Biden to governors: "I will take steps to get you out of the way."


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Yes, the doddering democrat in the Oval Office just directly threatened governors who won't toe the administration's line regarding schools and masking, distancing, etc. He is speaking live (sort of) right now. The senile statesman's writers are not doing him any favors with this approach.
Yes, the doddering democrat in the Oval Office just directly threatened governors who won't toe the administration's line regarding schools and masking, distancing, etc. He is speaking live (sort of) right now. The senile statesman's writers are not doing him any favors with this approach.
His writers are fascist totalitarians....What did you think that you were going to get?
Yes, the doddering democrat in the Oval Office just directly threatened governors who won't toe the administration's line regarding schools and masking, distancing, etc. He is speaking live (sort of) right now. The senile statesman's writers are not doing him any favors with this approach.

What part of you are going to get vaccinated, you are going to wear a mask, and you are going to act like you've got some sense are you confused about?
He said that the Dept of Ed would reimburse any educators who might have their pay affected by Covid policies in certain states. His exact words included "I've got your back!"

Isn't that the same empty promise made to interpreters who worked with American servicemen in Afghanistan for decades? Does he think that people have already forgotten how that turned out? Maybe he assumes everyone has the goldfish-level memory that he has?

He also scolded people on airlines, among other empty posturing. Ending, of course, with a whispered "get vaccinated!" Not sure if he thinks that is dramatic and persuasive, or if his lungs just give out after speaking for a while.
Sounds interesting....

Next time the Democrats say they need 25,000 National Guard troops to protect them from citizens walking through the US Capitol with flags, the governors should tell them to fuck off...

Or go to Afghanistan, where the Fucktard's buddies in the Taliban can protect them!!!!
Sounds interesting....

Next time the Democrats say they need 25,000 National Guard troops to protect them from citizens walking through the US Capitol with flags, the governors should tell them to fuck off...

Or go to Afghanistan, where the Fucktard's buddies in the Taliban can protect them!!!!

The Governors could call up the Guard, and the Guard can refuse to be federalized. That is what we need. Revolution is in the air. Biden is George III.

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