Biden Sided With Terror Leader Soleimani in Handing Control of Iraq to Iran


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
What a pathetic excuse for a politician.

Former vice president Joe Biden reportedly played a decisive role in enabling recently assassinated Iranian terror leader Qassem Soleimani to push the United States out of Iraq and deliver the country into the hands of Iran.

In 2010, as Iraq faced pivotal elections that decided the country’s direction, Soleimani went to great lengths to ensure Iranian-backed politicians won control of the government, according to a comprehensive 2013 New Yorker profile of the terror leader by Dexter Filkins.

During that time, Filkins reported, then-vice president Biden called pro-America Iraqi politician Ayad Allawi to demand he stop trying to form a government. This crucial call paved the way for Soleimani to orchestrate an Iranian takeover of the Iraqi political system, according to interviews Filkins conducted with numerous sources.

Following the assassination of Soleimani late Thursday evening, now-Democratic presidential contender Biden issued a statement accusing the Trump administration of tossing “a stick of dynamite into a tinderbox.”

Biden Sided With Terror Leader Soleimani in Handing Control of Iraq to Iran
When are you reading an article like this and you get to the word "reportedly", that means you can quit reading and move on.
What a pathetic excuse for a politician.

Former vice president Joe Biden reportedly played a decisive role in enabling recently assassinated Iranian terror leader Qassem Soleimani to push the United States out of Iraq and deliver the country into the hands of Iran.

In 2010, as Iraq faced pivotal elections that decided the country’s direction, Soleimani went to great lengths to ensure Iranian-backed politicians won control of the government, according to a comprehensive 2013 New Yorker profile of the terror leader by Dexter Filkins.

During that time, Filkins reported, then-vice president Biden called pro-America Iraqi politician Ayad Allawi to demand he stop trying to form a government. This crucial call paved the way for Soleimani to orchestrate an Iranian takeover of the Iraqi political system, according to interviews Filkins conducted with numerous sources.

Following the assassination of Soleimani late Thursday evening, now-Democratic presidential contender Biden issued a statement accusing the Trump administration of tossing “a stick of dynamite into a tinderbox.”

Biden Sided With Terror Leader Soleimani in Handing Control of Iraq to Iran

Gawd I hope this fuckup is the Dim candidate.
What a pathetic excuse for a politician.

Former vice president Joe Biden reportedly played a decisive role in enabling recently assassinated Iranian terror leader Qassem Soleimani to push the United States out of Iraq and deliver the country into the hands of Iran.

In 2010, as Iraq faced pivotal elections that decided the country’s direction, Soleimani went to great lengths to ensure Iranian-backed politicians won control of the government, according to a comprehensive 2013 New Yorker profile of the terror leader by Dexter Filkins.

During that time, Filkins reported, then-vice president Biden called pro-America Iraqi politician Ayad Allawi to demand he stop trying to form a government. This crucial call paved the way for Soleimani to orchestrate an Iranian takeover of the Iraqi political system, according to interviews Filkins conducted with numerous sources.

Following the assassination of Soleimani late Thursday evening, now-Democratic presidential contender Biden issued a statement accusing the Trump administration of tossing “a stick of dynamite into a tinderbox.”

Biden Sided With Terror Leader Soleimani in Handing Control of Iraq to Iran
I read Biden's statement on the killing of Soliemani. So he is a Democrat running against Trump. I get it. First he acknowledged the guy will not be mourned by Americans and spoke of the crimes against American troops and thousands in the region. Then he ramble about trump throwing a stick of dynamite into the tinderbox of the middle east, said Trump owes explanations, hope Trump had thought it through yada, yada, yada.

I did not expect Biden to sing praises to trump and neither did you. He is running against him. Bottom line? I am satisfied Trump did the right thing, even though it will raise the anti on the tit for tat conflict with Iran. So be it. Trump owes me no explanations on this action. I get it just fine and approve 100%. That said, Trump said this was to stop a war with Iran. That is so much bullshit you can't even get in or out of the barn. Trump and Biden are both full of political bullshit, but Trump got the job done this time and Joe just gets to talk this time.
I generally agree with your post. Iran just said that there will be a "harsh" retribution.
So lets see how badly the Ayatollah wants his regime changed.
Because he knows that whatever he does Trump will do 100x worse.

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