Biden & Staff Just Reached New Height in Cluelessness

They MUST be fake, because........................................I haven't seen one.
I've seen hundreds of pictures of them for 70 years. Ho hum.



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who cares who mines them ? What's the difference ? :dunno:
Either way, you need mining/heavy equipment to do it.
So someone is either being exploited or doing the exploiting.
Don't think the Taliban is up for either and with ISIS-K still there, they'll be plenty of sabotage.
They're savages and wish to remain so.
Don't let Biden fool you all. He knows what he is doing. He is just running a game on you all, to make it seem as if he can't pull the wool over you all.

Right now he is sending lots of your money to help build a drilling and mining site in Afghanistan, having you to think that he is just plain old nuts.

But now no one can't go over there to see what is actually going on.

And so, every missile attack is helping out their excavation.

'Oh, so now the China-Taliban connection is "well documented", huh ?
You have comprehension issues.

"They were going to be best buds with China, even sending some diplomats there, to talk with the Afghan government officials.

The Afghan government is gone, China was talking with them, not the Taliban.

" I could post tons of stuff shown on "RW media" that you lefties have never heard of".

I bet you could, no thanks.

I get snippets of the RW morons and the ridiculous crap they try to pass off as the truth.

The latest.

“Shocking video shows man hanging below Black Hawk flown by Taliban,” and only noting in the body of the story that “it is not immediately clear exactly how he is attached or if he is alive.”

Aside from the fact that even in this video, it’s obvious the man isn’t being hung from the neck, the story fell apart even more completely when another video of the same scene clearly showed the man waving to people on the ground below, and freelance journalist Bilal Sarwary provided excruciatingly damaging detail.
Wanna take one of my Quizzes for liberals, to find out how much you don't know ? (after all the time you've spent with leftist OMISSION media)
Fake pictures, all I see are casings.
See how easy it is?

HA HA HA - now you are really displaying your clown status in this forum. Go for it.

More "FAKES", huh ? There's a "FAKE" all right >> YOU.




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Either way, you need mining/heavy equipment to do it.
So someone is either being exploited or doing the exploiting.
Don't think the Taliban is up for either and with ISIS-K still there, they'll be plenty of sabotage.
They're savages and wish to remain so.
If anybody has any idea what this jibberish is "saying", please don't tell me. I'm trying to remain sane, in this thread. :rolleyes:
HA HA HA - now you are really displaying your clown status in this forum. Go for it.

More "FAKES", huh ? There's a "FAKE" all right >> YOU.

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Same thing retard, CASINGS.
Where are the bombs?
All those casings could be filled with paper or skittles.

I didn't see it, it doesn't exist.
See how easy that is?
If anybody has any idea what this jibberish is "saying", please don't tell me. I'm trying to remain sane, in this thread. :rolleyes:
You're already too far gone, moron.
Not my fault you took the Trump U. advanced, reading comprehension, correspondence course.

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