Biden Thinks He Can Take Credit For Strong Economies In Republican States

Biden's following public statement, made years ago when his mental faculties were unaffected by signs/symptoms of dementia, revealed his racist attitudes. His words mean more than anything to get inside his head (even now, when he's referred to his sister on stage as his wife, not remembering the name of a senator he's known for decades and greeted her as "senator"...she laughing politely when Biden added "You think I'm kidding but I'm not" (acknowledging he had in fact forgot her name), forgetting the name of the Pentagon ("that institution"), etc...but this quote was actually shocking and it stuck with me and millions more- “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” Had I been Obama, I would have scrapped Biden as VP immediately, regardless of appearances...but that's just me. How Biden even obtained part of the black vote is absolutely no comprendo.
And yet Obama twice sailed to victory with Biden as VP, and Biden enjoys approval ratings over 50%, a feat never achieved by Trump and only achieved by Bush right after terrorists attacked us. So maybe there are some fatal flaws in your theories.

You are right to imply that Obama obviously determined that Biden would help him win and by that he helped pull in left and right moderates. It's been said, by more than one source, that Biden's senatorial voting record often resembled a slight of right during the 90's...pretty much what's been said about Clinton during that same time. Biden voted to remove the needed safety net for investors by backing a bill that supported that mega-banks were too big to fail. Horrible bill for so many reasons.

So yes, Obama kept Biden on for a second run and won again. I voted for Obama the first time, not the second for the record. Biden was not a factor in my consideration either time, as Obama had the longevity odds to survive much longer than his VP choice.

I question the validity of Biden's "50% approval" rating. Was this poll cross-sectional as in not just conducted within one state or an even smaller area? Were the numbers polled large enough (like more than 10,000) and were they from various sectors not just one? How were the questions worded and how many possible answers per question? That matters as much as all other factors if not more, as all polls are bogus when the questions/possible limited answers skew the validity all of the way down into the trash bin.

Look at the following differences, but relatively the same question: "Do you think Biden is doing a good job? versus, "Do you think Biden is doing a good job, considering what he's up against?" The first question is more straight forward but would still need a sufficient number of possible answers to attempt valid results. The second question strongly suggests that "bad things" are just happening that are outside of Biden's control, and would significantly change the answers in a more "positive" way most likely.

How many answers were possible to all questions? When given a multiple choice format, pollsters know how to wind up with a more positive result by wording the questions, selecting the answers they want to bolster or minimize a certain result.

I'm still awaiting the various pollster orgs to come out and formally apologize to Hillary and her fans for declaring her to be the absolute, without any question, winner prior to the 2016 election! lol
Obama won, because of "white guilt" that the progressives have been taught to have. Many black people voted for Obama because of the color of his skin, not the content of his character, which made those blacks "racists". In the re election of Obama, many of those white folks, didnt like what Obama was doing to the country, so he squeaked by because Romney failed in the debates....Thank God that Romney lost, because it showed how progressive Republicans were snakes in the swamp...
Obama won twice because GW was a fuck up on every damned issue he touched.
Definately showing your progressive slave side arent you? Without Andrew Cujo and his mortgage for all, subprime mortgage act, there never would of been a market crash, and John McCain would of been president.
I know way too many people to swallow that nonsense.
In fact, why are people, starting with Trump, getting million dollar mortgages to build mansions in slum areas?
I work in Roosevelt, Uniondale and Hempstead, NY and you would drop dead if you saw the mansions and malls being built.
Why are the under writers allowing this?
Still showing your progressive slave feelings again. I used to be poor, went to work overseas learning all the tricks that liberals use to get rich...Today i am rich....I pay 12% of my income in taxes yet make over $400,000 a year. Cry me a fucking river, you ignorant asshole...
I'm happy you live amongst wealthy people.
When's the last time you drove through a slum where mansions are being built?
Washington DC. Where the gentrification of NE DC was in the progress. This is how Progressives get rid of shit, and force it upon others....
Biden's following public statement, made years ago when his mental faculties were unaffected by signs/symptoms of dementia, revealed his racist attitudes. His words mean more than anything to get inside his head (even now, when he's referred to his sister on stage as his wife, not remembering the name of a senator he's known for decades and greeted her as "senator"...she laughing politely when Biden added "You think I'm kidding but I'm not" (acknowledging he had in fact forgot her name), forgetting the name of the Pentagon ("that institution"), etc...but this quote was actually shocking and it stuck with me and millions more- “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” Had I been Obama, I would have scrapped Biden as VP immediately, regardless of appearances...but that's just me. How Biden even obtained part of the black vote is absolutely no comprendo.
And yet Obama twice sailed to victory with Biden as VP, and Biden enjoys approval ratings over 50%, a feat never achieved by Trump and only achieved by Bush right after terrorists attacked us. So maybe there are some fatal flaws in your theories.

You are right to imply that Obama obviously determined that Biden would help him win and by that he helped pull in left and right moderates. It's been said, by more than one source, that Biden's senatorial voting record often resembled a slight of right during the 90's...pretty much what's been said about Clinton during that same time. Biden voted to remove the needed safety net for investors by backing a bill that supported that mega-banks were too big to fail. Horrible bill for so many reasons.

So yes, Obama kept Biden on for a second run and won again. I voted for Obama the first time, not the second for the record. Biden was not a factor in my consideration either time, as Obama had the longevity odds to survive much longer than his VP choice.

I question the validity of Biden's "50% approval" rating. Was this poll cross-sectional as in not just conducted within one state or an even smaller area? Were the numbers polled large enough (like more than 10,000) and were they from various sectors not just one? How were the questions worded and how many possible answers per question? That matters as much as all other factors if not more, as all polls are bogus when the questions/possible limited answers skew the validity all of the way down into the trash bin.

Look at the following differences, but relatively the same question: "Do you think Biden is doing a good job? versus, "Do you think Biden is doing a good job, considering what he's up against?" The first question is more straight forward but would still need a sufficient number of possible answers to attempt valid results. The second question strongly suggests that "bad things" are just happening that are outside of Biden's control, and would significantly change the answers in a more "positive" way most likely.

How many answers were possible to all questions? When given a multiple choice format, pollsters know how to wind up with a more positive result by wording the questions, selecting the answers they want to bolster or minimize a certain result.

I'm still awaiting the various pollster orgs to come out and formally apologize to Hillary and her fans for declaring her to be the absolute, without any question, winner prior to the 2016 election! lol
Obama won, because of "white guilt" that the progressives have been taught to have. Many black people voted for Obama because of the color of his skin, not the content of his character, which made those blacks "racists". In the re election of Obama, many of those white folks, didnt like what Obama was doing to the country, so he squeaked by because Romney failed in the debates....Thank God that Romney lost, because it showed how progressive Republicans were snakes in the swamp...
Obama won twice because GW was a fuck up on every damned issue he touched.
Definately showing your progressive slave side arent you? Without Andrew Cujo and his mortgage for all, subprime mortgage act, there never would of been a market crash, and John McCain would of been president.
I know way too many people to swallow that nonsense.
In fact, why are people, starting with Trump, getting million dollar mortgages to build mansions in slum areas?
I work in Roosevelt, Uniondale and Hempstead, NY and you would drop dead if you saw the mansions and malls being built.
Why are the under writers allowing this?
Still showing your progressive slave feelings again. I used to be poor, went to work overseas learning all the tricks that liberals use to get rich...Today i am rich....I pay 12% of my income in taxes yet make over $400,000 a year. Cry me a fucking river, you ignorant asshole...
What does your post have to do with under writers approving 1M for someone who makes 20K?
Simply answer the question without going neo-Con.
Back under Cuomo and Bubba, even if you were dirt poor, you could borrow money in the subprime mortgage act that allowed you to buy a home even if you couldnt afford it. This was a lucrative business up till 2007 when the economy finally caught up with the bullshit that Cuomo allowed to happen. Thank a prog for fucking up America, all the time.
O! K!
I don't know where you were living back then but it sure wasn't in NYS or Florida or anywhere else in the US.
On that note, you're on your own in regards to this issue.
Biden's following public statement, made years ago when his mental faculties were unaffected by signs/symptoms of dementia, revealed his racist attitudes. His words mean more than anything to get inside his head (even now, when he's referred to his sister on stage as his wife, not remembering the name of a senator he's known for decades and greeted her as "senator"...she laughing politely when Biden added "You think I'm kidding but I'm not" (acknowledging he had in fact forgot her name), forgetting the name of the Pentagon ("that institution"), etc...but this quote was actually shocking and it stuck with me and millions more- “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” Had I been Obama, I would have scrapped Biden as VP immediately, regardless of appearances...but that's just me. How Biden even obtained part of the black vote is absolutely no comprendo.
And yet Obama twice sailed to victory with Biden as VP, and Biden enjoys approval ratings over 50%, a feat never achieved by Trump and only achieved by Bush right after terrorists attacked us. So maybe there are some fatal flaws in your theories.

You are right to imply that Obama obviously determined that Biden would help him win and by that he helped pull in left and right moderates. It's been said, by more than one source, that Biden's senatorial voting record often resembled a slight of right during the 90's...pretty much what's been said about Clinton during that same time. Biden voted to remove the needed safety net for investors by backing a bill that supported that mega-banks were too big to fail. Horrible bill for so many reasons.

So yes, Obama kept Biden on for a second run and won again. I voted for Obama the first time, not the second for the record. Biden was not a factor in my consideration either time, as Obama had the longevity odds to survive much longer than his VP choice.

I question the validity of Biden's "50% approval" rating. Was this poll cross-sectional as in not just conducted within one state or an even smaller area? Were the numbers polled large enough (like more than 10,000) and were they from various sectors not just one? How were the questions worded and how many possible answers per question? That matters as much as all other factors if not more, as all polls are bogus when the questions/possible limited answers skew the validity all of the way down into the trash bin.

Look at the following differences, but relatively the same question: "Do you think Biden is doing a good job? versus, "Do you think Biden is doing a good job, considering what he's up against?" The first question is more straight forward but would still need a sufficient number of possible answers to attempt valid results. The second question strongly suggests that "bad things" are just happening that are outside of Biden's control, and would significantly change the answers in a more "positive" way most likely.

How many answers were possible to all questions? When given a multiple choice format, pollsters know how to wind up with a more positive result by wording the questions, selecting the answers they want to bolster or minimize a certain result.

I'm still awaiting the various pollster orgs to come out and formally apologize to Hillary and her fans for declaring her to be the absolute, without any question, winner prior to the 2016 election! lol
Obama won, because of "white guilt" that the progressives have been taught to have. Many black people voted for Obama because of the color of his skin, not the content of his character, which made those blacks "racists". In the re election of Obama, many of those white folks, didnt like what Obama was doing to the country, so he squeaked by because Romney failed in the debates....Thank God that Romney lost, because it showed how progressive Republicans were snakes in the swamp...
Obama won twice because GW was a fuck up on every damned issue he touched.
Definately showing your progressive slave side arent you? Without Andrew Cujo and his mortgage for all, subprime mortgage act, there never would of been a market crash, and John McCain would of been president.
I know way too many people to swallow that nonsense.
In fact, why are people, starting with Trump, getting million dollar mortgages to build mansions in slum areas?
I work in Roosevelt, Uniondale and Hempstead, NY and you would drop dead if you saw the mansions and malls being built.
Why are the under writers allowing this?
Still showing your progressive slave feelings again. I used to be poor, went to work overseas learning all the tricks that liberals use to get rich...Today i am rich....I pay 12% of my income in taxes yet make over $400,000 a year. Cry me a fucking river, you ignorant asshole...
I'm happy you live amongst wealthy people.
When's the last time you drove through a slum where mansions are being built?
Washington DC. Where the gentrification of NE DC was in the progress. This is how Progressives get rid of shit, and force it upon others....
I live in a beautiful suburb in Nassau County where couples who make 150K/year were getting 1M Mortgages.
Be well.
of course xiden will...the gop leadership has allowed these states to endure the chinese pandemic, leftist leadership out of washington and threats from dnc paramilitary groups
of course xiden will...the gop leadership has allowed these states to endure the chinese pandemic, leftist leadership out of washington and threats from dnc paramilitary groups
Truth be told, the 2 R MDs in Congress, like the 15 D MDs in Congress, did not say to close the border.
Biden has always stolen from others and took credit for what they did. The Democrat party thinks they can take credit for the success they had nothing to do with.

You guys are a hoot. The data does not portray what the article says. You can find the Federal Reserve report here,

This report, generated monthly, is called the State Coincident Index. It measures changes in nonfarm payroll employment, average hours worked in manufacturing by production employees, the unemployment rate, and wage and salary disbursements divided by the Consumer Price Index. There is a color coded map that illustrates the data.

Of the first four states, Missouri, Montana, Iowa, and Nebraska, only Montana and Nebraska were "in the green", meaning they were among the states with the highest positive change over three months, in this case February, March, and April. Iowa was the only state that showed NO CHANGE, which places them dead last. Next to them, at 49th was Wyoming. Not really sure why the article linked to that Federal Reserve report. The entire Northeast was green, except for Maine. So was the west coast, that is California, Oregon, and Washington. In fact, most states were in the green, and of those that weren't, I am pretty sure all of them have Republican legislatures and most of them have a Republican governor.
This is simply the result of the relaxing of lockdowns.
That's not the mark of a strong economy. It's just the states finally ending their draconian shutdown of the economy. Job creation in a state that has stopped acting like East Germany isn't an indicator of a strong economy...especially when you take into account inflation caused by food shortages and construction materials....nor is it an indication of a rise in consumer confidence. You have look at the value of the dollar now and compare it to the value it was before the pandemic......and this will tell you that the economy is weak. There are shortages of everything due to an intentional lack of productivity.
Biden's following public statement, made years ago when his mental faculties were unaffected by signs/symptoms of dementia, revealed his racist attitudes. His words mean more than anything to get inside his head (even now, when he's referred to his sister on stage as his wife, not remembering the name of a senator he's known for decades and greeted her as "senator"...she laughing politely when Biden added "You think I'm kidding but I'm not" (acknowledging he had in fact forgot her name), forgetting the name of the Pentagon ("that institution"), etc...but this quote was actually shocking and it stuck with me and millions more- “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” Had I been Obama, I would have scrapped Biden as VP immediately, regardless of appearances...but that's just me. How Biden even obtained part of the black vote is absolutely no comprendo.
And yet Obama twice sailed to victory with Biden as VP, and Biden enjoys approval ratings over 50%, a feat never achieved by Trump and only achieved by Bush right after terrorists attacked us. So maybe there are some fatal flaws in your theories.

You are right to imply that Obama obviously determined that Biden would help him win and by that he helped pull in left and right moderates. It's been said, by more than one source, that Biden's senatorial voting record often resembled a slight of right during the 90's...pretty much what's been said about Clinton during that same time. Biden voted to remove the needed safety net for investors by backing a bill that supported that mega-banks were too big to fail. Horrible bill for so many reasons.

So yes, Obama kept Biden on for a second run and won again. I voted for Obama the first time, not the second for the record. Biden was not a factor in my consideration either time, as Obama had the longevity odds to survive much longer than his VP choice.

I question the validity of Biden's "50% approval" rating. Was this poll cross-sectional as in not just conducted within one state or an even smaller area? Were the numbers polled large enough (like more than 10,000) and were they from various sectors not just one? How were the questions worded and how many possible answers per question? That matters as much as all other factors if not more, as all polls are bogus when the questions/possible limited answers skew the validity all of the way down into the trash bin.

Look at the following differences, but relatively the same question: "Do you think Biden is doing a good job? versus, "Do you think Biden is doing a good job, considering what he's up against?" The first question is more straight forward but would still need a sufficient number of possible answers to attempt valid results. The second question strongly suggests that "bad things" are just happening that are outside of Biden's control, and would significantly change the answers in a more "positive" way most likely.

How many answers were possible to all questions? When given a multiple choice format, pollsters know how to wind up with a more positive result by wording the questions, selecting the answers they want to bolster or minimize a certain result.

I'm still awaiting the various pollster orgs to come out and formally apologize to Hillary and her fans for declaring her to be the absolute, without any question, winner prior to the 2016 election! lol
Obama won, because of "white guilt" that the progressives have been taught to have. Many black people voted for Obama because of the color of his skin, not the content of his character, which made those blacks "racists". In the re election of Obama, many of those white folks, didnt like what Obama was doing to the country, so he squeaked by because Romney failed in the debates....Thank God that Romney lost, because it showed how progressive Republicans were snakes in the swamp...
Obama won twice because GW was a fuck up on every damned issue he touched.
Definately showing your progressive slave side arent you? Without Andrew Cujo and his mortgage for all, subprime mortgage act, there never would of been a market crash, and John McCain would of been president.
I know way too many people to swallow that nonsense.
In fact, why are people, starting with Trump, getting million dollar mortgages to build mansions in slum areas?
I work in Roosevelt, Uniondale and Hempstead, NY and you would drop dead if you saw the mansions and malls being built.
Why are the under writers allowing this?
Still showing your progressive slave feelings again. I used to be poor, went to work overseas learning all the tricks that liberals use to get rich...Today i am rich....I pay 12% of my income in taxes yet make over $400,000 a year. Cry me a fucking river, you ignorant asshole...
I'm happy you live amongst wealthy people.
When's the last time you drove through a slum where mansions are being built?
Washington DC. Where the gentrification of NE DC was in the progress. This is how Progressives get rid of shit, and force it upon others....
I live in a beautiful suburb in Nassau County where couples who make 150K/year were getting 1M Mortgages.
Be well.
Are many of those houses being foreclosed on?
Biden's following public statement, made years ago when his mental faculties were unaffected by signs/symptoms of dementia, revealed his racist attitudes. His words mean more than anything to get inside his head (even now, when he's referred to his sister on stage as his wife, not remembering the name of a senator he's known for decades and greeted her as "senator"...she laughing politely when Biden added "You think I'm kidding but I'm not" (acknowledging he had in fact forgot her name), forgetting the name of the Pentagon ("that institution"), etc...but this quote was actually shocking and it stuck with me and millions more- “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” Had I been Obama, I would have scrapped Biden as VP immediately, regardless of appearances...but that's just me. How Biden even obtained part of the black vote is absolutely no comprendo.
And yet Obama twice sailed to victory with Biden as VP, and Biden enjoys approval ratings over 50%, a feat never achieved by Trump and only achieved by Bush right after terrorists attacked us. So maybe there are some fatal flaws in your theories.

You are right to imply that Obama obviously determined that Biden would help him win and by that he helped pull in left and right moderates. It's been said, by more than one source, that Biden's senatorial voting record often resembled a slight of right during the 90's...pretty much what's been said about Clinton during that same time. Biden voted to remove the needed safety net for investors by backing a bill that supported that mega-banks were too big to fail. Horrible bill for so many reasons.

So yes, Obama kept Biden on for a second run and won again. I voted for Obama the first time, not the second for the record. Biden was not a factor in my consideration either time, as Obama had the longevity odds to survive much longer than his VP choice.

I question the validity of Biden's "50% approval" rating. Was this poll cross-sectional as in not just conducted within one state or an even smaller area? Were the numbers polled large enough (like more than 10,000) and were they from various sectors not just one? How were the questions worded and how many possible answers per question? That matters as much as all other factors if not more, as all polls are bogus when the questions/possible limited answers skew the validity all of the way down into the trash bin.

Look at the following differences, but relatively the same question: "Do you think Biden is doing a good job? versus, "Do you think Biden is doing a good job, considering what he's up against?" The first question is more straight forward but would still need a sufficient number of possible answers to attempt valid results. The second question strongly suggests that "bad things" are just happening that are outside of Biden's control, and would significantly change the answers in a more "positive" way most likely.

How many answers were possible to all questions? When given a multiple choice format, pollsters know how to wind up with a more positive result by wording the questions, selecting the answers they want to bolster or minimize a certain result.

I'm still awaiting the various pollster orgs to come out and formally apologize to Hillary and her fans for declaring her to be the absolute, without any question, winner prior to the 2016 election! lol
Obama won, because of "white guilt" that the progressives have been taught to have. Many black people voted for Obama because of the color of his skin, not the content of his character, which made those blacks "racists". In the re election of Obama, many of those white folks, didnt like what Obama was doing to the country, so he squeaked by because Romney failed in the debates....Thank God that Romney lost, because it showed how progressive Republicans were snakes in the swamp...
Obama won twice because GW was a fuck up on every damned issue he touched.
Definately showing your progressive slave side arent you? Without Andrew Cujo and his mortgage for all, subprime mortgage act, there never would of been a market crash, and John McCain would of been president.
I know way too many people to swallow that nonsense.
In fact, why are people, starting with Trump, getting million dollar mortgages to build mansions in slum areas?
I work in Roosevelt, Uniondale and Hempstead, NY and you would drop dead if you saw the mansions and malls being built.
Why are the under writers allowing this?
Still showing your progressive slave feelings again. I used to be poor, went to work overseas learning all the tricks that liberals use to get rich...Today i am rich....I pay 12% of my income in taxes yet make over $400,000 a year. Cry me a fucking river, you ignorant asshole...
I'm happy you live amongst wealthy people.
When's the last time you drove through a slum where mansions are being built?
Washington DC. Where the gentrification of NE DC was in the progress. This is how Progressives get rid of shit, and force it upon others....
I live in a beautiful suburb in Nassau County where couples who make 150K/year were getting 1M Mortgages.
Be well.
Are many of those houses being foreclosed on?
I know people who have been on foreclosure notice since 2008 and the people who invested in those Mortgage Backed Securities are screwed.
It is not easy for a bank to declare a foreclosure through a county where the current administration does not want to lose the next election.
My daughter bought a house that had been in foreclosure for 14 years and the county would not allow the occupant to be evicted for the last 7 years of the foreclosure.
My son-in-law spent almost 9 months petitioning the local Sheriff.
Biden has always stolen from others and took credit for what they did. The Democrat party thinks they can take credit for the success they had nothing to do with.

It was Biden and Democrats who passed a strong stimulus bill so they deserve some credit.
Biden has always stolen from others and took credit for what they did. The Democrat party thinks they can take credit for the success they had nothing to do with.

It was Biden and Democrats who passed a strong stimulus bill so they deserve some credit.
The problem is what has that bill stimulated?
Has it stimulated crime?
Has it stimulated mass migration thru our Southern borders?
Has it stimulated unemployment? Yes.....because part of the stimulus has allowed more people to stay at home instead of working. Right now many restaurants can't find anyone to be servers. The Democrats have provided incentive for everyone to stay home and watch TV.
Biden has always stolen from others and took credit for what they did. The Democrat party thinks they can take credit for the success they had nothing to do with.

Why not..the Cheeto Jesus took credit for good economies in blue states.
You mean even in those awful Democrat-controlled cities? :laugh:
Yeah, the same cities that demoncrat tyrant governors and mayors locked down tight, and fascist shitbags like you then sacked and burned to the ground.

You get all the credit, asshole.
Poor ignorant, uneducated Oddball. Sad!

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