Biden’s ‘absolute’ defense of Hunter leaves media and Justice Department in a muddle

I have a Colt that I built up with a Noveske 16" barrel that I use to 1000 yards. With the Berger VLD bullets I stay supersonic to 1100 yards, but accuracy drops at around 1050 for some reason. I still haven't doped that out. I shoot my Steyr SSG PII to 1200 yards using the 175 Sierra Match king. I shoot to 1500 yards with a Barrett MRAD in .338 Lapua, and I have a Research Armaments Long Range Rifle in .50 cal for 2000 yards. Why?
Thanks Wanna Be
Yup. I grew up when we weren't at war. Got an education and traveled to almost every shithole that our troops finally did start to fight in. I was just there first. But, at least i don't claim to have done something I didn't do. Unlike, apparently, you.
Never heard of a little war called Vietnam huh? WANNA BE, but didnt have the balls to be.
I think they are a waste of time.

Will you believe any conclusion they come to? Or will you dismiss it out of hand because the Dems did it?

It is. But we are talking about Hunter here. You first need to show some actual malfeasance by him before you can link it to the POTUS
Depends on what they come up with. The FBI having already investigated the incident and found nothing leads me to believe any findings are politically motivated. But if they can show evidence of wrong doing.
Never heard of a little war called Vietnam huh? WANNA BE, but didnt have the balls to be.
So Popular { well known } it often became known as " Nam ".
Like ... Yeah I was in " Nam ". Got be stationed there.Saw Kerry in " nam "
aboard one them Swiftee boats actin' all Kennedy-like.Had a typewriter.
Crossed into Cambodia.Got like 3 purple hearts.For basically a little
bumble bee bite on his keister.Filled out documentation for one the
hearts.I believe a first for Purple Heart recipients.
So Popular { well known } it often became known as " Nam ".
Like ... Yeah I was in " Nam ". Got be stationed there.Saw Kerry in " nam "
aboard one them Swiftee boats actin' all Kennedy-like.Had a typewriter.
Crossed into Cambodia.Got like 3 purple hearts.For basically a little
bumble bee bite on his keister.Filled out documentation for one the
hearts.I believe a first for Purple Heart recipients.
One of us backs up our claims, the other lies about no wars when they were of military joining age

I was born
Never heard of a little war called Vietnam huh? WANNA BE, but didnt have the balls to be.

Oh, boy that hurts. What were you, a cook?

The loudest blathering, were the meakest worker bees.
I was born

Oh, boy that hurts. What were you, a cook?

The loudest blathering, were the meakest worker bees.
Nope but even if I were I would still Have served and your wanna be ass wouldn’t have. Every cook in the military has more courage than you. WANNA BE.
I was born

Oh, boy that hurts. What were you, a cook?

The loudest blathering, were the meakest worker bees.
Um ... Both Andy Griffith and Walter Matthau played cooks in
- Onionhead - { 1958 } a fair to midlin late 50's service movie.
Then Norman Fell of - Bullitt - { 1968 } as the cook in - PT 109 - {1963 }
When an inspection was under way the Inspecting Commander
asked to see how meals were prepared in the PT boat.
Norman Fell as the Ships cook showed him.How Bread was toasted
making way for peanut butter on toast.
Actually living quarters in a PT boat were quite spartan.Every nook and
cranny was used for space.I Believe there was just a sole head for the entire
crew.It had to be opened up like some dumbwaiter.
Nope but even if I were I would still Have served and your wanna be ass wouldn’t have. Every cook in the military has more courage than you. WANNA BE.

Whatever floats your boat Mr. Potato head.
Whatever floats your boat Mr. Potato head.

Dude, you just got busted in a lie and this is the best you can do, insult someone that had the balls to actually serve when you did not?
Dude, you just got busted in a lie and this is the best you can do, insult someone that had the balls to actually serve when you did not?
Cuz Westphalia is like So American.?
Like Not.It's like Hitler confusing the Rhineland with Bordeaux.
Or Sneakers { worn to play tennis } with bowling shoes.
The key in any influence peddling scheme is to protect the principal.

Hunter’s is before the Delaware grand jury and a number of charges are expected. This explains why the broad narrative has shifted towards covering Hunter, it’s now unavoidable. To protect the big guy expect a guilty plea on multiple charges thereby avoiding discovery and testimony.

I would add, probably a short sentence followed by a broken cell camera, some sleepy guards, and — well — you know the rest.
No one is above the law.......wait...... no one should be.
1. What laptop?
2. That laptop is Russian disinformation
3. Okay, it’s real, but it doesn’t implicate Joe Biden.
4. Okay, it implicates Joe Biden a little, but nothing to worry about.
5. [You are here]
1. What laptop?
2. That laptop is Russian disinformation
3. Okay, it’s real, but it doesn’t implicate Joe Biden.
4. Okay, it implicates Joe Biden a little, but nothing to worry about.
5. [You are here]
If Deep Throat was entirely plausible during Watergate then
" The Big Guy " getting 10% is just as meaningful as if a sailor
blowing his nose on deck during a Typhoon.
Haha. ok Wanna be. You know that all your "friends" secretly think you're a Wanna Be. They will deny it of course but they think it.

No, I was never a wannabe. I was in college, chasing women, and having a good time.

I never wanted to eat bad food, take orders from idiots, or risk my life so that the rich could get richer.

As I got older though, I realized that those who do follow that path are deserving of respect.

So I do. I don't respect those who lie about serving.

And neither should you.
No, I was never a wannabe. I was in college, chasing women, and having a good time.

I never wanted to eat bad food, take orders from idiots, or risk my life so that the rich could get richer.

As I got older though, I realized that those who do follow that path are deserving of respect.

So I do. I don't respect those who lie about serving.

And neither should you.
Ok Wanna Be.
No, I was never a wannabe. I was in college, chasing women, and having a good time.

I never wanted to eat bad food, take orders from idiots, or risk my life so that the rich could get richer.

As I got older though, I realized that those who do follow that path are deserving of respect.

So I do. I don't respect those who lie about serving.

And neither should you.
Even if In Prison.Where Bad food is always on,the menu.Taking orders is
never ending and Rich Man,Poor Man ... makes no nevermind.
Where the word " respect " has many variations.

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