should have been beaten. Besides that, the people that did that were FBI and ANTFA plants.
What is your take on BLM and ANTIFA burning black owned businesses and homes and neighborhoods down then raped looted and pillaged them cause $`50 Billion in damages, not to mention all the destroyed police cruisers, vandalized government buildings and burnt out police stations.
Capitalism at it finest
Shh.....don't tell Gator that it's not Capitalism when The State and Corporations are in a partnership or The Government dictates to Corporations what products they can manufacture such as Biden dictating to Automobile Manufacturers to get rid of the gasoline engine by 2035, or Biden telling Corporations that they must fire employees who do not consent to wearing a mask at work, having their temperature taken, or being forced to take a experimental gene therapy shot.

That's called Fascism.
Why don't we produce own own oil to keep from importing from anyone?
Demand surpassed what they could produce over 6 decades ago. One reason is we ran out of cheap, easily extracted oil and it was more economical to import the cheap oil and refine that rather than drill deeper for new reserves. We have not nationalize our oil. We did restrict exports but that led to more imports not less.
The US is the world leader in producing fossil fuels. Under Joe Biden we've increased fossil fuel production.
So producing less this year is an increase?

Demand surpassed what they could produce over 6 decades ago. One reason is we ran out of cheap, easily extracted oil and it was more economical to import the cheap oil and refine that rather than drill deeper for new reserves. We have not nationalize our oil. We did restrict exports but that led to more imports not less.
That's a big fucking lie. oil production decreased because of obstacles Biden imposed.
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WRONG, see chart below.

View attachment 727899
Looks pretty CONSISTENT across 2021-2022, beside the trump low of 9,713 in May 2020 and Biden's first month of Feb 2021.

These numbers ^^^^^ look like a decrease to you?
Looks like we went from 8,000 under Obama to a high of 12,000 under Trump. I believe that is Billions of Barrels correct?
We are down around 11,000 barrels right now, so there was a drop off.
It still shows production was lower in 2022 than in 2020.

Caught ^^^^ in another lie.

Shall we do a 12 month average, or 6 month average, or quarterly average?

What will the results show @bripat9643 ?

Total for the year

2020. 135, 885 /12 = 11,324 (2020)
2021. 134,927 / 12 = 11,244 (2021)
2022. 93,328 / 8 = 11,666 (2022)

Looks like ^^^^ Oil Production is UP, what you say about your LIE bripat9643
Demand surpassed what they could produce over 6 decades ago. One reason is we ran out of cheap, easily extracted oil and it was more economical to import the cheap oil and refine that rather than drill deeper for new reserves. We have not nationalize our oil. We did restrict exports but that led to more imports not less.

Why do you lie when it is so easily proven to be a lie?

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