Biden Says He Will Cure Cancer if Elected

Joe Biden's vow to “cure cancer” as U.S. president sheds light on the unending national fight against cancer. It also shows the former vice president remains focused on his personal mission of helping the medical community win this fight.

Speaking at a Democrat campaign rally in Ottumwa, Ohio on Monday, Biden said he knows full well the pain one faces with the death of a family member to cancer. Biden’s son, Beau, succumbed to brain cancer in 2015.

"I know how you feel,” said Biden to folks at the rally that lost loved ones to cancer.

Presidential Election 2020: Joe Biden Promises To 'Cure Cancer' If Elected
Biden promises he'll 'cure cancer' if elected president
How can anyone take Joe Biden seriously? Old brain damaged Joe has made some amazing gaffes but this one in Ottumwa, Iowa may be the most fantastic of all. Biden says he will find a cure for cancer if elected.

Presumably if not elected he will just let cancer be.

How can anyone respect a party that has incredibly corrupt, incredibly dumb, incredibly dishonest Joe Biden as it's front runner?
Why not promise world peace and global climate stasis for eternity while you are at it, Joe?
Democrats...come on. You cannot be serious!
How can anyone respect a party that has incredibly corrupt, incredibly dumb, incredibly dishonest Joe Biden as it's front runner?
Except for the dumb part he is a male Killary.
Maybe balancing the budget would be a better trump and so many others promised? Biden list his son to cancer. I don't doubt his promise..
Why not, hell you took old ass Trump seriously. How much shit has he promised and not delivered on.

Not much. He's kept more promises than any other president. Especially ONLY HAVING BEEN IN OFFICE 2 YEARS.

Really? When is Obamacare going away, he said that would happen Day1.

When is he going to put his great healthcare plan in place?

When is the wall going to be built and Mexico pay for it.

Tax cuts for the Middle Class.

NK giving up their nukes.

I could do this all day.

It's been jaw dropping how much shit he said he would do during the campaign and he is doing it as president.

Trump-O-Meter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept | PolitiFact

The jaw dropping is how much he hasn't done and that link proves it.
He did away with the mandate, a step in the right direction.
Republicans even went against him when he tried to replace Obama care. Just let it fail now and then fix it.
There is a wall going up. Mexico is paying to keep immigrants from coming here.
Everyone that pays taxes got a cut. You recycling the Bush tax cut lie.
He met with Kim, something Obama wish he could've done.
Trump has done more for America than any president, maybe not Regan.
Biden promises he'll 'cure cancer' if elected president
How can anyone take Joe Biden seriously? Old brain damaged Joe has made some amazing gaffes but this one in Ottumwa, Iowa may be the most fantastic of all. Biden says he will find a cure for cancer if elected.

Presumably if not elected he will just let cancer be.

How can anyone respect a party that has incredibly corrupt, incredibly dumb, incredibly dishonest Joe Biden as it's front runner?
Why not promise world peace and global climate stasis for eternity while you are at it, Joe?
Democrats...come on. You cannot be serious!
"A lot of you understand what loss is and when loss occurs, you know that people come up to you and tell you 'I understand' if you lose a husband, a wife, a son, a daughter, a family member," he said. "That's why I've worked so hard in my career to make sure that — I promise you if I'm elected president, you're going to see the single most important thing that changes America, we're gonna cure cancer."

The statement drew applause from the audience.

Biden has taken the lead on cancer issues before. He lost his eldest son, Beau Biden, to brain cancer, in 2015. The former vice president was tasked with leading President Barack Obama's "Cancer Moonshot" initiative to find a cure for cancer in the last year of the Obama administration.
Joe Biden says 'we're gonna cure cancer' if he's elected president

I get it!
Poor Plugs is looking for sympathy votes.
Uses his dead son to pander for votes.

Folks!, I bring you the frontrunning nominee of the vile Democrat Party!!
(Democraps indeed, have no shame...).
Why not, hell you took old ass Trump seriously. How much shit has he promised and not delivered on.

Not much. He's kept more promises than any other president. Especially ONLY HAVING BEEN IN OFFICE 2 YEARS.

Really? When is Obamacare going away, he said that would happen Day1.

When is he going to put his great healthcare plan in place?

When is the wall going to be built and Mexico pay for it.

Tax cuts for the Middle Class.

NK giving up their nukes.

I could do this all day.

It's been jaw dropping how much shit he said he would do during the campaign and he is doing it as president.

Trump-O-Meter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept | PolitiFact

The jaw dropping is how much he hasn't done and that link proves it.
He did away with the mandate, a step in the right direction.

For who?
Republicans even went against him when he tried to replace Obama care. Just let it fail now and then fix it.

Can you post the plan he had to replace it with.
There is a wall going up.

There are repairs being made to existing walls.
Mexico is paying to keep immigrants from coming here.

So why is there a crisis at the border if they are paying to keep immigrants from coming here?
Everyone that pays taxes got a cut. You recycling the Bush tax cut lie.

So in your eyes if you got a .5 cut, then you got a cut.
He met with Kim, something Obama wish he could've done.

Hmmm, can you tell me why the previous 12 presidents had no desire to met with NK?

Trump has done more for America than any president, maybe not Regan.

Ok fair enough, give me a list of things Trump is solely responsible for. Don't give me trends that were started long before he came into office. Come to think of it the Deficit just hit a NEW HiGH, where have all the fiscal conservatives gone to? Why isn't Sean Hannity whining about his kids and grandkids having to pay for the deficit like he did when Pres. Obama was in office.
My only question for him is this one: Why wait if you truly do have the ability to make the right kind of difference? I have an aunt who is currently going through her second face off with the horror!

God bless you and her always!!!

Biden promises he'll 'cure cancer' if elected president
How can anyone take Joe Biden seriously? Old brain damaged Joe has made some amazing gaffes but this one in Ottumwa, Iowa may be the most fantastic of all. Biden says he will find a cure for cancer if elected.

Presumably if not elected he will just let cancer be.

How can anyone respect a party that has incredibly corrupt, incredibly dumb, incredibly dishonest Joe Biden as it's front runner?
Why not promise world peace and global climate stasis for eternity while you are at it, Joe?
Democrats...come on. You cannot be serious!
The only reason why he made a promise. It is that they has already found a cure. That he is going to use the cure to get him elected. Like almonds and kale is known to prevent cancer. The both has a high content of sulfur. And sulfur helps cleanse the blood. Making a person's complexion smooth and radiant. Combine sulfur with Vitamin C will help get rid of all sorts of toxins that has build up inside the body. All the way to the bone.
Pres.Trump better get rid of Obama's leftover. They're trying to make sure that the cure for cancer will not be under his watch. That are going to give all of the credit to Biden.


Sulfur as Cancer Treatment

Biden promises he'll 'cure cancer' if elected president
How can anyone take Joe Biden seriously? Old brain damaged Joe has made some amazing gaffes but this one in Ottumwa, Iowa may be the most fantastic of all. Biden says he will find a cure for cancer if elected.

Presumably if not elected he will just let cancer be.

How can anyone respect a party that has incredibly corrupt, incredibly dumb, incredibly dishonest Joe Biden as it's front runner?
Why not promise world peace and global climate stasis for eternity while you are at it, Joe?
Democrats...come on. You cannot be serious!

He should cure senility first...and fast.

He's really fading.

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