Biden to deliver unscheduled DNC speech at Union Station near Capitol

This will be interesting, or no?

President Biden will deliver remarks on "preserving and protecting our democracy" at a Democratic National Committee event in Washington, D.C., White House officials and the DNC said Wednesday.

The president is scheduled to speak at 7 p.m. ET at the Columbus Club in Union Station, where he will address "the threat of election deniers and those who seek to undermine faith in voting and democracy," according to a DNC advisory.

White House senior adviser Anita Dunn and Deputy Chief of Staff Jen O'Malley Dillon announced the president's impending remarks at an Axios event Wednesday morning.
Maybe he'll get mugged.
Biden and the Democrats saying that the Republicans are a threat to "democracy" is incalculable irony.
Wise people are not buying it

Biden is being sent out to talk to his own crowd of sycophants in DC now that they have suppressed a GOP resurgence to justify the Left's next sweeping fascist efforts to begin criminalizing and rounding up all dissenters who speak out against the state.

Pretty amazing how no matter where you looked or who you talked to, everyone was simply appalled and angered over the past two years YET the republicans only managed to perform at the polls near the lower end of what they were expected to do even in a normal year!

Even super-popular people like Keri Lake are virtually tied neck and neck with her horrible opponent who would not even debate and ran her campaign from the basement.

This simply bucks statistical norms. Either the democrats have some super magical powers or there was again a lot of funny business going on, plus maybe many in the GOP again believed that because there was so much outright angst against democrats that they could all just sit back on their asses doing nothing and get the midterms HANDED to them?

See the source image
When did he say

Only half the nation. He doesn't have the power to split the opposing party.
You really have no idea what you are talking about.

Not for the first time, Biden has both the last laugh and a better intuition about voters than his critics assume. The midterm-election results, which appear to have delivered Republicans only modest gains, show that although a sizable minority of Americans will never defect from Trump, an even larger group seems equally determined to stop Trumpism. The existence of this anti-MAGA coalition is essential to understanding not only this election, but also the 2024 race.

America Has an Anti-MAGA Majority America Has an Anti-MAGA Majority

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