Biden wanted to give migrants $450,000 each, but the US citizens in East Palestine living in chemical contamination get NOTHING,


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
Its been two weeks and the people in East Palestine subjected to chemical warfare by the US government are stranded with no help.

Yet the fucking bastards in DC would give $450,000 to migrants?

They are putting migrants in exclusive hotels where they are throwing free food out.

Biden and Buttplug need to be IMPEACHED.

For breaking US immigration laws Biden wanted to give migrants $450,000 each. Yet US citizens get NO HELP!!!!!
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Well, if Fox News said it - it must be true. Won't you morons ever learn?
You're the moron. Learn how to use google, dumbass.

Well, if Fox News said it - it must be true. Won't you morons ever learn?

The laziest form of political discourse: "The source I disagree with is always Fake".

Who do you hold up as the ultimate arbiters of truth?

They've all been proven wrong (if I'm charitable) repeatedly.

No wonder the American people no longer trust the corporate news.

You've already lost the argument.

The attempt to holistically delegitimize an opinion based solely on the source it is derived from, is dead in the water.

Cling to it at the expense of your own credibility.
Pete "pothole" Buttigieg. Surely, not a minority appointee because he is gay or anything. So, tone deaf secretary of transportation says: We have train wrecks all the time! So, the shutdown of aviation last month? NOTAMS?, Oh that little fiasco of container ships stranded for weeks on our west coast? And the poor handling of the railroad workers a month ago? Buttigieg, another incompetent minority hire Biden appointee.
Its been two weeks and the people in East Palestine subjected to chemical warfare by the US government are stranded with no help.

Yet the fucking bastards in DC would give $450,000 to migrants?

They are putting migrants in exclusive hotels where they are throwing free food out.

Biden and Buttplug need to be IMPEACHED.

For breaking US immigration laws Biden wanted to give migrants $450,000 each. Yet US citizens get NO HELP!!!!!
You are wanting the government to pick up the tab for NORFOLK Southern? You think it has something to do with immigration? That is stupid.
It's about the money dipshit.
We have plenty of problems in the US that need to be dealt with yet we give billions to one of the most corrupt governments on the planet.
And that has what to do with a train derailment in OH, probably cause by a wheel bearing overheating? What kind of schizophrenic dream is this. Did you guys take a bunch of really good drugs, but didn't send me any?
Its been two weeks and the people in East Palestine subjected to chemical warfare by the US government are stranded with no help.

Yet the fucking bastards in DC would give $450,000 to migrants?

They are putting migrants in exclusive hotels where they are throwing free food out.

Biden and Buttplug need to be IMPEACHED.

For breaking US immigration laws Biden wanted to give migrants $450,000 each. Yet US citizens get NO HELP!!!!!
White and heterosexual
You are wanting the government to pick up the tab for NORFOLK Southern? You think it has something to do with immigration? That is stupid.
If anything Norfolk Southern should be fined and charged with creating a Superfund site within the city of East Palestine, Ohio. They've contaminated the ground and ground water with Vinyl Chloride, Methyl Acrylate, and Butyl Acrylate. That will take years if ever to degrade
A method of remediation could possibly be collecting the contaminated soil and incinerating it in rotary incinerators.

And that has what to do with a train derailment in OH, probably cause by a wheel bearing overheating? What kind of schizophrenic dream is this. Did you guys take a bunch of really good drugs, but didn't send me any?

As I just said's about the money.
Money that could have been spent on cleaning up the mess in Ohio.
But Nooooo we had to give a corrupt country billions of money for zero gain.
Our strategic reserve is down to 40 year lows and it's going to cost a shitload of money to replenish.
Our military preparedness is way down because we gave the corrupt Ukraine a shitload of our military equipment while also giving terrorist billions in military equipment.
Dems constantly cry about infrastructure yet here we are pissing away billions for zero gain.
I dont want to hear liberals bitch about money considering liberals are pissing away huge sums of money.

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