".. Biden will never enforce any new law.. refuses to use.. tools he already has.. [for border crisis].. I cannot vote for this bill."

Certainly not after he intentionally welcomed in 14 million illegals the past 3 years. He's suddenly going to do a 180? I don't think so. But of course after he gets his Ukraine money he's free to F over America on the border part of the deal.
maybe he is buying off Ukraine...

after all, that country KNOWS all about his ... let's say

Comer and Co. issues... lol
5th post
says the one who never pays attention to the issue of bribery... using tax money to self aggrandize..............
If only you guys had a shred of evidence for your lies, you wouldn't have to slither around message boards making stuff up.

And Comer wouldn't have to ply you with lies and half truths.
10th post

Meh... you say that

15th post

Senator Barasso of WY is against the border bill and I am presuming many other Rs will agree with him.

Whoever does not should be primaried
There is one reason, and one reason only, some Republicans will not vote for ANY immigration bill.

Their lord and master does not want them to. Because the economy is booming, and ranting against Mexicans is all the sore loser rapist has to use against Biden.

The tard herd is against this bill, EVEN THOUGH NONE OF THEM HAVE READ IT. They have simply been ordered to be against it, so they are.

Talk about submissive cucks!
There is one reason, and one reason only, some Republicans will not vote for ANY immigration bill.

Their lord and master does not want them to. Because the economy is booming, and ranting against Mexicans is all the sore loser rapist has to use against Biden.

The tard herd is against this bill, EVEN THOUGH NONE OF THEM HAVE READ IT. They have simply been ordered to be against it, so they are.

Talk about submissive cucks!
Intelligence is definitely on the Republican side in this one. Tardo

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